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Bug 298579 - Added waltop support to x11-drivers/xf86-input-wacom
Summary: Added waltop support to x11-drivers/xf86-input-wacom
Alias: None
Product: Gentoo Linux
Classification: Unclassified
Component: New packages (show other bugs)
Hardware: All Linux
: High enhancement
Assignee: Gentoo X packagers
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Reported: 2009-12-27 22:21 UTC by Mark David Dumlao
Modified: 2017-01-31 18:50 UTC (History)
0 users

See Also:
Package list:
Runtime testing required: ---

Modified linuxwacom-0.8.4_p1 ebuild to call patches included here. (linuxwacom-0.8.4_p1-r1.ebuild,3.33 KB, text/plain)
2009-12-27 22:23 UTC, Mark David Dumlao
Disables the "vendor checking" in the wacom driver. (linuxwacom-0.8.4_p1-r1-revert-check-gentoo.patch,1016 bytes, patch)
2009-12-27 22:28 UTC, Mark David Dumlao
Details | Diff
Enables detection of wacom devices in hal. (linuxwacom-0.8.4_p1-r1-waltop-halrules.patch,4.17 KB, patch)
2009-12-27 22:30 UTC, Mark David Dumlao
Details | Diff
Modified xf86-input-wacom ebuild to call patches included here. (xf86-input-wacom-0.10.3-r1.ebuild,1.61 KB, text/plain)
2009-12-28 11:08 UTC, Mark David Dumlao
Adds waltop vendor id to the serial number checking to xf86-input-wacom (basically just copies linuxwacom patch behavior) (xf86-input-wacom-0.10.3-r1-check+waltop.patch,2.24 KB, patch)
2009-12-28 11:13 UTC, Mark David Dumlao
Details | Diff
Enables detection of wacom devices in hal. (xf86-input-wacom-0.10.3-waltop_halrules.patch,3.72 KB, patch)
2009-12-28 11:15 UTC, Mark David Dumlao
Details | Diff

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Description Mark David Dumlao 2009-12-27 22:21:24 UTC
The Linuxwacom driver ( is used to run "pen and tablet" devices. Since wacom is apparently the most popular brand of such tablet device, such devices are often improperly called wacom devices.

Another manufacturer of such tablet devices is Waltop, which, conveniently, uses the same interface as linuxwacom. /HOWEVER/, the default linuxwacom drivers have a "vendor check" line that disables support for non-wacom device IDs. Other distributions, such as ubuntu and arch, have communities that discuss how to manually patch the linuxwacom sources to either disable the line or add support for Waltop drivers.

Link to arch wiki describing how to activate Waltop for Wacom:

Link to ubuntu forum post describing the same:
(long thread +subthreads)

I also checked the Waltop webpage and recently discovered they made a "linuxwaltop" driver. However, on closer inspection, they seem to have just changed one line from the linuxwacom driver.

One way to do things is to create a separate linuxwaltop ebuild with their sources... but seeing how their site doesn't seem to have as active a community as the linuxwacom devs, it's probably better to just activate support in the linuxwacom driver.
Link to "linuxwaltop":

Another way to do things is to create a USE flag for "waltop" on the Linuxwacom driver, which activates the patches.

The attached files are the ff.:
1) a modified ebuild of linuxwacom that calls the patches below
- this ebuild activates waltop by default. There's no use flag. It's also been incremented by r1 from the latest linuxwacom on my portage tree.
2) a patch that enables waltop support in the waltop driver.
3) a patch that changes the default 10-linuxwacom.fdi file installed by linuxwacom to detect a waltop tablet.
- The entry comes from the ubuntu 9.04 xserver-xorg-input-wacom-1: driver.

Also, "works for me" applies. Please advise.

Reproducible: Always
Comment 1 Mark David Dumlao 2009-12-27 22:23:44 UTC
Created attachment 214350 [details]
Modified linuxwacom-0.8.4_p1 ebuild to call patches included here.
Comment 2 Mark David Dumlao 2009-12-27 22:28:31 UTC
Created attachment 214351 [details, diff]
Disables the "vendor checking" in the  wacom driver.

Copied from ubuntu xserver-xorg-input-wacom-1: and instructions from the arch wiki on how to manually patch the wacom sources with other stuff. Updated to work on 0.8.4 (ubuntu patch will fail on later versions)
Comment 3 Mark David Dumlao 2009-12-27 22:30:47 UTC
Created attachment 214352 [details, diff]
Enables detection of wacom devices in hal.

Taken from ubuntu xserver-xorg-input-wacom-1: driver.
Comment 4 Samuli Suominen (RETIRED) gentoo-dev 2009-12-27 22:49:40 UTC
linuxwacom is deprecated, the new driver is xf86-input-wacom
Comment 5 Mark David Dumlao 2009-12-28 04:07:26 UTC
------- Comment  #4 From Samuli Suominen  2009-12-27 22:49:40 0000  [reply] -------
> linuxwacom is deprecated, the new driver is xf86-input-wacom

Just browsed the xf86-input-wacom source and it has the same vendor check. However, it's somewhat harder to "fix" the vendor check as the vendor check line is put into a define on a separate file...

As the linuxwacom site is still up and actively updating, and the xf86-input-wacom sources still reference the site as its own documentation, I see it sane to keep linuxwacom as a fallback. Heck the latest xf86-input-wacom release is literally just 2 days after the latest linuxwacom release - I think the idea is that the new driver's still taking code from the still living community of the former.

I'll see if I can patch the xf86-input-wacom sources to do the waltop thing for it later.
Comment 6 Mark David Dumlao 2009-12-28 11:06:55 UTC
As the xf86-input-wacom package also doesn't support waltop by default, I've  applied the same patches and changes to the xf86-input-wacom package.  Though it works for me, I 'm neither a kernel developer nor well-versed in hal, so that's that. Following are the modified ebuild and patches.
Comment 7 Mark David Dumlao 2009-12-28 11:08:24 UTC
Created attachment 214371 [details]
Modified xf86-input-wacom ebuild to call patches included here.
Comment 8 Mark David Dumlao 2009-12-28 11:13:28 UTC
Created attachment 214372 [details, diff]
Adds waltop vendor id to the serial number checking to xf86-input-wacom (basically just copies linuxwacom patch behavior)

This should probably be negotiated with / submitted to upstream. Changes the vendor ID to accept Waltop in addition to wacom, and disables error checking when serial number is zero. Just copies the behavior of the ubuntu patches to linuxwacom, basically.
Comment 9 Mark David Dumlao 2009-12-28 11:15:08 UTC
Created attachment 214373 [details, diff]
Enables detection of wacom devices in hal.
Comment 10 Mike Auty (RETIRED) gentoo-dev 2009-12-28 13:19:00 UTC
Hiya Mark, 

Thanks for all the contributed patchs, you were spot on in comment 8 though.  Since linuxwacom's an open source project (rather than one developed exclusively by wacom, although I believe they do support/employ some of the primary developers), you should definitely discuss this with upstream.  The best place to do this is the linuxwacom-devel mailinglist which you can find details of on the linuxwacom site.  

The main problem you're going to face is who's going to maintain it.  Chances are either you or the ubuntu contributors will be asked to support it/answer bugs on it, simply because the developers may not have waltop devices and the devices may not follow the wacom protocol exactly.  Since we're both a downstream distribution *and* we don't have the hardware we're really not in a place to support it, so I won't be adding this to the ebuilds.  As soon as it gets into upstream though, let us know and we'll push out the version bump.  5:)

I hope that helps?  I'll leave this bug open so that anyone looking for waltop in bugzilla can find it easily.
Comment 11 gilhad 2010-02-26 00:24:10 UTC
wow, it worked for me, but i found one problem - the third line in linuxwacom-0.8.4_p1-r1-waltop-halrules.patch should be 

@@ -1,30 +1,45 @@
instead of
@@ -1,30 +1,47 @@

to this patch be aplicable. Just wrote it here for those, who would run in problem when compiling.
Comment 12 matt 2010-05-20 04:59:23 UTC
I've submitted a patch to get this into upstream.  Hopefully that will get merged.  My only problem now is that both buttons on my stylus register as the same button... which doesn't occur on MacOSX (I've a VisTablet PenPad).
Comment 13 Mike Auty (RETIRED) gentoo-dev 2010-08-18 21:10:00 UTC
Reassigning since I can't look after linuxwacom any more.
Comment 14 Vince C. 2010-12-22 21:01:37 UTC
Hi fellas.

Did this patch reach upstream? I'm using xf86-input-wacom-0.10.8 and my Trust tablet doesn't seem to use Xorg's wacom driver and I expect the code to have changed significantly since version 0.10.3. So if I need to apply this patchset I guess there's some extra work to do.
Comment 15 Harri Nieminen (Moiman) 2017-01-31 18:07:31 UTC
Waltop is supported. See 
for more information.
Comment 16 Matt Turner gentoo-dev 2017-01-31 18:50:48 UTC
(In reply to moikkis from comment #15)
> Waltop is supported. See
> for more information.

Thanks. Indeed, I see a commit

commit a36262f30418c5b57d9dd21aafe0b95d81bbf7d7
Merge: 6569c05 8916bf8
Author: Peter Hutterer <>
Date:   Mon May 31 10:54:56 2010 +1000

    Merge branch 'waltop'

from before the xf86-input-wacom-0.10.10 release. Looks like this was solved long ago.