hwoever there seems to be not such a file, or ? Reproducible: Always
/etc/conf.d/modules belongs to the sys-apps/openrc package which is not yet marked stable. @ kvm maintainers: How about some logic in the ebuild which checks for the presence of sys-apps/openrc and then prints out the correct modules file (/etc/modules.autoload.d/kernel-2.6 for baselayout-1 users)?
I'm on leave of absence right now, so this will not happen any time soon unless Cardoe wants to do it. That said, kvm is currently ~arch, and is completely untested on stable systems (by me, at least). It may or may not even work. An einfo about the wrong directory is probably a minor issue.
I'm going to leave this as is. ~arch is not something you should pick-and-choose for, IMO. If kvm goes stable before openrc, I'll revisit.