Prokyon3 is a tool to manage your mp3s with a MySQL database. If you have many clients and one fileserver, it is a nice feature that prokyon3 can connect to a remote MySQL-host keeping your database centralized and easy to maintain. It doesn't make much sense to me to have MySQL as a dependancy because you don't need it to run Prokyon3. You need access to a server, local or remotely. Maybe quoting this after emerging is sufficient, since the description already states this: "Multithreaded MP3 manager and tag editor based on Qt and MySQL". Regards, Jens
I think you are probably right that this shouldn't depend on mysql. However, this isn't going to allow this package to be installed without mysql on a machine. Look at the comment in the ebuild that requires that qt be installed with mysql support. If you follow the dependencies back to qt, you'll see that with mysql in USE qt depends on dev-db/mysql in order to compile the client access library. So, there is no point in fixing this and the depend is essentially as correct as we can make it.