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Bug 265864 - split phonon backends from media-sound/phonon
Summary: split phonon backends from media-sound/phonon
Alias: None
Product: Gentoo Linux
Classification: Unclassified
Component: [OLD] KDE (show other bugs)
Hardware: All Linux
: High minor
Assignee: Gentoo KDE team
Depends on:
Reported: 2009-04-12 15:08 UTC by Philip Webb
Modified: 2010-12-29 20:39 UTC (History)
2 users (show)

See Also:
Package list:
Runtime testing required: ---


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Description Philip Webb 2009-04-12 15:08:36 UTC
In order to install Kdelibs-4.2.1, I was forced to install Phonon, which in turn requires Gstreamer (or equivalent).  I do not have speakers attached to my machine & do not have sound enabled in my kernel.  Some users (not me) may be deaf & are nonetheless forced to install pkgs they have no conceivable use for.  Why does Kdelibs 4 require installation of sound software ?
Comment 1 Tomáš Chvátal (RETIRED) gentoo-dev 2009-04-12 22:54:29 UTC
Ok all packages should have optional phonon support for kde it would need testing but i propose to make phonon optionaly depend on kdelibs with +alsa by default (phonon needs alsa) and then add eclass check that add +-alsa check on kdelibs and append 
KDE4_DISABLE_MULTIMEDIA  ON/OFF based on the need.

Or we might walk throught tree and check each app if it could run with phonon.

Other suggestions?
Comment 2 Philip Webb 2009-04-13 06:18:00 UTC
Thanks for the very prompt & constructive response.  I look forward to seeing which course the KDE devs choose to adopt.
Comment 3 Tomáš Chvátal (RETIRED) gentoo-dev 2009-04-13 10:35:04 UTC
He he :]
I am kde dev, and i would probably end up doing it, i am just asking others if they have better solution :D
Comment 4 Jorge Manuel B. S. Vicetto (RETIRED) gentoo-dev 2009-04-13 15:42:50 UTC
(In reply to comment #1)
> Ok all packages should have optional phonon support for kde it would need
> testing but i propose to make phonon optionaly depend on kdelibs with +alsa by
> default (phonon needs alsa) and then add eclass check that add +-alsa check on
> kdelibs and append 
> KDE4_DISABLE_MULTIMEDIA  ON/OFF based on the need.
> Or we might walk throught tree and check each app if it could run with phonon.
> Other suggestions?

Your proposal sounds good, but are you sure phonon is *really* optional?
Comment 5 Tomáš Chvátal (RETIRED) gentoo-dev 2009-04-13 15:45:47 UTC
Indeed it is. But the problem might be that pple will find out that this way they can install qt-phonon :(
So it might be good to actualy block qt-phonon on kdelibs directly.
Comment 6 Alexey Shvetsov archtester gentoo-dev 2009-04-20 16:48:48 UTC
(In reply to comment #5)
> Indeed it is. But the problem might be that pple will find out that this way
> they can install qt-phonon :(
> So it might be good to actualy block qt-phonon on kdelibs directly.

kdelibs want build without phonon. so its not optional
Comment 7 Philip Webb 2009-04-20 19:00:58 UTC
(In reply to comment #6)
> (In reply to comment #5)
> > ... So it might be good to actualy block qt-phonon on kdelibs directly.
> kdelibs want build without phonon. so its not optional
Is that confirmed by anyone else
(I'm not sure if 'alexxy' is a KDE team member) ?
Can it be fixed by a Gentoo patch ?
Should a bug be registered with KDE themselves ?

As always, I appreciate the work done by Gentoo devs,
but I object very strongly to being forced to install sound software
simple to be able to use some KDE apps.

Comment 8 Alexey Shvetsov archtester gentoo-dev 2009-04-20 20:10:06 UTC
(In reply to comment #7)
> (In reply to comment #6)
> > (In reply to comment #5)
> > > ... So it might be good to actualy block qt-phonon on kdelibs directly.
> > kdelibs want build without phonon. so its not optional
> Is that confirmed by anyone else
> (I'm not sure if 'alexxy' is a KDE team member) ?
> Can it be fixed by a Gentoo patch ?
> Should a bug be registered with KDE themselves ?

You are wrong i'm from kde team =) check =)

It may be changed for kde 4.3 if you'll open bug report at
> As always, I appreciate the work done by Gentoo devs,
> but I object very strongly to being forced to install sound software
> simple to be able to use some KDE apps.

Comment 9 Philip Webb 2009-04-25 08:14:36 UTC
I have submitted bug 190601 to KDE asking them to ensure that sound is not required in order to compile Kdelibs-4.x.x or other KDE packages.
Comment 10 Philip Webb 2009-04-25 11:13:24 UTC
Well, there was a quick response from KDE : "There is no bug here.
Phonon is just an API for sound, not an actual sound software.
If your distro forces the installation of an actual sound software
when installing Phonon, then it is a matter for them".

So what can Gentoo's KDE devs do to stop this imposition ?
Comment 11 Keith Harrison 2009-07-05 08:25:31 UTC
I am trying to put together a compact virtual machine with qt4 and kde4 and I also would like to install kde4 without gstreamer/xine/(other equivalent).  Is there a workaround available?
Comment 12 Philip Webb 2009-08-22 23:35:41 UTC
Has this been fixed ?  I checked today & 'emerge -pv phonon-4.4_pre20090520'
doesn't require any other sound package, but IIRC previously the problem arose
only when the actual configure-compile steps got underway.
I have no intention of using the KDE 4 desktop (Fluxbox is my preference),
but I want to use a few KDE apps like Konsole & Konqueror
& plan to try out 4.3.1 once it reaches 'testing' around October.
It would be nice to have this problem resolved before then.
Comment 13 Tomáš Chvátal (RETIRED) gentoo-dev 2010-06-25 10:26:28 UTC
Phonon is now audio/video framework for KDE SC.
We simply can't strip it out. But by messing with phonon useflags you can make it not depend on any sound packages.

It wont get better.

Comment 14 Philip Webb 2010-06-29 16:38:25 UTC
There's no way to "mess with use flags", as you put it, but I succeeded in emerging Phonon via 'USE="gstreamer" emerge --nodeps phonon': it compiles & installs & all the usual KDE apps started after a reboot (I don't use the KDE desktop, prefering Fluxbox).  I previously unmerged Gst-plugins-meta & all its dependencies (AFAIK).

So I have 1 remaining question for the Gentoo dev(s): if Phonon can be emerged successfully without Gstreamer or any of its dependencies, why does Portage still give me an error message, if I try to emerge Phonon without 'USE="gstreamer"' (or "xine" or "pulseaudio") ?  Shouldn't that message be deleted from the ebuild or wherever it is located ?
Comment 15 Maciej Mrozowski gentoo-dev 2010-08-24 00:13:37 UTC
Reopening, phonon-vlc is in tree now, as well deps can be relaxed a bit.
Comment 16 Maciej Mrozowski gentoo-dev 2010-08-24 00:24:03 UTC
Maybe something like this:

diff -u -B -r1.7 phonon-4.3.50_pre20090520.ebuild
--- phonon-4.3.50_pre20090520.ebuild    24 Jun 2010 22:24:28 -0000      1.7
+++ phonon-4.3.50_pre20090520.ebuild    24 Aug 2010 00:19:51 -0000
@@ -39,12 +39,6 @@
-pkg_setup() {
-       if use !xine && use !gstreamer; then
-               die "you must at least select one backend for phonon"
-       fi
 src_configure() {
                $(cmake-utils_use_with gstreamer GStreamer)
Index: phonon-4.3.80-r1.ebuild
RCS file: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/media-sound/phonon/phonon-4.3.80-r1.ebuild,v
retrieving revision 1.10
diff -u -B -r1.10 phonon-4.3.80-r1.ebuild
--- phonon-4.3.80-r1.ebuild     15 May 2010 13:50:18 -0000      1.10
+++ phonon-4.3.80-r1.ebuild     24 Aug 2010 00:19:51 -0000
@@ -40,10 +40,6 @@
 pkg_setup() {
-       if use !xine && use !gstreamer && use !aqua; then
-               die "you must at least select one backend for phonon"
-       fi
        if use xine && use aqua; then
                die "XINE backend needs X11 which is not available for USE=aqua"
Index: phonon-4.4.2.ebuild
RCS file: /var/cvsroot/gentoo-x86/media-sound/phonon/phonon-4.4.2.ebuild,v
retrieving revision 1.5
diff -u -B -r1.5 phonon-4.4.2.ebuild
--- phonon-4.4.2.ebuild 9 Aug 2010 02:27:37 -0000       1.5
+++ phonon-4.4.2.ebuild 24 Aug 2010 00:19:51 -0000
@@ -42,10 +42,6 @@
 pkg_setup() {
-       if use !xine && use !gstreamer && use !aqua; then
-               die "you must at least select one backend for phonon"
-       fi
        if use xine && use aqua; then
                die "XINE backend needs X11 which is not available for USE=aqua"
Comment 17 Theo Chatzimichos (RETIRED) archtester gentoo-dev Security 2010-12-29 20:36:49 UTC
Recently, upstream phonon split their basic phonon from its backends [1]
I just pushed a commit in overlay that reflects this for our live ebuilds, it is still a wip though (especially to better identify the deps and to add all backends, since xine and gstreamer split is still a wip in upstream build system as well). Upstream said that next phonon release will be in split tarballs. I'm resolving the bug, the change will hit the tree in next phonon version.