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Bug 274578 - net-mail/mairix-0.21-r1 - Updated ebuild with a patch to make it more gnus-friendly
Summary: net-mail/mairix-0.21-r1 - Updated ebuild with a patch to make it more gnus-fr...
Alias: None
Product: Gentoo Linux
Classification: Unclassified
Component: New packages (show other bugs)
Hardware: All Linux
: High enhancement
Assignee: Net-Mail Packages
Depends on:
Reported: 2009-06-18 05:18 UTC by Beetle B.
Modified: 2010-08-30 07:37 UTC (History)
1 user (show)

See Also:
Package list:
Runtime testing required: ---

Patch for enhancing gnus functionality (mairix-0.21-gnus-patch.diff,11.59 KB, patch)
2009-06-18 05:19 UTC, Beetle B.
Details | Diff
Modified ebuild that applies the patch if the gnus USE flag is set. (mairix-0.21-r1.ebuild,1.23 KB, text/plain)
2009-06-18 05:20 UTC, Beetle B.

Note You need to log in before you can comment on or make changes to this bug.
Description Beetle B. 2009-06-18 05:18:30 UTC
Gnus is a mail reader (via emacs). 

The next release of gnus will make use of the mairix search engine. However, a key convenient facility is not available in the regular mairix search engine. Hence, they created a patch to add some extra features. 

Specifically, the patch allows for "marks" applied to emails in search groups created by mairix to propagate to the actual emails. This allows gnus to create "virtual" or "smart" groups (folders in the usual email parlance) based on search queries, where the user can treat those groups as regular groups.

The details are at: The link to the patch is on that page.

The modified ebuild merely checks if the gnus use flag is set, and if it is, applies the patch.  

Reproducible: Always

Here's the author's description of the patch:

"I've modified mairix to deal with changing maildir flags without the
need to update the database. This was primarily motivated by my work on
integrating mairix with the Gnus mail reader and propagating flags from
the search results to the original mails, but I guess it should be
useful for others, too.

The problem with maildir is that the flags are stored by appending
characters to the filename, e.g. "S" for seen and "R" for
replied. Therefore, you currently have to update the database every time
a maildir flag changes or you risk dangling symlinks. Additionally,
incoming maildir messages are first put into the 'new' directory and are
moved to 'cur' when the mail client has noticed the mail, which can also
lead to dangling symlinks if the database is not updated.

I've added a new option "-c" to mairix which will first check for the
existence of the target file before creating the symlink. If the target
does not exist anymore, it will change 'new' to 'cur' (if needed) and do
a file name completion without the flags using the glob-function from
the glibc.

I've also modified the process of updating the database to deal with
changing maildir flags: Currently, a maildir file with a changed flag
will be seen as a new message by mairix and hence is completely
rescanned (and the old one marked as dead). It will also get a new index
number in the database which made it very difficult for me to deal with
mairix search groups in Gnus since an IMAP server would assign a new UID
to this message although it is technically still the same mail
file. The patched mairix will see that the same mail still exists and
only rescan the flags and update the file name in the database."
Comment 1 Beetle B. 2009-06-18 05:19:54 UTC
Created attachment 195044 [details, diff]
Patch for enhancing gnus functionality
Comment 2 Beetle B. 2009-06-18 05:20:24 UTC
Created attachment 195046 [details]
Modified ebuild that applies the patch if the gnus USE flag is set.
Comment 3 Tim Harder gentoo-dev 2010-08-30 07:37:12 UTC
Thanks for the patch. It's been applied to mairix-0.22 that I just added to the tree. Please test the functionality since I don't use mairix with gnus.