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Bug 311825 - media-video/coherence KEYWORD request
Summary: media-video/coherence KEYWORD request
Alias: None
Product: Gentoo Linux
Classification: Unclassified
Component: Current packages (show other bugs)
Hardware: All Linux
: High enhancement
Assignee: Jeremy Olexa (darkside) (RETIRED)
Depends on:
Blocks: 308763
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Reported: 2010-03-28 19:47 UTC by Pacho Ramos
Modified: 2011-01-26 22:46 UTC (History)
1 user (show)

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Runtime testing required: ---


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Description Pacho Ramos gentoo-dev 2010-03-28 19:47:27 UTC
Hello darkside

Some people wants newer rhythmbox versions keyworded on x86 but it would need coherence keywording also. I report this to let you add arches if you agree :-)

Thanks a lot

Reproducible: Always
Comment 1 Pacho Ramos gentoo-dev 2010-03-28 19:48:48 UTC
Would be nice to get it keyworded on  ppc ppc64 sparc x86 if possible
Comment 2 Jeremy Olexa (darkside) (RETIRED) archtester gentoo-dev Security 2010-03-29 15:25:35 UTC
No worries on the additional KEYWORDS. I want to ask you first, are you interested in becoming an additional maintainer for this package. It is obvious that I am not able to give it the attention that I thought and now other packages are depending on it, which scares me some. :)
Comment 3 Pacho Ramos gentoo-dev 2010-03-29 15:33:16 UTC
Sadly, for now, I would prefer to not maintain it since I am really not using it (I got to this simply because of rhythmbox changes). On the other hand, I will probably take sys-apps/preload

Best regards
Comment 4 Jeremy Olexa (darkside) (RETIRED) archtester gentoo-dev Security 2010-03-29 16:07:05 UTC
worth a try. :)

arches, it is a rough ebuild in my opinion. Please report any problems.

ppc ppc64 sparc x86
Comment 5 Andreas Schürch gentoo-dev 2010-04-22 08:10:13 UTC
I roughly tested it on x86 with rhythmbox-0.12.8, and havent seen any misbehavior. :-)
Comment 6 Christian Faulhammer (RETIRED) gentoo-dev 2010-04-22 08:25:03 UTC
Already done for x86 in Gnome 2.28 bug
Comment 7 Samuli Suominen (RETIRED) gentoo-dev 2010-07-06 15:45:42 UTC
ppc64 done
Comment 8 Raúl Porcel (RETIRED) gentoo-dev 2010-09-25 18:43:22 UTC
p.use.masked on sparc
Comment 9 Michael Weber (RETIRED) gentoo-dev 2011-01-07 09:37:20 UTC
sparc done
Comment 10 Kacper Kowalik (Xarthisius) (RETIRED) gentoo-dev 2011-01-26 22:46:55 UTC
add ~ppc, last arch closing