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Bug 30119 - y-windows ebuild (New package)
Summary: y-windows ebuild (New package)
Alias: None
Product: Gentoo Linux
Classification: Unclassified
Component: New packages (show other bugs)
Hardware: All Linux
: High enhancement
Assignee: No maintainer - Look at if you want to take care of it
: 42285 (view as bug list)
Depends on: 30117
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Reported: 2003-10-01 16:30 UTC by Paolo Sacconier
Modified: 2005-07-21 14:43 UTC (History)
5 users (show)

See Also:
Package list:
Runtime testing required: ---

y-base/y/y-0.1.ebuild (y-0.1.ebuild,1.08 KB, text/plain)
2003-10-01 16:32 UTC, Paolo Sacconier
patch needed to build y (Y-0.1-axa-1.patch.bz2,1.67 KB, patch)
2003-10-01 16:35 UTC, Paolo Sacconier
Details | Diff

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Description Paolo Sacconier 2003-10-01 16:30:12 UTC
this is a preliminary ebuild for the new y window system, a x window system

This release won't build without a patch: my patch is attached and used within
the ebuild, new versions will be alvaible at
until the upstream author won't restart working on the project.


Reproducible: Always
Steps to Reproduce:
Comment 1 Paolo Sacconier 2003-10-01 16:32:40 UTC
Created attachment 18582 [details]

depends on libiterm-mbt (bug report sent: 30117)
Comment 2 Paolo Sacconier 2003-10-01 16:35:31 UTC
Created attachment 18583 [details, diff]
patch needed to build y

Official Y-0.1 doesn't build, I made this patch to fix it. for updates
Comment 3 Donnie Berkholz (RETIRED) gentoo-dev 2004-02-20 13:36:46 UTC
*** Bug 42285 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
Comment 4 Doug Goldstein (RETIRED) gentoo-dev 2004-02-22 22:03:29 UTC
Just as a note... I've been maintaining support for this @

Ebuilds and extra patches and all. They're used by the Y developers & hackers.

You can pull my e-builds from the site.

I've deleted some of the older versioned ebuilds so only Y-0.2_pre4 through Y-0.2_p11 are available.

Notice the versioning... we use Arch to develop Y. So basically a random patch in the Y--devel--0.2 patchset was declared Y-0.2 release. (in fact it was Y--devel--0.2--patch-10) so all the patches prior to patch-10 are _pre# and the ones after are _p# until we decide we're gonna start on the Y-0.3 version.
Comment 5 Harald Glatt 2004-02-27 08:51:13 UTC
You should rename y to y-windows because emerge search y is nearly impossible ;)
Comment 6 Donnie Berkholz (RETIRED) gentoo-dev 2004-02-27 09:36:29 UTC
That's what regular expressions are for. =)
emerge -s ^y$
Comment 7 Doug Goldstein (RETIRED) gentoo-dev 2004-02-27 09:40:47 UTC
If you try the ebuilds off my site (which are actually updated to the latest version). They're called y-base/y-windows.
Comment 8 Paolo Sacconier 2004-02-27 11:58:28 UTC
I am no longer maintaining the original ebuild and I'm using Doug Goldstein's ones instead.
I hope they will be soon added to gentoo.
Comment 9 Hallgrimur Gunnarsson (RETIRED) gentoo-dev 2004-02-27 12:10:04 UTC
Doug, great work! I am happy to see that Y is active again; I've been waiting for it to resume for a while. I like the name change, y-windows is more descriptive and easier to find.

I'll have more time later tonight to test the ebuilds, and hopefully commit them.

Comment 10 Donnie Berkholz (RETIRED) gentoo-dev 2004-02-27 13:48:58 UTC
Hallgrimur, despite the name y-windows, please don't create a new category y-base with only a few packages in it. Put it in x11-base for now.
Comment 11 Hallgrimur Gunnarsson (RETIRED) gentoo-dev 2004-02-28 09:46:16 UTC
Okay, I've committed y-windows. I made a few changes:

Added two dependencies: >=autoconf-2.58 >=automake-1.8
Moved from category y-base to x11-base.
Renamed Changelog to ChangeLog.
Added Gentoo to copyright notice.
Added metadata.xml.
Changed ./configure to econf and removed all parameters; they are already set in

Btw, "aclocal -I automake" from gives alot of warnings when WANT_AUT
OMAKE="1.8" is set.

I haven't committed pylibY yet, I'll have to talk to the python herd first about putting it in dev-python/.

Thanks again.
Comment 12 Donnie Berkholz (RETIRED) gentoo-dev 2004-02-28 10:11:05 UTC
Hallgrimur, maybe you failed to notice the whole copyright assignment deal a while ago, but you shouldn't have committed this dual-copyrighted ebuild. If Doug Goldstein won't assign his copyright to Gentoo, you need to pull this from the tree.
Comment 13 Hallgrimur Gunnarsson (RETIRED) gentoo-dev 2004-02-28 10:36:48 UTC
Oh, sorry, my mistake. I haven't had a dual copyright ebuild before, so I haven't followed the discussion too closely; I thought drobbins recommended dual copyrights, but his position has apparently changed.

Doug, read up on

Will you assign the copyright to gentoo?
Comment 14 Donnie Berkholz (RETIRED) gentoo-dev 2004-02-28 10:44:09 UTC
The former opinion was his before talking to his lawyer, I believe. =)
Comment 15 foser (RETIRED) gentoo-dev 2004-02-29 02:14:02 UTC
this pack should be in p.mask given it's alpha status.

Why does it use a patched source from a different location than the y homepage? In my opinion ebuilds always should use the official sources as a starting point.

automake & autoconf are clear buildtime only deps.

Don't set a long description in metadata if it's not long, it doesn't add anything  like this. In the same sense the description in the ebuild itself is also duplication, if i want the name i can just get it from the ebuild name or the dir it is in. Descriptions should be descriptive.
Comment 16 Doug Goldstein (RETIRED) gentoo-dev 2004-02-29 10:21:40 UTC
Sure Gentoo can have the copyright.

As far as downloading from an alternate source, the main Y webpage doesn't have tar'd up packages. There is an outdated version on their site. Currently the author recommends using GNU Arch to pull the latest version and then installing from that, or at least tar'ing that up to make the release tarball. And that's all the tarball is, no patched sources.
Comment 17 Harald Glatt 2004-03-06 02:47:12 UTC
Someone should change the Summary of this bug... It contains a typo and it should be renamed to y-windows ...
Comment 18 Aaron Peterson 2004-04-08 08:47:16 UTC
close? 0.2 is already in portage?
Comment 19 Donnie Berkholz (RETIRED) gentoo-dev 2004-04-08 09:03:49 UTC
Comment #15 clearly indicates some remaining issues.
Comment 20 Hallgrimur Gunnarsson (RETIRED) gentoo-dev 2004-04-08 12:28:00 UTC
I agree with foser; I think we should use the official version from the Y homepage, even if it's outdated - that's rather an issue for the Y developers to fix.

Currently, 0.2 is the latest official release. Y-patch26, which is currently in portage, fixes some bugs in 0.2 release, so for the time being I'll continue using that, but when the 0.3 is released I'll start using that instead.
Comment 21 Demis Bellot 2004-04-13 00:04:23 UTC
How can I emerge y-windows without installing Xfree as well

My USE flags are:
-X -gtk -gnome -qt -kde -alsa

and it still tries to compile Xfree
Comment 22 Jakub Moc (RETIRED) gentoo-dev 2005-07-21 14:43:37 UTC
In portage, closing.