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Bug 27614 - [ebuild update] media-sound/mp3splt-1.9
Summary: [ebuild update] media-sound/mp3splt-1.9
Alias: None
Product: Gentoo Linux
Classification: Unclassified
Component: New packages (show other bugs)
Hardware: All Linux
: High enhancement
Assignee: Gentoo Sound Team
Keywords: EBUILD
Depends on:
Reported: 2003-08-30 12:06 UTC by TGL
Modified: 2004-10-01 08:26 UTC (History)
0 users

See Also:
Package list:
Runtime testing required: ---

mp3splt-1.9.ebuild (mp3splt-1.9.ebuild,553 bytes, text/plain)
2003-08-30 12:08 UTC, TGL

Note You need to log in before you can comment on or make changes to this bug.
Description TGL 2003-08-30 12:06:52 UTC
Current version in portage is 1.7. 

Here are the changes since this version:

# Mp3splt v. 1.9
NOTE: From this version an important change for auto-adjust took place:
Don't use -sc any more to adjust splitpoints wiith cddb, but -a and -c:
NO:  mp3splt -sc file.ccdb file.mp3
YES: mp3splt -a auto -c file.cddb file.mp3
YES: mp3splt -a gap=20,th=1.0 -c file.cddb file.mp3
Please read man page for more details.
- new feature added: -t option introduced. To split by time length.
- feature improved: -a introduced instead of -sc, now can be used to adjust also
in manual mode.
- feature improved: -a option allows to specify threshold and gap for all uses.
- feature improved: -s option now allows to specify a threshold value.
- feature improved: output file can be "-" to indicate standard out (stdout).
- feature improved: now "End of file reached" displayed.
- feature improved: flength() now more elegant (and correct).
- bug fixed: CUE files parsing was wrong, now works better.
- bug fixed: when outputfile was specified, ID3 had "From: To:" blank
# Mp3splt v. 1.8
- new feature added: -d option introduced. To put output files in a directory.
- new feature added: -o option introduced. For a user output filename creation
with c.
- feature improved: output filenames now are automatically zero padded for a
correct order.
- feature improved: no limits to minutes and c_seconds() more readable.
- feature improved: now performer field of cue files is saved for use with @p.
- bug fixed: cleanstring now cleans '\r' for cddb and cue file in DOS format.
- bug fixed: fixed search of xing header for variable position of xing informations.
- bug fixed: cddb files parsing now understands multi-line song titles.
- bug fixed: smarter option handler, now options can be specified at any point.
- bug fixed: better error management, splt_abort() introduced.
- bug fixed: now serial numbers of ogg files are a bit more randomic (were all
the same :D)

This ebuild is based on a mix the portage ebuild and the one I had also
submitted for 1.7 (bug #20930). I've choosed to depend on "libmad" instead of
"mad", because this split of the package is a good idea and I hope it will soon
be marked stable. 

Reproducible: Always
Steps to Reproduce:
Comment 1 TGL 2003-08-30 12:08:08 UTC
Created attachment 16825 [details]
Comment 2 J. Ellis (RETIRED) gentoo-dev 2003-09-20 05:55:34 UTC
Now in portage.
Comment 3 razamatan 2004-10-01 08:26:47 UTC
2.1 is out now... please bump!