Sorry, my 1st report, don't hit me. Did a --sync yesterday and today again from a different sync mirror but media-video/mplayer-1.0_rc4_p20091026-r1 fails when doing the checksums after downloading. Tried all kinds of distfile mirrors didn't help. expected: should just go with [ok] through checksums. reproduce: emerge --sync (or eix-sync) on the machine and try to --fetch mplayer same goes for www-client/seamonkey-2.0.1 which I will report separately. possible solution: if somebody could check the current checksums? (could apply to other architectures as well)
Cant duplicate, could you please resync and try that mplayer again?
(In reply to comment #1) > Cant duplicate, could you please resync and try that mplayer again? I will do so. Strange but even if I cleared out /usr/portage/distfiles today (the packages were renamed to "some-string-here...failed...") it failed. Well, as soon as the needed about 24h passed since last sync I'll try to resync and see if this helps.
OMG. This is so embarassing. My NIChip failed, or it got messed with the driver in 2.6.31-g-r1. I tried from a different hardware: different box, also Gentoo and it worked right away. Tried the problematic box but with an additional NIC and suddenly the fetch/download of files above 50MB wouldn't corrupt. Sorry for bothering you people and shame on me for not researching my box closely. But shame even more on ASUS and Atheros with their high priced but buggy chips and bios updates. (This is not the 1st time that the ath chip did strange things on that board.) And praise the good old ever working RTL8139x. Sorry for the inconvenience and trouble I caused. I'll mark it as solved/invalid.
*** Bug 298306 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***