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Bug 299045 - Version Bump media-sound/decibel-audio-player-1.03
Summary: Version Bump media-sound/decibel-audio-player-1.03
Alias: None
Product: Gentoo Linux
Classification: Unclassified
Component: Current packages (show other bugs)
Hardware: All Linux
: High enhancement
Assignee: Sparc Porters
Depends on:
Reported: 2009-12-30 23:22 UTC by Pavel Stratil
Modified: 2010-05-09 17:35 UTC (History)
3 users (show)

See Also:
Package list:
Runtime testing required: ---


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Description Pavel Stratil 2009-12-30 23:22:29 UTC
Hi, could the maintainers please versionbump the package?

Reproducible: Always
Comment 1 Justin Lecher (RETIRED) gentoo-dev 2009-12-31 13:25:13 UTC
v1.02 (29/11/09)
Added support for .ape files (#425326)
In the list of explorers, replace "Audio CD" by the actual disc name when known (#425768)
Added support for ac3 and mp2 files (#442843)
Added an option to the File Explorer to add files to the playlist by their name (#311427)
Fixed files with a '#' character in their path not being played (#428307)
Fixed '&' character not correctly displayed in the Library randomness menu (#425132)
Fixed improper length for MP3 files without ID3 tags (#426388)
Fixed 'play' button not working properly when not already playing/paused (#486983)
Fixed a refresh bug causing the application to hang (#473886)
Better behavior of the list of explorers when renaming a library/root folder
v1.01 (05/09/09)
Added a 10-bands equalizer module (#194506)
Added a ReplayGain module (#179094)
Added a Twitter module (#415836)
"Play a random album" added to the context menu of the Library (#385114)
Added support for WavPack files (#343080)
Added a revert entry to the tracklist popup menu (#329639)
The state of the File Explorer's trees is restored (#414786)
Removed the concept of media directories, add directories' contents recursively (File Explorer) (#179998)
Replaced the "view" menu by a mode selector (#416823)
Fixed a bug related to cropping non-current track (#410199)
Fixed remote not working with playlist operations (#390978)
Disable the 'skip track' option if the notification server doesn't support actions (#328609)
Fixed application not working after locale change (#311293)
Fixed Pidgin status not updated by the IMStatus module
Fixed misusage of the Gnome keyring (only one password could be stored for the whole app)
Restore maximized state properly (#305897)
Fixed AudioScrobbler module no longer submitting tracks in case of very bad tags (#307525)
Save preferences when receiving the SIGTERM signal (#211196)
Make the last track the previous track of the first track when repeat is enabled (#324463)
Added '/' as a default folder of the File Explorer for first time users
Removed 'Encoding' key from desktop file (#307714)
Repeat and shuffle icons are no longer hard coded (#308340)
Rewrote the GStreamer-based playback engine, see NOTE below
Added .oga as a valid extension for Ogg Vorbis files
Default application icon size is now 128x128 (better integration with e.g., Gnome Do)
Replaced the md5 module (deprecated) by the hashlib one (#398587)
      Decibel Audio Player can now use the playbin2 GStreamer component, which notably provides a better gapless playback.
      However, this component is still unstable and can sometimes crash the application. Moreover, older versions of playbin2
      cannot play audio CDs. For these reasons, this component is used only if the --playbin2 option is provided on the command
      line when starting Decibel Audio Player.
Comment 2 Martin 'Douglas' Schuster 2010-01-18 10:08:30 UTC
Updating to 1.0.3 by just copying the ebuild for 1.0.0 worked w/o problems.

USE = aac libnotify -cdda -gnome-keyring -musepack
Comment 3 nm (RETIRED) gentoo-dev 2010-02-07 06:24:42 UTC
Now at 1.0.3.

I just figured out why I had no covers when moving to 1.03: Decibel now requires an RDEP on Python Imaging Library (dev-python/imaging).

It wasn't needed in 1.01 and 1.02, but it is required in 1.03.
Comment 4 Pavel Stratil 2010-02-25 02:44:41 UTC
compared to 1.00, version 1.03 has support for ape/monkeysaudio and wavpack. While I don't use these formats, i suppose that another required rdep (apart from dev-python/imaging) would be
* media-plugins/gst-plugins-wavpack for wavpack,
* media-plugins/gst-plugins-meta (not sure about this one, maybe someone from the sound herd knows) should include ape support
tried to enable all plugins, sofar things seem to work so IMHO an ~arch version bump + new rdeps should be ok and won't cause any breakage. Can any of the maintainers do this so that users can do more testing on the latest release?

Thanks, Pavel
Comment 5 nm (RETIRED) gentoo-dev 2010-04-19 20:40:27 UTC
Okay, 1.03 is in the tree thanks to beandog (Steve Dibb).

Sparc team:

The ~keyword was dropped because gst-plugins-wavpack needs to be keyworded for sparc. Can ya'll add a sparc keyword for gst-plugins-wavpack, and then re-keyword Decibel 1.03?

Comment 6 Raúl Porcel (RETIRED) gentoo-dev 2010-05-09 17:35:12 UTC
sparc keyword dropped, closing