Lightmediascanner is a simple yet efficient media scanner that stores information in an SQLite3 database. Its scanners plugins are done in a way to preserve memory and avoid doing more than required, most don't even use third party libraries to do their task (the most common formats like id3, jpeg and png are very optimized). Reproducible: Always Steps to Reproduce:
Created attachment 248407 [details] media-libs/lightmediascanner-
Created attachment 248409 [details] metadata.xml reference metadata.xml documenting the ebuild and its flags.
Created attachment 248411 [details] media-libs/lightmediascanner- Sorry, the last ebuild lacked the src_install(). This one contains it and remove libtool files (not required/desired, must use pkg-config and the plugins do not use libtool) and also static-libraries (feel free to drop this part if you wish).
Thank you for your ebuild. Unfortunately, it still needs a few polishes to match the current QA policy. We'd appreciate if you could fix them, following my advices and helping yourself with the devmanual [1]: 1) DESCRIPTION isn't supposed to end with a full stop, please drop it; 2) Please do not embed the complete program name and version in SRC_URI, use ${P} instead; 3) Please embed only KEYWORDS for the platforms you've tested the ebuild on, and order them lexically; 4) Please do not use '+use' syntax in IUSE without a reason; most of the flags you're using are either enabled by default in the profiles or in users' systems (if they use the particular media format); please order IUSE lexically; 5) Please do not export variables unless necessary; 6) Please try to keep things simple and clean. Your MY_ECONF doesn't bring any advantages, while making the code less readable. Please inline the configure parameters to the econf call, i.e.: econf \ --enable-video-dummy \ --enable-audio-dummy \ ... 7) emake calls need to be followed by an '|| die' statement, to make sure the installation is aborted whenever they fail, i.e. 'emake install DESTDIR="${D}" || die', 8) Have you tried passing --disable-static to econf, to disable building static libraries? [1]
Sorry being a lazy bitch... I did it in a hurry to get my code that uses it done, did a quick run of repoman and it did not complain so I posted it here. I'll attach the fix of most problems, however: 2 - SRC_URI: this file comes from (source forge like) and the url changes fully, just ${P}.tar.bz2 will not do, the directory also changes with every file :-( As I'm the author of the library I can setup an http somewhere else and pull from there, but then it will be more pain to maintain as I'll have to remember to upload to multiple places. 3 - tested on ARM and X86, reordered. 4 - IUSE: added + just in front of those without external dependencies and that are not enabled by default. Particularly id3 and playlists, without them the scanner is pretty useless as these are most used music files.
Created attachment 248438 [details] media-libs/lightmediascanner- new version with required fixes
(In reply to comment #5) > 2 - SRC_URI: this file comes from (source forge like) and the > url changes fully, just ${P}.tar.bz2 will not do, the directory also changes > with every file :-( You still can use ${P} to shorten the SRC_URI and decrease the amount of required changes. And as the basic QA violations have been fixed, now for the magical part: Hello, The Gentoo Team would like to firstly thank you for your ebuild submission. We also apologize for not being able to accommodate you in a timely manner. There are simply too many new packages. Allow me to use this opportunity to introduce you to Gentoo Sunrise. The sunrise overlay[1] is a overlay for Gentoo which we allow trusted users to commit to and all users can have ebuilds reviewed by Gentoo devs for entry into the overlay. So, the sunrise team is suggesting that you look into this and submit your ebuild to the overlay where even *you* can commit to. =) Thanks, On behalf of the Gentoo Sunrise Team, Michał. [1]: [2]:
Okay, thanks. I'll consider the sunrise.