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Bug 309617 - app-portage/layman-1.3.2-r1 showing wrong warnings?
Summary: app-portage/layman-1.3.2-r1 showing wrong warnings?
Alias: None
Product: Portage Development
Classification: Unclassified
Component: Tools (show other bugs)
Hardware: All Linux
: High normal
Assignee: Sebastian Pipping
Depends on:
Reported: 2010-03-15 17:06 UTC by darkbasic
Modified: 2010-10-29 22:53 UTC (History)
0 users

See Also:
Package list:
Runtime testing required: ---


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Description darkbasic 2010-03-15 17:06:01 UTC
layman -f -o -a gechi

layman -S
* 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'strip'
* Running command "cd "/var/lib/layman/kde" && /usr/bin/git pull"...
Already up-to-date.
* Running command "cd "/var/lib/layman/mozilla" && /usr/bin/git pull"...
Already up-to-date.
* Running command "cd "/var/lib/layman/x11" && /usr/bin/git pull"...
Already up-to-date.
* Success:
* ------
* Successfully synchronized overlay "kde".
* Successfully synchronized overlay "mozilla".
* Successfully synchronized overlay "x11".

Reproducible: Always
Comment 1 Sebastian Pipping gentoo-dev 2010-03-15 22:41:52 UTC
Fixed, please re-try with 1.3.2-r2.

+*layman-1.3.2-r2 (15 Mar 2010)
+  15 Mar 2010; Sebastian Pipping <> +layman-1.3.2-r2.ebuild,
+  +files/layman-1.3.2-missing-text.patch:
+  Integrate backport patch for bug #309617
Comment 2 darkbasic 2010-03-16 01:59:38 UTC
Are theese warnings normal? There wasn't any warning before...

layman -S
* Running command "cd "/var/lib/layman/kde" && /usr/bin/git pull"...
Already up-to-date.
* Running command "cd "/var/lib/layman/mozilla" && /usr/bin/git pull"...
Already up-to-date.
* Running command "cd "/var/lib/layman/planeshift" && /usr/bin/git pull"...
Already up-to-date.
* Running command "/usr/bin/svn up "/var/lib/layman/gechi@""...
Alla revisione 610.
* Running command "cd "/var/lib/layman/x11" && /usr/bin/git pull"...
Already up-to-date.
* Success:
* ------
* Successfully synchronized overlay "kde".
* Successfully synchronized overlay "mozilla".
* Successfully synchronized overlay "planeshift".
* Successfully synchronized overlay "gechi".
* Successfully synchronized overlay "x11".
* Warnings:
* ------
* Overlay "planeshift" could not be found in the remote lists.
* Please check if it has been renamed and re-add if necessary.
* Overlay "gechi" could not be found in the remote lists.
* Please check if it has been renamed and re-add if necessary.
Comment 3 Sebastian Pipping gentoo-dev 2010-03-21 02:03:58 UTC
so these warning need a closer look and maybe fixing.  retitling and reopening.
Comment 4 Sebastian Pipping gentoo-dev 2010-03-22 16:50:48 UTC

with this entry in layman.cfg you get the warnings:

  overlays  :

and with this you don't

  overlays  :

due the way you added the gechi overlay it really is not in the remote lists known to layman.

we have at least these alternatives to choose from:
- you add that second URL to silence the warnings
- we add gechi to the global overlay registry
- i remove these warnings from layman

what do you vote for?
Comment 5 darkbasic 2010-03-23 14:32:54 UTC
2010/3/22  <>:
> we have at least these alternatives to choose from:
> - you add that second URL to silence the warnings
> - we add gechi to the global overlay registry
> - i remove these warnings from layman
> what do you vote for?

Well, having gechi in the global overlay list would be wonderful!
I talked to equilibrium and he told me they already suggested Wrobel
to add it once.

Regardless of it, having an option to add an overlay to the list in
layman.cfg while fetching it or disable these warnings at all would be
a good idea IMO.

Comment 6 Sebastian Pipping gentoo-dev 2010-03-23 18:20:48 UTC
(In reply to comment #5)
> Well, having gechi in the global overlay list would be wonderful!


> Regardless of it, having an option to add an overlay to the list in
> layman.cfg while fetching it or disable these warnings at all would be
> a good idea IMO.

Maybe next bugday.  Did I mention I accept patches? :-);a=summary
Comment 7 darkbasic 2010-04-02 19:34:54 UTC
layman-1.2.3 has the "'NoneType' object has no attribute 'strip'" bug too.
I did not test it, but someone reported it.

I don't know if you care about the 1.2.x branch (is it going to go into gentoo stable?) or if you plan to skip it and stabilize 1.3.x instead.

Comment 8 Sebastian Pipping gentoo-dev 2010-04-03 21:14:58 UTC
(In reply to comment #7)
> layman-1.2.3 has the "'NoneType' object has no attribute 'strip'" bug too.
> I did not test it, but someone reported it.

If it does it's caused by something else: The related code was re-written past v1.2.3.  Please open another bug for it if you can reproduce it.

> I don't know if you care about the 1.2.x branch (is it going to go into gentoo
> stable?) or if you plan to skip it and stabilize 1.3.x instead.

Please open bugs if you need something stable that isn't.
Comment 9 Sebastian Pipping gentoo-dev 2010-10-29 22:53:31 UTC
Analysis given in comment #4.
No fixes planned for now.
Closing.  Please re-open as needed.