% guile -c "(use-modules (ice-9 slib))" ;;; note: autocompilation is enabled, set GUILE_AUTO_COMPILE=0 ;;; or pass the --no-autocompile argument to disable. ;;; compiling /usr/share/guile/slib/guile.init ;;; WARNING: compilation of /usr/share/guile/slib/guile.init failed: ;;; key syntax-error, throw args (macroexpand "~a in ~a" ("unexpected syntax" define) #f) ERROR: In procedure macroexpand: ERROR: unexpected syntax in define Reproducible: Always
Joerg, Can you please provide: emerge --info =dev-scheme/slib-3.2.2 and /var/tmp/portage/dev-scheme/slib/temp/build.log Thanks
Also, please attach the entire build log as a file.