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Bug 326563 - KDE 4.4.4: digital clock shows no holidays region
Summary: KDE 4.4.4: digital clock shows no holidays region
Alias: None
Product: Gentoo Linux
Classification: Unclassified
Component: [OLD] KDE (show other bugs)
Hardware: All Linux
: High normal
Assignee: Gentoo KDE team
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Reported: 2010-07-02 07:52 UTC by urcindalo
Modified: 2010-08-28 07:30 UTC (History)
1 user (show)

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Description urcindalo 2010-07-02 07:52:17 UTC
I had this problem also with the old KDE 4.3.5 and it is not gone after upgrading to 4.4.4: digital clock shows no "holidays region" entries in the Calendar tab. However, the calendar option in kontact does. I can correctly choose my region and the holidays appear on kontact's calendar.

The problem is still there even after fully wiping out the contents of /var/tmp/kdecache-mysuer and starting with a fresh ~/.kde4 folder

Manually setting "holidaysRegion=es" in "~/.kde4/share/config/plasma-desktop-appletsrc" makes no difference. I see "Do not show holidays" in Digital Clock's calendar tab.

Reproducible: Always
Comment 1 BerS 2010-07-06 17:09:27 UTC
If I understand correctly, we should have in the system
But I do not have this.
May be because in ./configure of plasma-workspace -DWITH_KdepimLibs=OFF ?
(KDE PIM libraries Needed for building several plasma dataengines)
P.S. kdepimlibs installed on my system.
P.P.S. How to change -DWITH_KdepimLibs ?
P.P.P.S. Sorry for my English ;)
Comment 2 BerS 2010-07-06 17:14:09 UTC
I was right, I deleted plasma-dataengine-calendar.desktop
 in Arch Linux and reproduce this bug.
But I am not programmer, I do not know how to fix it :(
Comment 3 Tomáš Chvátal (RETIRED) gentoo-dev 2010-07-06 17:15:45 UTC
try to enable rss useflag on plasma-workspace
Comment 4 BerS 2010-07-07 05:57:29 UTC
Strange, but it works :)
It may be necessary to add a use flag for the holidays?
Rss is quite another. 
Comment 5 urcindalo 2010-07-07 07:16:15 UTC
(In reply to comment #3)
> try to enable rss useflag on plasma-workspace

I can confirm enabling the "rss" USE flag solves the problem.

But I still can't understand what the hell has the "rss" USE flag to do with holidays region in digital clock's calendar, and why they appear in kontact's calendar instead without the cited USE flag.
Comment 6 Igor Poboiko 2010-08-28 07:30:18 UTC
Shouldn't be 'rss' USE-flag renamed to 'pim' or something similar? Just because  it enables all plasma integration with PIM (not only rss. As we can see, calendar and holidays too, maybe something else). Just a quote from ebuild:
        $(cmake-utils_use_with rss KdepimLibs)
When rss USE-flag is enabled, plasma compiles with all KDEPIM support. Name 'rss' for this flag really confuses users (as example you can see this bug :) ).