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Bug 296670 - [java-overlay] Version bump dev-java/jackson-1.3.2
Summary: [java-overlay] Version bump dev-java/jackson-1.3.2
Alias: None
Product: Gentoo Linux
Classification: Unclassified
Component: [OLD] Java (show other bugs)
Hardware: x86 Linux
: High enhancement
Assignee: Java team
Whiteboard: java-overlay
Keywords: EBUILD, InOverlay
Depends on:
Reported: 2009-12-12 23:50 UTC by Sebastian
Modified: 2013-10-14 16:59 UTC (History)
1 user (show)

See Also:
Package list:
Runtime testing required: ---

dev-java/jackson-1.3.2 (jackson-1.3.2.ebuild,1.08 KB, text/plain)
2009-12-12 23:51 UTC, Sebastian
jackson-1.4.1 (jackson-1.4.1.ebuild,1.08 KB, text/plain)
2010-01-22 21:28 UTC, Sebastian

Note You need to log in before you can comment on or make changes to this bug.
Description Sebastian 2009-12-12 23:50:57 UTC
An ebuild for the JSON engine jackson-1.3.2

Reproducible: Always

Actual Results:  
Compiles and usable

I have modified an old ebuild of the jackson JSON engine.
I don't know if it will compile correcly, because it's my first ebuild I have uploaded.
I haven't checkt the dependencies, cause I have not found anythings at
Comment 1 Sebastian 2009-12-12 23:51:59 UTC
Created attachment 212831 [details]

The ebuild.
Comment 2 Sebastian 2010-01-22 21:28:45 UTC
Created attachment 217189 [details]

The new version of jackson
Comment 3 Robin Johnson archtester Gentoo Infrastructure gentoo-dev Security 2010-02-01 06:44:06 UTC
I am not maintaining it in the overlay anymore, I don't need it, it was a failed experiment. Feel free to dump from overlay if nobody else wants it.
Comment 4 Johann Schmitz (ercpe) (RETIRED) gentoo-dev 2013-10-14 16:59:24 UTC
The current version is now in the tree:

+  14 Oct 2013; Johann Schmitz <> +jackson-1.9.13.ebuild,
+  +metadata.xml:
+  Ebuild for jackson (High-performance JSON processor) - dependency of
+  mucommander wrt #296670