* Detected file collision(s): * * /usr/bin/fsdump * * Searching all installed packages for file collisions... * * Press Ctrl-C to Stop * * media-libs/FusionSound-1.1.1 * /usr/bin/fsdump * * Package 'net-zope/zodb-3.9.3' NOT merged due to file collisions. If * necessary, refer to your elog messages for the whole content of the * above message.
net-zope/zodb-3.9.4 now blocks media-libs/FusionSound. Maintainers of media-libs/FusionSound: Please add blocking of net-zope/zodb to media-libs/FusionSound.
@Arfrever: isn't there a better solution? I just hit this bug and I am unable to install all the zope stack due to that blocker. I'm sure THERE IS a better solution.
/usr/bin/fsdump of media-libs/FusionSound could be renamed to /usr/bin/FSdump :) .
net-zope packages have been removed from the tree.