I would like to introduce to you Dror Levin, who joins us from Israel. He is already actively helping us, the Qt team, in our overlay, as well as by squashing bugs. He has already finished the ebuild-quiz and is working on his end-quiz in order to become a full developer for the Qt team. He might join others as well. As his mentor and as Qt lead I ask you to welcome him.
I just granted editbugs privs to Dror as requested by Ben. Ben, please set a watch over Dror so that you can follow his work in bugzilla.
Thanks! I am watching him now.
Sent the quizzes to recruiters@g.o :D
Dror, I'll be your recruiter. Please contact me by IRC or email to schedule the first review session. Also send your end-quiz to recruiters@gentoo.org when approved by your mentor. Always add a comment to this bug when you send something to that address. Thanks.
I've sent the updated ebuild-quiz after the review session to recruiters@g.o :)
Sent the updated end-quiz and the fixed ebuild to recruiters@g.o
(In reply to comment #6) > Sent the updated end-quiz and the fixed ebuild to recruiters@g.o > I sent comments on the quizzes by email to pva.
Sent updated quizzes and ebuild to recruiters@g.o after last review.
eview sessions passed. LDAP, bugzilla, cvs/svn groups on cvs.gentoo.org, IRC-cloak were set. Announcement pending. @infra: please CC ayoy to gentoo-{core,dev-announce} mailing lists. Dror, what you need to do: - subscribe to mailing lists with @gentoo.org address - request forum status bump in #gentoo-forums or by mail to forum-mods@gentoo.org (if you have a forums count) - send yourself mail to create .maildir (already done after I updated this bug ;) - add yourself to mail aliases ( like java@gentoo.org ) see /var/mail/alias on dev.gentoo.org - ask team leads to add yourself to herds.xml for the herds you want to join or do it yourself if you have the permission to do so - set lat and lon attributes in LDAP if you want others to know where exactly you are located - set gentooIM if you want people to be able to contact you via other means than email For the mentor: - You are also responsible for the commits of your recruit during the first month so you should watch the commits of your recruit via gentoo-commits mailing list.
lists done.
Guys anything left here?
(In reply to comment #11) > Guys anything left here? > I sent the announcement in place of pva.
Reopening as Dror hasn't committed anything since December - Last (viewable) bugzilla activity: 2012-04-30 - Last CVS activity: 2011-12-18 First mail sent today
Dror said he will be back soon
We are still in the same situation :|
As talked with him, he has personal problems that will prevent him from having time for gentoo. We all hope things get solved :( Good luck!
- bugs reassigned - metadata.xml cleaned - herds.xml cleaned
LOG: Running on flycatcher.gentoo.org LOG: Removing spatz from groups
LOG: Started on woodpecker.gentoo.org LOG: Found spatz. LOG: Finished at Tue Feb 12 04:44:14 UTC 2013 with rc=0
LOG: Removing spatz from all lists. on pigeon.gentoo.org.
Please do your thing
Retired on the forums.
planet/blogs and overlays done
All done. Closing