Ati-Gatos should include the drm-kernel module - it needs the recent kernel drm modules.
The driver should not include the drm module but an extra package should cause only the radeon driver needs the module.
shouldn't this be something that users of the package select in their kernel configuration?
The version of drm for the radeon in the kernel will not work with the ati.2 (gatos) radeon drivers. It needs the patched drm from the gatos project. I suggest that the ebuild install the drm-kernel, its not a big deal for non-Radeon uses, but it would help out the radeoners.
I gotcha, I'll find someone who uses radeon stuff... also we are working on backporting the -ac version of the radeonfb to our kernels which might help you radeoners.
I have a radeon 7500. I can assist in testing if needed.
I have a Radeon 7000 in this machine but you knew that lolo i can test whatever ya need also.
Ok, scratch whatever I've said before, does the xfree-drm (I think that's it's name) package work for you folks?
xfree-drm is working like a champ on my radeon 7500. When I added myself to this bug, it was before I realized that ATI-Gatos is for TV card support in ati products, which my radeon doesn't have. I'm thus rempving myself from this bug...
Closing this bug, those who need it can merge the xfree-drm package to get the latest support for their video cards.