1- I'm considering phpmyadmin's config file (/etc/phpmyadmin/config.php) is installed with permissions that could be a security risk. It shouldn't be world-readable, in case the 'config' authentication mode is chosen. I suggest chmoding it 640 and chgrping to apache : insopts -g apache -m 640 doins config.inc.php mysql-setup.sql 2- The mysql-setup.sql file is copied twice with the present ebuild : once in /etc/phpmyadmin/ and once in /home/httpd/htdocs/phpmyadmin/. I suggest deleting the second one at the end of the src_install () function : rm ${D}${destdir}/mysql-setup.sql
This is a good idea. Implemented and in CVS. Note however the etc-update bug (bug # 28962) that makes updating messy.