Ebuild request Reproducible: Always Steps to Reproduce: 1. 2. 3.
Created attachment 20826 [details, diff] xmule-1.6.1-to-1.7.0.ebuild.patch Hi, attached is my patch to upgrade xmule-1.6.1.ebuild to ebuild-1.7.0.ebuild The xmule project decided to use MakeNG for their Makefiles from now on, but I'm using the old Makefile.in provided in the archive. Due to this, the src_install needs some more parameters. Sven
Works like a charm, but now XMule 1.7.1 is out! "New ebuild!" :)
Yes, the patch to the ebuild works perfectly. I have just renamed the result from 1.7.0 to 1.7.1 -- success! So the new ebuild is already there.
How long will it be before this will be in portage? There have already been two releases within the last update, which was over a month ago.
Seems like the developers are really busy at the moment. Since I'm not a developer (yet) I can't add it to portage. So we just keep waiting or creating our own ebuilds.
1.7.1 is in cvs