This is a regression from tuxonice-sources-2.6.32-r5. It seems to happen shortly after disconnecting from a mobile broadband network connection. The only other clue is that just before one instance of the hang, a 'ping' command repeatedly showed the error message 'buffer space exhausted' or 'out of buffer space' or similar. Sorry, but as I am experiencing severe problems with my mobile broadband device (unrelated to this bug), I did not record the ping error message. The hang is that the keyboard and mouse are unresponsive, and the caps-lock and num-lock LEDs are flashing. Machine is a MSI S270 laptop.
Created attachment 225905 [details] kernel .config The .config that was used to build the offending kernel.
Please, paste your "emerge --info" output.
*-lock leds flashing means kernel problem. Can you try gentoo-sources and vanilla-sources to determine whenever it's linux-2.6.33 specific or tuxonice patch specific?
Created attachment 227109 [details] emerge --info
Too onerous to try other kernels. I'll just stay with 2.6.32 series. Sorry but I am just too busy at the moment. I hoped there would be a general problem but if it's just me, I'll live with it.