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Bug 287257 - media-sound/squeezecenter-7.3.3 has been updated to squeezebox server 7.4.0
Summary: media-sound/squeezecenter-7.3.3 has been updated to squeezebox server 7.4.0
Alias: None
Product: Gentoo Linux
Classification: Unclassified
Component: [OLD] Server (show other bugs)
Hardware: All Linux
: High enhancement
Assignee: Joe Peterson (RETIRED)
Depends on: 287264 287857
  Show dependency tree
Reported: 2009-10-01 18:59 UTC by Nate Weibley
Modified: 2010-08-05 19:33 UTC (History)
9 users (show)

See Also:
Package list:
Runtime testing required: ---

Failed build log for Comment #18 (build.log,57.91 KB, text/plain)
2009-11-08 11:36 UTC, Robert
Update to support Perl 5.10.1 (,324 bytes, patch)
2009-12-01 21:56 UTC, Graham Chapman
Details | Diff

Note You need to log in before you can comment on or make changes to this bug.
Description Nate Weibley 2009-10-01 18:59:45 UTC
+++ This bug was initially created as a clone of Bug #274534 +++

SqueezeCenter has been upgraded from version 7.3.3 to v 7.4 and in the process been renamed to Squeezebox Server due to an overhaul of the UI and the addition/revamp of 

This is a new major stable release and will probably require a revamped ebuild.
Comment 1 Stuart Hickinbottom 2009-10-01 20:05:04 UTC
Thanks for the prod. Yes, I'm working on it now. As you've noted it will take a bit of work as they've changed the name (again! it's going to have to be "media-sound/squeezeboxserver", I think) and there are quite a few Perl dependency changes.

Joe, you can assign this to me if you like.
Comment 2 Nate Weibley 2009-10-01 20:27:49 UTC
(In reply to comment #1)
> Thanks for the prod. Yes, I'm working on it now. As you've noted it will take a
> bit of work as they've changed the name (again! it's going to have to be
> "media-sound/squeezeboxserver", I think) and there are quite a few Perl
> dependency changes.
> Joe, you can assign this to me if you like.

Sorry, didn't mean for it to seem like a prod, just wanted to get it on the radar and tracked in case other people were thinking about it as well. If there is anything I or the community can do to help out let us know.
Comment 3 Stuart Hickinbottom 2009-10-02 07:12:07 UTC
(In reply to comment #2)
> Sorry, didn't mean for it to seem like a prod, just wanted to get it on the
> radar and tracked in case other people were thinking about it as well. If there
> is anything I or the community can do to help out let us know.

That's no problem at all - I meant 'thanks'! It'll probably take me a few days to get something basic working. I've been plugging away to try to tackle bug#251494 but I don't expect I'll be able to get that addressed for the 7.4.0 build. I will, however, have eradicated the build-perl-modules step this time around, I think.

If you're interested you can keep an eye on my public git repository for this ( - I'll try to get a beta of the ebuild pushed to there as soon as it's basically working. Once it basically works I'll work on an update to migrate the old preferences over before submitting it to Portage.
Comment 4 Nate Weibley 2009-10-14 03:21:19 UTC
(In reply to comment #3)
> If you're interested you can keep an eye on my public git repository for this
> ( - I'll try to
> get a beta of the ebuild pushed to there as soon as it's basically working.
> Once it basically works I'll work on an update to migrate the old preferences
> over before submitting it to Portage.

Stuart I've been watching your develop-7.4 branch and noticed a few recent commits that seem like you've got a functional ebuild. Is this now functional/beta enough for me to try with reasonable odds I'll get a web interface running and can spend some time hunting for bugs in the new SBS?
Comment 5 Stuart Hickinbottom 2009-10-14 07:38:10 UTC
Yes, generally the ebuild does seem to be working. There are a couple of things with it, though:

1. It won't migrate your existing SqueezeCenter settings yet.
2. There are a couple of Perl modules that it depends on that are not yet in Portage.

The first I suspect you're happy with (it might even be an advantage while it's in beta). The second concerns the following modules:

1. Audio::Scan (requested in bug#287264)
2. EV (requested in bug#287857)

If you can build those two modules yourself (app-portage/g-cpan might help with that, but I think I had to hand-roll EV in the end), then you should definitely be able to install it and get it working with the current beta ebuild with minimal difficulties. You'll notice, though, that you'll need quite a few more unstable Perl packages in your /etc/portage/package.keywords file.

It might help if you could drop a comment in those two bugs as well (I'd make this dependent on them but as this bug is not assigned to me at the moment).
Comment 6 Joe Peterson (RETIRED) gentoo-dev 2009-10-16 01:47:53 UTC
Stuart, let me know when you've got something ready for the new version.  Is the official new name "Squeeze Box Server"?  It makes a long name "squeezeboxserver" - which is ashame.  But if that's the name, we'll have to use it.
Comment 7 Nate Weibley 2009-10-16 04:53:51 UTC
(In reply to comment #5)
> If you can build those two modules yourself (app-portage/g-cpan might help with
> that, but I think I had to hand-roll EV in the end), then you should definitely
> be able to install it and get it working with the current beta ebuild with
> minimal difficulties. You'll notice, though, that you'll need quite a few more
> unstable Perl packages in your /etc/portage/package.keywords file.
> It might help if you could drop a comment in those two bugs as well (I'd make
> this dependent on them but as this bug is not assigned to me at the moment).

You're dead right... squeezeboxserver ebuild works great but as expected the server must be reconfigured (though admittedly due to the changes in the GUI/server this may not be a terrible option as long as saving prefs is also an option). Audio:Scan pulled in through g-cpan like a breeze but needs it's own ebuild I agree... an EV reuquired the CPAN console due to YAML weirdness and inotify grief. 

Nonetheless the squeezeboxserver ebuild was flawless and the server is working great. Thanks, this bug is well on it's way to being closed!
Comment 8 Stuart Hickinbottom 2009-10-16 07:29:47 UTC
(In reply to comment #6)
> Stuart, let me know when you've got something ready for the new version.  Is
> the official new name "Squeeze Box Server"?  It makes a long name
> "squeezeboxserver" - which is ashame.  But if that's the name, we'll have to
> use it.

Yes, will do. It's kind of dependent on those two bugs this is now dependent on (to avoid bundling even more CPAN modules) but, if there's no progress on that in a while I can look at bundling them in as well.

Re 'squeezeboxserver' - yes, it's a biggie but that's the name they're currently giving it. This also matches the name of the Debian and other packaged builds they produce so I think that's what it should be for consistency, unfortunately.
Comment 9 Mark 2009-10-27 02:04:08 UTC

Anything I can do to make this move?  A long story: Logitec pushed out the the latest squeezebox update (to 7.4), but it will only work with the "new" squeeze-box-server. So my squeezebox became stuck in a never ending upgrade-oops-downgrade oops-upgrade... cycle trying to work with squeezecenter and wanting to upgrade.  I killed (emerge -C) squeezecenter as it is now useless and, in addition, causes the upgrade-downgrade problem.  I tried to install squeezeboxserver from your page, most of it seemed to roll out OK but I couldn't get it to work (perhaps I do not know how to "hand roll" EV correctly).  So for now, I cloned a W2k virtual machine and installed windoz squeezeboxserver.  Pretty disgusting, but I can listen to music again.  I wish I had a better understanding of the issues involved, they seem philosophical to me.  But, if there is something I can do to help, please let me know.  And thanks for being a developer.   
Comment 10 Nate Weibley 2009-10-27 02:20:36 UTC
(In reply to comment #9)
> I tried to install squeezeboxserver from your page, most of it seemed to roll out OK but I
> couldn't get it to work (perhaps I do not know how to "hand roll" EV
> correctly).

Quick 101, assuming you know how to add an overlay and checkout the git branch.
You need to emerge g-cpan
Then you can run:
g-cpan -i Audio::Scan
(this will install Audio::Scan via an automatically generated ebuild stored in an overlay)
Next to install EV open a console and start the cpan console:
install EV
(if it fails to test it's an inotify issue, run force install EV)

_Then_ test the new ebuild and it should work.
Comment 11 Stuart Hickinbottom 2009-10-27 07:59:57 UTC
Sorry it's taking so long. It doesn't look like those two dependent bugs are going to get closed soon, but you could drop a comment into them (bug#287264, bug#287857) to try to get them moved on a little.

In the meantime I'll try to get those two Perl packages bundled with this ebuild - it's messy and will irritate the problem in bug#251494, but I don't see an alternative at the moment.

So, I'll have a crack at that in the next few days and try to get a version of the ebuild together that at least works, even if it isn't entirely 'clean'.

Note that it'll be for Squeezebox Server 7.4.1 as that is now out, which shows how slow I've been!

(In reply to comment #9)
> Stuart,
> Anything I can do to make this move?  A long story: Logitec pushed out the the
> latest squeezebox update (to 7.4), but it will only work with the "new"
> squeeze-box-server. So my squeezebox became stuck in a never ending
> upgrade-oops-downgrade oops-upgrade... cycle trying to work with squeezecenter
> and wanting to upgrade.  I killed (emerge -C) squeezecenter as it is now
> useless and, in addition, causes the upgrade-downgrade problem.  I tried to
> install squeezeboxserver from your page, most of it seemed to roll out OK but I
> couldn't get it to work (perhaps I do not know how to "hand roll" EV
> correctly).  So for now, I cloned a W2k virtual machine and installed windoz
> squeezeboxserver.  Pretty disgusting, but I can listen to music again.  I wish
> I had a better understanding of the issues involved, they seem philosophical to
> me.  But, if there is something I can do to help, please let me know.  And
> thanks for being a developer.   

Comment 12 Mark 2009-10-27 14:13:26 UTC

I spread my whining (as comments) to both the bugs (EV / Audio).  I kind of understand and respect the concept for not bundling stuff as it is not the Gentoo way.  I would be happy using your git repository build -- as long as I can make it work -- if putting this stuff in portage proper is an issue.

Again, thanks   
Comment 13 Stuart Hickinbottom 2009-10-27 14:53:03 UTC
I think it's a matter of when this gets into Portage, not if. I'll work on bundling EV/Audio::Scan and if those bugs move on in the meantime I'm more than happy to back that out. I'll report back here when the ebuild is ready - you can separately monitor my git repository if you're interested in the intermediate development - I'll avoid duplicating that here to reduce the noise.

(In reply to comment #12)
> Stuart,
> I spread my whining (as comments) to both the bugs (EV / Audio).  I kind of
> understand and respect the concept for not bundling stuff as it is not the
> Gentoo way.  I would be happy using your git repository build -- as long as I
> can make it work -- if putting this stuff in portage proper is an issue.
> Again, thanks   

Comment 14 Mark 2009-10-27 23:51:36 UTC
I got it working.  I did not initially roll out EV in the manner suggested by Nate. After following his directions (actually much simpler than what I did), 59 perl modules later it fired up and works.  Now I can shut down the windoze VirtualBox!  Thanks Stuart and Nate.
Comment 15 Stuart Hickinbottom 2009-11-04 12:53:25 UTC
I've now got to the stage where the server starts and seems to serve music. I've not done much testing but it appears basically working.

Could those able to test from my github repository give this version a try?

If this works OK I'll think about the migration of old SqueezeCenter settings and hopefully get it moved to the Portage tree without the "beta" mark.
Comment 16 Johan Andrén 2009-11-07 12:49:41 UTC
I have tried to build it but on my ppc-gentoo machine the ebuild fails at
cp -r CPAN/arch "${D}/usr/lib/squeezeboxserver/CPAN" || die "Unable to install compiled CPAN modules"

and if i check under "work/squeezeboxserver-7.4.1-28947-noCPAN/CPAN/" there is no arch directory.

(In reply to comment #15)
> ...
> Could those able to test from my github repository give this version a try?
> ..
Comment 17 Stuart Hickinbottom 2009-11-07 22:11:26 UTC
Sorry you're having trouble. That's odd - that directory is present (but empty) in the Squeezebox Server tarball so that line shouldn't fail.

Could you try the latest version (I've made the Perl module compilation temporarily more verbose to try to track down some problems) and capture a log with:
emerge squeezeboxserver 2>&1 | tee build.log
and attach that log so I could take a look?


(In reply to comment #16)
> I have tried to build it but on my ppc-gentoo machine the ebuild fails at
> cp -r CPAN/arch "${D}/usr/lib/squeezeboxserver/CPAN" || die "Unable to install
> compiled CPAN modules"
> and if i check under "work/squeezeboxserver-7.4.1-28947-noCPAN/CPAN/" there is
> no arch directory.
> (In reply to comment #15)
> > ...
> > Could those able to test from my github repository give this version a try?
> > ..

Comment 18 Robert 2009-11-08 11:33:17 UTC
I have a similar problem with CPAN/arch directories on x86 - the ebuild fails with the following messages

>>> Install squeezeboxserver-7.4.1_beta into /tmp/portage/media-sound/squeezeboxserver-7.4.1_beta/image/ category media-sound
cp: cannot stat `CPAN-arch/*': No such file or directory

 ERROR: media-sound/squeezeboxserver-7.4.1_beta failed.
 * Call stack:
 *     , line   49:  Called src_install
 *             environment, line 2440:  Called die
 * The specific snippet of code:
 *       cp -r CPAN-arch/* "${D}/usr/lib/squeezeboxserver/CPAN/arch" || die "Unable to install compiled CPAN modules";
 *  The die message:
 *   Unable to install compiled CPAN modules

Looking in /var/tmp/portage/media-sound/squeezeboxserver-7.4.1_beta/work/squeezeboxserver-7.4.1-28947-noCPAN there is no CPAN-arch/ directory, but I do have CPAN/arch/ which is empty.

I had a bit of a dig around in the ebuild, but couldn't really see what I should do to fix this (properly!), so I commented out the three lines in that area (see diff below) - I don't have CPAN-pm/ directory either, or CPAN/pm so I figured that line would be the next to fail!

The ebuild then installed, but when I tried to start squeezeboxserver it failed because EV and Audio::Scan weren't installed.  So I installed both of these as per the instructions in Comment #10 and now it seems to be working ok.  

All my players have upgraded firmware, playing music works, new BBC App works, 3rd party BBC IPlayer plugin works (after I disabled AAC in it's settings), Podcast app works.

Thanks for your efforts putting this ebuild together :-)

Will try to attach a build.log.

--- squeezeboxserver-7.4.1_beta.ebuild-workingRL        2009-11-08 09:43:35.000000000 +0000
+++ squeezeboxserver-7.4.1_beta.ebuild  2009-11-08 11:04:36.000000000 +0000
@@ -230,9 +230,9 @@
        cp -r lib/* "${D}/${LIBDIR}" || die "Unable to install architecture-dependent files"

        # Install compiled Perl modules because of bug#287264 and bug#287857.
-       #dodir "/usr/lib/squeezeboxserver/CPAN/arch"
-       #cp -r CPAN-arch/* "${D}/usr/lib/squeezeboxserver/CPAN/arch" || die "Unable to install compiled CPAN modules"
-       #cp -r CPAN-pm/* "${D}/usr/share/squeezeboxserver/CPAN" || die "Unable to install compiled CPAN modules"
+       dodir "/usr/lib/squeezeboxserver/CPAN/arch"
+       cp -r CPAN-arch/* "${D}/usr/lib/squeezeboxserver/CPAN/arch" || die "Unable to install compiled CPAN modules"
+       cp -r CPAN-pm/* "${D}/usr/share/squeezeboxserver/CPAN" || die "Unable to install compiled CPAN modules"

Comment 19 Robert 2009-11-08 11:36:42 UTC
Created attachment 209622 [details]
Failed build log for Comment #18
Comment 20 Stuart Hickinbottom 2009-11-10 22:26:40 UTC
(In reply to comment #19)
> Created an attachment (id=209622) [details]
> Failed build log for Comment #18

Thanks for that. Having looked at the attachment it appears that the problems are caused by one of the built-in tests for EV failing (Perl modules are generally packaged with tests so that they can self-test before installing). That means the results aren't there to install (which is why there's no arch-pm directory etc). The offending output is:

"Failed tests:  6-7, 9" near the end.

Unfortunately a build problem with EV is not something I can easily debug as I don't know what those test failures point to (I can see the test source, but it's pretty impenetrable). It's odd that it builds when you manually build it, though (does that run through the test step, I wonder?)

Looking at CPAN it looks like you're not the only one with that problem - see here:

It might be worth contacting the author to try to see whether there was an obvious reason for that failure (see contact details for that module on CPAN).
Comment 21 Robert 2009-11-11 18:33:25 UTC
(In reply to comment #20)

Ah, yes, I think I did have to do a "force install" as suggested in Comment #10 because the tests failed and so it didn't install anything.  That just says that it's an "inotify" issue (whatever that might mean :-) ), but it seems to work ok without anyway...

> Looking at CPAN it looks like you're not the only one with that problem - see
> here:
> It might be worth contacting the author to try to see whether there was an
> obvious reason for that failure (see contact details for that module on CPAN).

Interesting - looks like whoever posted that wont be getting a response based on the start of that automated-looking reply! 
Comment 22 Stuart Hickinbottom 2009-11-12 10:57:16 UTC
You might have something there - do you have inotify support compiled into your kernel? The following might identify that:

zcat /proc/config.gz | grep INOTIFY

If that's the reason I could look at making it ignore errors for the tests of that module.

(In reply to comment #21)

> Ah, yes, I think I did have to do a "force install" as suggested in Comment #10
> because the tests failed and so it didn't install anything.  That just says
> that it's an "inotify" issue (whatever that might mean :-) ), but it seems to
> work ok without anyway...
> ...

Comment 23 Robert 2009-11-12 19:55:56 UTC
(In reply to comment #22)
> You might have something there - do you have inotify support compiled into your
> kernel? The following might identify that:
> zcat /proc/config.gz | grep INOTIFY
> If that's the reason I could look at making it ignore errors for the tests of
> that module.

Hmm, it would seem that I do:

robert@quad ~ $ zcat /proc/config.gz |grep -i inot

robert@quad ~ $ cat /proc/version
Linux version (root@quad) (gcc version 4.3.4 (Gentoo 4.3.4 p1.0, pie-10.1.5) ) #1 SMP PREEMPT Sat Nov 7 16:21:11 GMT 2009
Comment 24 Stuart Hickinbottom 2009-11-13 08:57:02 UTC
OK - I've disabled the CPAN module tests for EV - if you pull an update from the git repository you should get that version.

This isn't ideal, but most people install CPAN modules from Portage without running those tests and so it's not really any worse than that.

(In reply to comment #23)
> (In reply to comment #22)
> > You might have something there - do you have inotify support compiled into your
> > kernel? The following might identify that:
> > 
> > zcat /proc/config.gz | grep INOTIFY
> > 
> > If that's the reason I could look at making it ignore errors for the tests of
> > that module.
> Hmm, it would seem that I do:
> robert@quad ~ $ zcat /proc/config.gz |grep -i inot
> robert@quad ~ $ cat /proc/version
> Linux version (root@quad) (gcc version 4.3.4 (Gentoo 4.3.4 p1.0,
> pie-10.1.5) ) #1 SMP PREEMPT Sat Nov 7 16:21:11 GMT 2009

Comment 25 Sune Kloppenborg Jeppesen (RETIRED) gentoo-dev 2009-11-27 19:17:20 UTC
Building fails with NFS mounted Portage tree with noexec:

 * Building bundled Perl modules (some warnings are normal here)...                                            
/var/tmp/portage/media-sound/squeezeboxserver-7.4.1/temp/environment: /usr/portage/media-sound/squeezeboxserver/files/ /bin/bash: bad interpreter: Permission denied              
Comment 26 Joe Peterson (RETIRED) gentoo-dev 2009-11-28 20:25:07 UTC
(In reply to comment #25)
> Building fails with NFS mounted Portage tree with noexec:
>  * Building bundled Perl modules (some warnings are normal here)...             
> /var/tmp/portage/media-sound/squeezeboxserver-7.4.1/temp/environment:
> /usr/portage/media-sound/squeezeboxserver/files/ /bin/bash:
> bad interpreter: Permission denied              

Interesting.  Stuart, this could probably be easily fixed by copying the script to the work area first.  I suspect directly executing out of the portage tree is somewhat a no-no anyway.
Comment 27 Stuart Hickinbottom 2009-11-29 11:38:01 UTC
(In reply to comment #26)
> (In reply to comment #25)
> > Building fails with NFS mounted Portage tree with noexec:
> > 
> >  * Building bundled Perl modules (some warnings are normal here)...             
> > /var/tmp/portage/media-sound/squeezeboxserver-7.4.1/temp/environment:
> > /usr/portage/media-sound/squeezeboxserver/files/ /bin/bash:
> > bad interpreter: Permission denied              
> Interesting.  Stuart, this could probably be easily fixed by copying the script
> to the work area first.  I suspect directly executing out of the portage tree
> is somewhat a no-no anyway.

Yes, I think you're right Joe. I'll take a look at what other packages do and do the same - at the very least it could just be run as an argument to "bash" to avoid trying to directly execute the file.
Comment 28 Sune Kloppenborg Jeppesen (RETIRED) gentoo-dev 2009-12-01 20:58:16 UTC
Also with just a bit of hacking you can use another mysql server, so you might want to make the following change to the init script:

-       need net mysql
+       need net
+       use mysql

ie. modify /var/lib/squeezeboxserver/prefs/squeezeboxserver.prefs
dbusername: squeezecenter
dbpassword: password
dbsource: dbi:mysql:hostname=mysqlservername;database=squeezecenter
Comment 29 Graham Chapman 2009-12-01 21:56:16 UTC
Created attachment 211722 [details, diff]
Update to support Perl 5.10.1

This is a patch to the script in files to add support for Perl 5.10.1 which is what I got from portage for a new build this week.

Without this patch I get the same error as in comment 18 - no perl binary is found and the modules build fails silently. 
As well as explicit perl 5.10.1 support I have also added a sanity check and error message in the case where no perl binary is found, this should at least help with future debugging. 
Its early days, but squeezecenter seems to be working with perl 5.10.1 so far...
Comment 30 Stuart Hickinbottom 2009-12-02 19:57:02 UTC
(In reply to comment #28)
> Also with just a bit of hacking you can use another mysql server, so you might
> want to make the following change to the init script:
> -       need net mysql
> +       need net
> +       use mysql
> ie. modify /var/lib/squeezeboxserver/prefs/squeezeboxserver.prefs
> dbusername: squeezecenter
> dbpassword: password
> dbsource: dbi:mysql:hostname=mysqlservername;database=squeezecenter

Thanks for that - yes I think that's a good idea. I'll store that up for the next update.
Comment 31 Stuart Hickinbottom 2009-12-02 19:58:31 UTC
Thanks for that - I'll take a look at including that for the next update. I believe that Logitech build the Windows versions with perl 5.10 so I would expect it to work OK.

Thanks again for that.

(In reply to comment #29)
> Created an attachment (id=211722) [details]
> Update to support Perl 5.10.1
> This is a patch to the script in files to add support for Perl
> 5.10.1 which is what I got from portage for a new build this week.
> Without this patch I get the same error as in comment 18 - no perl binary is
> found and the modules build fails silently. 
> As well as explicit perl 5.10.1 support I have also added a sanity check and
> error message in the case where no perl binary is found, this should at least
> help with future debugging. 
> Its early days, but squeezecenter seems to be working with perl 5.10.1 so
> far...

Comment 32 Joe Peterson (RETIRED) gentoo-dev 2010-07-06 03:50:42 UTC
Masking for removal in 30 days.