* QA Notice: Files built without respecting LDFLAGS have been detected * Please include the following list of files in your report: * /usr/libexec/passenger/ext/nginx/HelperServer Compiled with following options: t ~ # emerge -pv nginx These are the packages that would be merged, in order: Calculating dependencies... done! [ebuild R ] www-servers/nginx-0.8.53 USE="http http-cache ipv6 pcre ssl -aio -debug -libatomic -vim-syntax" NGINX_MODULES_HTTP="access addition auth_basic autoindex browser cache_purge charset dav degradation empty_gif fastcgi flv geo geoip gzip gzip_static headers_more image_filter limit_req limit_zone map memcached passenger perl proxy push random_index realip referer rewrite scgi secure_link split_clients ssi stub_status sub upstream_ip_hash userid uwsgi xslt" NGINX_MODULES_MAIL="imap pop3 smtp" RUBY_TARGETS="ruby18" 0 kB
Created attachment 257668 [details] Build log
affected ebuilds are no longer in cvs, closing ...