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Bug 3328 - lirc ebuild doesn't install lircd.conf
Summary: lirc ebuild doesn't install lircd.conf
Alias: None
Product: Gentoo Linux
Classification: Unclassified
Component: New packages (show other bugs)
Hardware: All Linux
: High enhancement
Assignee: Brandon Low (RETIRED)
Depends on:
Reported: 2002-06-02 11:13 UTC by Georg Sauthoff
Modified: 2002-07-26 14:32 UTC (History)
1 user (show)

See Also:
Package list:
Runtime testing required: ---

lirc-0.6.5.ebuild (New Package) (lirc.tar.gz,3.30 KB, text/plain)
2002-06-02 11:17 UTC, Georg Sauthoff
updated ebuild (lirc-0.6.5.ebuild,2.70 KB, text/plain)
2002-06-04 15:12 UTC, Brandon Low (RETIRED)
New updated version of the lirc-0.6.5.ebuild (lirc.tar.gz) (lirc.tar.gz,3.67 KB, application/gzip)
2002-07-09 06:57 UTC, Georg Sauthoff

Note You need to log in before you can comment on or make changes to this bug.
Description Georg Sauthoff 2002-06-02 11:13:32 UTC
I attached lirc.tar.gz. It contains lirc-0.6.5.ebuild, a daemon startup script  
and a patch.  
Lirc stands for Linux Infrared Remote Control. Under is a  
short describtion:  
"LIRC is a package that allows you to decode and send infra-red signals of  
many (but not all) commonly used remote controls."  
Interesting features:  
- supports very simple home-brew hardware, too (easy to make)  
- with lirc you can control programs like xawtv easily  
- and many more  
With my patch lirc compiles with the gentoo 2.5.19pre ac kernels.  
I think sys-apps/lirc would be fine.  
I suggest the new USE variable "lirc", because with this, other program  
ebuilds which have already built-in lirc support can enable it. Like xawtv  
See also my xawtv  lirc patch which I will submit to bugzilla in 2 minutes. I  
am not sure yet, into which categorie I should put it.  
Georg Sauthoff  
P.S.: When I submit new ebuilds I am not sure if I should specify Version in  
bugzilla, because the ebuilds could work for different Genntoo Version  
(perhaps). So what should I specify?
Comment 1 Georg Sauthoff 2002-06-02 11:17:53 UTC
Created attachment 1308 [details]
lirc-0.6.5.ebuild (New Package)
Comment 2 Georg Sauthoff 2002-06-02 14:49:39 UTC
Ok, the xawtv lirc ebuild patch is now up    Georg Sauthoff 
Comment 3 Brandon Low (RETIRED) gentoo-dev 2002-06-04 06:22:36 UTC
I'll take this one, but could you re-attach that file, or e-mail it to me or
something, it is marked as text/plain, and as such won't download as a tar.gz
for me.
Comment 4 Georg Sauthoff 2002-06-04 14:26:14 UTC
Oh, I just marked it at text/plain because it is written in the "How to submit ebuilds"/"Contributing Ebuilds" document to do it ("Make sure that the content type is set to text/plain" - And in his example he attached a tar.gz and no .ebuild).      I thought first, why text/plain when tar.gz is surely no text/plain. Perhaps it is a mistake by the guy who write the doc or it is necessary for some reason I can't imagine (because he mention it ).    But then the download works for me. When I right click to "Created an Attachement", click "Save as.." and change the filename to something.tar.gz I can download  and use it (cmp it - it is the same as the one I uploaded ).  But no problem - I just mail it to you.  To clear this thing up, is this a mistake in the doc?   
Comment 5 Georg Sauthoff 2002-06-04 14:27:41 UTC
Sorry about the missing line wrap, but this is konquerors fault, 
next time I use mozilla. 
Comment 6 Brandon Low (RETIRED) gentoo-dev 2002-06-04 14:48:46 UTC
Hey, looks like this ebuild requires USER modification to install what a user
needs, do you know of any to make the ebuild build support for ALL drivers into it?
Comment 7 Brandon Low (RETIRED) gentoo-dev 2002-06-04 15:12:30 UTC
Created attachment 1339 [details]
updated ebuild

I've added a few minor things and changed comments, and stuff of that sort. 
Let me know if you have any additional thoughts, otherwise I'd be happy to
commit this.  Also I think it should go in app-misc rather than sys-apps as it
is not really a system application.  

Oh one more thing... does lircd really need net?  I think probably it just
needs localmount.
Comment 8 Georg Sauthoff 2002-06-04 16:31:08 UTC
No lircd don't really need net, I think.

I choosed the category sys-apps because I see there lm_sensors, but app-misc is
ok too for me.

The changes are cool but one thing. With "any" as driver argument there are  no
lirc kernel modules built:
"Your hardware does not require a kernel module." (configure output)
Does we want this?

I don't know why lirc don't have an option "all" by the way.

What do you think if the ebuild aborts and prints info out, if the user doesn't
edit the ebuild to specify a driver? 

I don't know if it is possible/good to patch lirc, that it build all drivers.
Will take a look.

Or am I missing something?
Comment 9 Brandon Low (RETIRED) gentoo-dev 2002-06-04 16:35:13 UTC
Ebuilds should work initially with NO user input... this isn't MY policy, it is
gentoo policy IIRC, I'm having someome more important than me take a look at
this I hope...
Comment 10 Georg Sauthoff 2002-07-09 06:55:43 UTC

after a break now i have time to look after the lirc. 
I make some changes:
- default settings will build drivers (are only six) for all supported remote
- no need for user modification of the ebuild
- the user can set the environment Variable LIRC_OPTS for special configure
options at build time (inspired by alsa-driver)

Now I think it is more comfortable to use.

This new  version is attached (lirc.tar.gz).

georg sauthoff
Comment 11 Georg Sauthoff 2002-07-09 06:57:57 UTC
Created attachment 2067 [details]
New updated version of the lirc-0.6.5.ebuild (lirc.tar.gz)
Comment 12 Brandon Low (RETIRED) gentoo-dev 2002-07-12 10:40:11 UTC
hey sorry about the delay, this version looks much nicer, I'm going to commit it
masked and look for some testers :)
Comment 13 Brandon Low (RETIRED) gentoo-dev 2002-07-12 10:41:02 UTC
wait hold on... I get a sandbox error
Comment 14 Georg Sauthoff 2002-07-14 08:38:06 UTC
Hm, what sandbox error do you get? I don't have any sandbox violations.
Comment 15 Brandon Low (RETIRED) gentoo-dev 2002-07-14 09:34:39 UTC
My computer must have been being an idiot, they went away, committing, now on to
xawtv :)
Comment 16 John Steele Scott 2002-07-21 20:28:55 UTC

I'm trying to get this to work with the lirc_serial driver on my system. The
driver seems to load okay, and auto-detects the correct sense, but I still don't
have any kind of /dev/lirc. Does this have to be made manually? Can it be made

Two other nitpicks: after the merge, a message is printed to "please read the
documentation", but it doesn't say where the documentation has been installed.

Also, would it be possible to install a skeleton /etc/lircd.conf for people to
start from?


Comment 17 Brandon Low (RETIRED) gentoo-dev 2002-07-21 20:40:55 UTC
in future, it is probably better to open a new bug ;-)
Comment 18 Georg Sauthoff 2002-07-22 05:14:21 UTC

yes a new bug report for this would be better.

>have any kind of /dev/lirc. Does this have to be made manually? Can it be made

I tried today lirc_serial and it seems, that it that not automatically creates
the device.  I use lirc-dev and lirc-i2c (hauppauge) which do create /dev/lirc
on devfs. Don't know why there are differences.

For testing you can create it manually:
mknod /dev/lirc c 61 0

When it works then you can put a line in devfsd.conf which automatically creates it.

>Two other nitpicks: after the merge, a message is printed to "please read the
documentation", but it doesn't say where the documentation has been installed.

You can read the man pages, and the html docs in the lirc source (at
/usr/portage/distfiles) or on the homepage. I think for the next
version/release I will add the html docs to /usr/share/doc/lirc.

>Also, would it be possible to install a skeleton /etc/lircd.conf for people to
start from?

I think this is not a good idea, because this file is very remote control
specific. Just go to . There a lot of ready rc
configuration (download and rename one to lircd.conf). Or if there isn't your
remote you have do create it (it is describes in the docs). I think I will add
the bz2 archive of all supported rc to the next release to /usr/share/doc/lirc.

I hope this helps.

And Brandon Low, should I assign new ebuild submissions of lirc to you?
Comment 19 John Steele Scott 2002-07-26 05:47:13 UTC
Thanks Georg.

I added "alias char-major-61 lirc_serial" to my /etc/modules.d/aliases, and
"LOOKUP ^lirc EXECUTE /bin/mknod /dev/lirc c 61 0" to my /etc/devfsd.conf. Then
I  could create the config file for my remote, and it works now.

Of course now we need an ebuild for xmms-lirc :)
Comment 20 Georg Sauthoff 2002-07-26 14:32:51 UTC
> Of course now we need an ebuild for xmms-lirc :)

Thats really true and no big thing - I will submit it next week.