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Bug 30800 - New net-www/screem stable out
Summary: New net-www/screem stable out
Alias: None
Product: Gentoo Linux
Classification: Unclassified
Component: New packages (show other bugs)
Hardware: All Linux
: High enhancement
Assignee: Bartosch Pixa (RETIRED)
: 48873 (view as bug list)
Depends on: 46251
  Show dependency tree
Reported: 2003-10-09 18:50 UTC by Jesse Adelman
Modified: 2004-10-20 17:01 UTC (History)
8 users (show)

See Also:
Package list:
Runtime testing required: ---

Last try with an ebuild (screem-0.9.1.ebuild,1.61 KB, text/plain)
2003-11-05 14:53 UTC, Xavier Neys (RETIRED)
net-www/screem/screem-0.9.6.ebuild (screem-0.9.6.ebuild,1.39 KB, text/plain)
2004-03-26 16:27 UTC, Xavier Neys (RETIRED)
net-www/screem/files/screem-0.9.6-makefile-fix.patch (screem-0.9.6-makefile-fix.patch,4.49 KB, patch)
2004-03-26 16:30 UTC, Xavier Neys (RETIRED)
Details | Diff
net-www/screem/screem-0.10.0.ebuild (screem-0.10.0.ebuild,1.39 KB, patch)
2004-03-30 08:07 UTC, Xavier Neys (RETIRED)
Details | Diff
net-www/screem/files/screem-0.10.0-makefile-fix.patch (screem-0.10.0-makefile-fix.patch,4.49 KB, patch)
2004-03-30 08:08 UTC, Xavier Neys (RETIRED)
Details | Diff
net-www/screem/files/screem-0.10.0-makefile-fix.patch (screem-0.10.0-makefile-fix.patch,4.49 KB, patch)
2004-03-30 09:48 UTC, Xavier Neys (RETIRED)
Details | Diff
net-www/screem/files/screem-0.10.0-makefile-fix.patch (screem-0.10.0-makefile-fix.patch,411 bytes, patch)
2004-03-30 09:50 UTC, Xavier Neys (RETIRED)
Details | Diff
working ebuild (screem-0.10.2-r1.ebuild,1.14 KB, text/plain)
2004-07-29 00:22 UTC, Andreas Kotowicz
Workin ebuild for screem version 0.11.5 (screem-0.11.5.ebuild,1.14 KB, text/plain)
2004-09-02 07:46 UTC, .:deadhead:.

Note You need to log in before you can comment on or make changes to this bug.
Description Jesse Adelman 2003-10-09 18:50:42 UTC
Hi, there. New Screems are out, versions 0.8.2 [stable] and 0.9.0 [unstable, but cool new features]. Thanks!
Comment 1 Xavier Neys (RETIRED) gentoo-dev 2003-11-03 00:45:57 UTC
0.8.x is indeed stable, there aren't any bugs filed here btw.
0.9.0 is the current dvlp version.

IMHO 0.8.2 should become ARCH and 0.9.0 ~ARCH

If you can't wait for it to appear in portage,
Simply cp screem-0.8.1.ebuild screem-0.8.2.ebuild && cp files/screem-0.8.1-makefile-fix.patch
Same applies to 0.9.0
Comment 2 Xavier Neys (RETIRED) gentoo-dev 2003-11-05 14:51:57 UTC
Development version 0.9.1 is out. I noticed that neither this or the 0.8
had the upload wizard enabled.
I tried an ebuild based on the 0.8.1 with the include gnome and a simpler
one based on the 0.6.x, i tried adding required --configure options, but
never got the upload wizard.
When I do
./configure --prefix=/usr --with-included-neon --with-ssl --with-libxml2
make install
It works.

neon was not emerged. I emerged it just in case and retried the whole procedure.
I could not get any ebuild to enable the upload wizard.

Could a dev help ?

I applied this patch to the 0.9.1 btw

--- screem-0.9.1/pixmaps/Makefile.old   2003-11-05 18:43:24.000000000 +0100
+++ screem-0.9.1/pixmaps/Makefile       2003-11-05 18:45:09.000000000 +0100
@@ -153,7 +153,7 @@
 USE_NLS = yes
 VERSION = 0.9.1
-pixmapsdir = /usr/share/screem/pixmaps
+pixmapsdir = ${prefix}/share/screem/pixmaps
 XPMS =         browser.xpm                     button.xpm              
       caption.xpm                  checkbutton.xpm                  entry.xpm
                      fixed.xpm                       gallery.xpm  gnome-fileentry.xpm
             optionmenu.xpm                  pre.xpm                    
    radiobutton.xpm                       sub.xpm                       
 sup.xpm                         td.xpm               text.xpm          
      th.xpm                          tr.xpm
Comment 3 Xavier Neys (RETIRED) gentoo-dev 2003-11-05 14:53:50 UTC
Created attachment 20310 [details]
Last try with an ebuild

  >> DOES NOT WORK. <<

Do not use this if you want the upload wizard.
Comment 4 Xavier Neys (RETIRED) gentoo-dev 2004-03-26 16:27:30 UTC
Created attachment 28123 [details]

Screem-0.9.6 ebuild (added dependency on libcroco)

Note that the upload wizard is now available.
Comment 5 Xavier Neys (RETIRED) gentoo-dev 2004-03-26 16:30:22 UTC
Created attachment 28124 [details, diff]

Patch used by ebuild.

Please note that there might be an issue with the libcroco include files in the
libcroco ebuild itself.
This will work with the current libcroco-0.5.0 as it is installed (include file
go into /usr/include/libcroco/libcroco/libcroco.h)
Why twice /libcroco ?
Comment 6 Xavier Neys (RETIRED) gentoo-dev 2004-03-30 08:07:48 UTC
Created attachment 28372 [details, diff]

New stable version (0.10.0) is out
Comment 7 Xavier Neys (RETIRED) gentoo-dev 2004-03-30 08:08:52 UTC
Created attachment 28373 [details, diff]

Same comments as above for dvlp version 0.9.6
Comment 8 Julien Allanos (RETIRED) gentoo-dev 2004-03-30 09:14:32 UTC
actually, the 0.10.0 patch is for 0.9.6. trying to solve #46251 would be the best solution to get rid of this patch.
Comment 9 Xavier Neys (RETIRED) gentoo-dev 2004-03-30 09:48:37 UTC
Created attachment 28379 [details, diff]

Patch worked on version 0.10.0 but still contained path to 0.9.6 which is
indeed confusing. Anyway here is an updated version. Use it until the libcroco
bug has been fixed.
Comment 10 Xavier Neys (RETIRED) gentoo-dev 2004-03-30 09:50:08 UTC
Created attachment 28380 [details, diff]

Patch to be used after libcroco bug has been fixed.
Comment 11 Stephane Loeuillet 2004-03-30 11:38:55 UTC
the  libcroco header not found is a screem problem (librsvg 2.6.4 founds it without problem because it is the good place, even if it seems odd)

so, we need to change the dep to require 0.5.0 and we need the patch t o compile screem 0.10.0 against libcroco 0.5.0
Comment 12 Julien Allanos (RETIRED) gentoo-dev 2004-03-30 12:03:33 UTC
i had a quick look at this ebuild, and i think it is a bit ugly: some dependencies are redundant, some dependencies are missing (neon, perl, maybe more), and the patch should be made on the at src_unpack().
Comment 13 Stephane Loeuillet 2004-03-30 14:07:55 UTC
bug fixed upstream : 0.10.1 is out

problem fixed

Comment 14 Stephane Loeuillet 2004-04-24 17:15:15 UTC
0.10.2 in portage, time to close

Thanks to those that did it
Comment 15 Xavier Neys (RETIRED) gentoo-dev 2004-04-26 02:42:33 UTC
Maybe not so fast.

0.10.2 crashes systematically when started. One more ebuild that wasn't even tested before release :-(

Problem is that when running make in the src/ directory, symbols passed to gcc are pointing into the sandbox (/var/tmp/...) instead of /usr/...
This means that screem tries to load its glade files from /var/tmp/... instead of /usr/... and crashes because it can't even build its gui.
Of course, if you run `ebuild ... install` (btw ebuild...compile does not compile, it stops at ./configure), screem will find its files in /var/tmp/... (yuk)
If you suspend the emerge process and run make manually in the src/ directory, then resume the emerge, symbols are properly defined and compilation is fine.

Besides, unless libcroco is a sub-dependency of an already listed one, it is missing from the 0.10.2 ebuild.

Unfortunately, it seems that both 0.10.1 and 0.10.2 have a tendency to segfault on file/open. Back to the 0.10.0 mentioned above afaiac.
Comment 16 Xavier Neys (RETIRED) gentoo-dev 2004-04-26 02:45:02 UTC
*** Bug 48873 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
Comment 17 .:deadhead:. 2004-07-14 13:12:40 UTC
When emerging screem 10.2it appears many times this message:

Libraries have been installed in:

If you ever happen to want to link against installed libraries
in a given directory, LIBDIR, you must either use libtool, and
specify the full pathname of the library, or use the `-LLIBDIR'
flag during linking and do at least one of the following:
   - add LIBDIR to the `LD_LIBRARY_PATH' environment variable
     during execution
   - add LIBDIR to the `LD_RUN_PATH' environment variable
     during linking
   - use the `-Wl,--rpath -Wl,LIBDIR' linker flag
   - have your system administrator add LIBDIR to `/etc/'

See any operating system documentation about shared libraries for
more information, such as the ld(1) and manual pages.

when I launch it:

deadhead@INSPIRON8600 $ screem

(screem:20996): GnomeUI-CRITICAL **: file gnome-window-icon.c: line 131 (gnome_window_icon_set_default_from_file): assertion `filename != NULL' failed

(screem:20996): GtkSourceView-CRITICAL **: file gtksourceview.c: line 1559 (gtk_source_view_set_tabs_width): assertion `width > 0' failed

(screem:20996): GLib-GObject-WARNING **: g_object_set_valist: construct property "static" for object `RBSidebarButton' can't be set after construction

(screem:20996): GLib-GObject-WARNING **: g_object_set_valist: construct property "static" for object `RBSidebarButton' can't be set after construction

(screem:20996): GLib-GObject-WARNING **: g_object_set_valist: construct property "static" for object `RBSidebarButton' can't be set after construction

(screem:20996): GLib-GObject-WARNING **: g_object_set_valist: construct property "static" for object `RBSidebarButton' can't be set after construction
I/O warning : failed to load external entity "/home/deadhead/.screem/tagtreeconfig.xml"

(gnome_segv:20998): Gtk-WARNING **: Ignoring the separator setting
Comment 18 Andreas Kotowicz 2004-07-29 00:22:10 UTC
Created attachment 36383 [details]
working ebuild

this is a working ebuild for screem 0.10.2. It doesn't check for ssl or zlib so
just comment out the corresponding lines.
if you rename the ebuild to 0.11.2 it will emerge the latest development
Comment 19 Pieter Baele 2004-08-18 23:08:01 UTC
Version 0.11.3 is out! Please add to portage.
Comment 20 Joe Gallo 2004-08-19 13:10:31 UTC
Is it possible to get the working ebuild into portage?  This bug has been open for a very very long time.
Comment 21 .:deadhead:. 2004-08-20 03:18:20 UTC
Hi guys, here I've written an howto for install screem v 10.2

Is based on the Andreas Kotowicz's ebuild and it works great. 

The testing version 10.3b is giving me some troubles, but if you want test it, it's enaugh to modify the ebuild line SRC_URI in this:


and rename the ebuild into screem-0.11.3.ebuild.

Comment 22 .:deadhead:. 2004-09-02 07:46:40 UTC
Created attachment 38761 [details]
Workin ebuild for screem version 0.11.5

This is a fully working ebuild based on Andreas Kotowicz's ebuild, for the
testing version of screem [0.11.5]. It's such a shame that the only ebuild
present in portage is the paleolitic 0.6 version!
Comment 23 Joe McCann (RETIRED) gentoo-dev 2004-10-20 16:51:21 UTC
*** Bug 68328 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
Comment 24 Joe McCann (RETIRED) gentoo-dev 2004-10-20 17:01:39 UTC
Closing this bug as the latest stable version of screem(0.10.2) is available in the portage tree. bug #68328 is for people who want to track the development releases(0.11.x)