JACK 0.116.0 included support for CELT codec: http://jackaudio.org/node/20 This should have use flag and depedency in the ebuilds. Reproducible: Always Steps to Reproduce: Actual Results: jack-audio-connection-kit uses pkg-config to include support for system celt. Expected Results: Ebuild should have a use flag to include or disable support. proaudio overlay has the use flag, but the ebuild does nothing to prevent compiling against system celt.
jack (upstream) now uses opus instead of celt for networked audio. this is reflected in the pro-audio overlay: http://svnweb.tuxfamily.org/listing.php?repname=proaudio%2Fproaudio&path=%2Ftrunk%2Foverlays%2Fproaudio%2Fmedia-sound%2Fjack-audio-connection-kit%2F&#a72a1a9d6e1893ea6b4d455968e448255 (celt USE-flag supported for -1.9999.ebuild and opus USE-flag for -2.9999.ebuild)
Ping. This is causing an automagic dep on celt.
media-libs/celt is masked for removal in 30 days.