python-fcksum didn't emerge with the following CFLAGS="-march=k6 -O2 -fomit-frame-pointer -funroll-loops" after I removed the -funroll-loops it did emerge!
This seems to be a known upstream bug with gcc-3.2.x. If using -funroll-loops the workaround given is to use -march=i586
pascal, can you please attach the output of emerge info? i'm using gcc 3.2.3 and -march=k6 -funroll-loops -O2 works for me. can you also attach the output of the compile error? brandy, thanks for your link :)
hrmm .. well, according to the bug, 3.3 and newer 3.2.3 has the compiler bug fixed. since the reporter didn't supply emerge info, i don't think we can do much about it.