app-emulation/virtualbox-guest-additions-3.2.6 shows this error when the init is launched: # /etc/init.d/virtualbox-guest-additions restart * Caching service dependencies ... [ ok ] * Starting VirtualBox guest additions ... * Loading kernel modules and creating devices * Starting the vboxadd system service /sbin/start-stop-daemon: stat /usr/sbin/vboxadd-service: No such file or directory (No such file or directory) * Failed to start VirtualBox guest additions ---- this happens because the init.d try to call a non existing /usr/sbin/vboxadd-service binary, which instead is called /usr/sbin/vboxguest-service; to fix the problem just rename all instances of 'vboxadd-service' as 'vboxguest-service' inside the file '/etc/init.d/virtualbox-guest-additions'. I hope this will be useful. Toffanin p.s.: this exact problem and its solution have just been pointed out in the report #285977
I suppose you didn't update your init scripts after you installed virtualbox-guest-additions-3.2.6 The init script is already fixed (as can be seen by looking at the file virtualbox-guest-additions-7.initd). Please make sure to use the updated init script.