faac doesn't encode to bitrates higher than 152 kbit $ faac -b 192 file.wav Freeware Advanced Audio Coder FAAC 1.28 Average bitrate: 152 kbps Quantization quality: 100 Bandwidth: 16000 Hz Object type: Low Complexity(MPEG-2) + M/S Container format: Transport Stream (ADTS) Encoding file.wav to file.aac frame | bitrate | elapsed/estim | play/CPU | ETA 11238/11238 (100%)| 150.4 | 7.2/7.2 | 36.43x | 0.0 Patch removes this limitation: Freeware Advanced Audio Coder FAAC 1.28 Average bitrate: 192 kbps Quantization quality: 100 Bandwidth: 20000 Hz Object type: Low Complexity(MPEG-2) + M/S Container format: Transport Stream (ADTS) Encoding file.wav to file.aac frame | bitrate | elapsed/estim | play/CPU | ETA 11238/11238 (100%)| 190.0 | 8.1/8.1 | 32.06x | 0.0
Created attachment 225117 [details, diff] patch
(In reply to comment #1) > Created an attachment (id=225117) [details] > patch > Where is the patch from?
Created attachment 225125 [details, diff] improved version of patch
it is improved version of patch from FAAC CVS
hrm, please send your improvement to upstream too...
let me be clear: this won't go into portage before the updated patch is also posted upstream
closing the bug as cantfix because the original reporter didn't push his altered patch to upstream and since part of the patch was actually from upstream cvs, we can just wait for new upstream release