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Bug 258998 - app-text/texi2html-5.0 released
Summary: app-text/texi2html-5.0 released
Alias: None
Product: Gentoo Linux
Classification: Unclassified
Component: New packages (show other bugs)
Hardware: All All
: High enhancement
Assignee: TeX project
Depends on:
Reported: 2009-02-14 20:14 UTC by Arfrever Frehtes Taifersar Arahesis (RETIRED)
Modified: 2012-03-14 06:18 UTC (History)
4 users (show)

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Runtime testing required: ---


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Description Arfrever Frehtes Taifersar Arahesis (RETIRED) gentoo-dev 2009-02-14 20:14:52 UTC
app-text/texi2html-1.82 was released on 2009-01-06.

1.82 (2009-01-05)


* Add new hooks for user functions, for simple @-commands, and at the start and
  end of special regions.


* Tests are now more cross-platform and more tolerant of missing optional

* Don't use unidecode on unicode characters that are known not to have a good
  transliteration.  This corresponds with characters with an @-command that
  don't have a transliteration, like @exclamdown...

* Misc minor bug fixes.

1.80 (2009-01-01)


* handle @alias, @quote*, @guillem*, @textdegree, @allowcodebreaks,
  @fonttextsize, @hyphenation, @click, @clickstyle, @click, @arrow, 
  @clicksequence, @geq, @leq, @*headingmarks, @*footingmarks, @smallquotation,
  Handle @columnfractions and row prototypes in @multitable better.

* @documentlanguage is used to set the language each time it is seen (except
  if the language was set on the command line).

* new option --css-ref, generate reference to a CSS URL.

* new option --transliterate-file-names, produce file names in ASCII 
  transliteration (set in the default case).

* use accesskey and rel attributes, use link element if set in the init file.

* use node id as targets for sections.


* the API for the formatting of menus completly changed. $simple_menu_link
  is removed, everything should be done in $menu_link.

* change handling of @detailmenu and menu comments, with (among other changes)
  the menu function reference replaced by the menu_command function reference
  also handling @detailmenu.

* tex4ht.init now may use a different external program for @tex and for
  @math, and therefore the configuration variables were doubled and
  their name changed.

* change in the interface, a new function reference print_element_header
  has been added, that should print the heading navigation of an element.
  Previously it was done in print_section.

* change in the normal_text function reference API, now there is an 
  input variable true if in simple text.

* change in the menu_entry and simple_menu_entry function reference API,
  the name is always assed, and a new argument tells if there was an
  explicit name.

* change in unknown function reference API, now there is a pass argument
  to be able to handle unknown macros in other passes than the last.
  Report from Reinhold Kainhofer.

* in table_item the text is not formatted with the format command, 
  the text_formatted argument is.

* definition index entries are now formatted with $definition_index_entry,
  not with $definition_category anymore.

* $Texi2HTML::THISDOC{copying} is now $Texi2HTML::THISDOC{copying_comment}.



* changes in command line switches to synchronize with makeinfo:
  --number becomes --number-sections
  --separated-footnotes becomes --footnote-style
  --sec-nav becomes --header
  --Verbose becomes --verbose
  --lang becomes --document-language

* everything before @setfilename is not outputted, like makeinfo. The previous
  behaviour can be restored with $IGNORE_BEFORE_SETFILENAME = 0;

* Now there is an argtype possibility for definition specification 
  and the arg meaning changed. The whole definition parsing is now more
  like makeinfo.

* internal_ref and external_ref don't change inforef to xref anymore.

* change in the heading API. THIS_HEADER is not used anymore.
  New function reference, element_heading  to format a node or a section 
  heading, including navigation and label. Accordingly, print_Top and 
  one_section don't print the element header anymore. Also it is
  reported if the element is a new element, is the main element and
  more arguments, and top element heading is always done in heading.

* print_element_header and print_navigation now return their result.
* new argument for print_misc and print_misc_header, the misc page name.

* printindex is called if it appears, even if the index is not defined or
  there are no index entries.

* image API completly changed. The current behaviour is not stable, so
  is not documented.

* new argument (@@-command name) for quotation and quotation_prepend_text.

* image file paths are not completed anymore in the default case. The previous
  behaviour can be restored with $COMPLETE_IMAGE_PATHS set to true.

* there is a new 'style' key in $complex_format_map, to be able to 
  differentiate complex formats inheriting fonts and code_style (like 
  @format, @display).

* $EXTENSION should be undef if one doesn't want an extension to be added.

* THISDOC{'title'} and similar are now for @title since only one @title
  should appear in the document. @settitle is tried first to set fulltitle.

* Configuration variables are not modified anymore, instead the variable
  value is put in $Texi2HTML::THISDOC{'VAR'}. This is the case for

  For example, if $CSS_LINES is defined, the value is put in 
  $Texi2HTML::THISDOC{'CSS_LINES'} which is used for formatting, and if
  $CSS_LINES is not defined, $Texi2HTML::THISDOC{'CSS_LINES'} is 

* When there is no section and $USE_NODES is not set don't split by node.
  This behaviour and the previous aren't documented, so it could change
  in the future.


* --no-monolithic is reenabled.

* @, followed by an argument without brace is now handled. Report from 
  Jorge Barros de Abreu.

* @, is kept with --macro-expand.

* @math is more compatible with makeinfo/texi2dvi when no external program
  is used. Using tex4ht for html generation should also lead to a correct

* Handle right @end block commands followed by something else than a 
  spacing character.

* Remove trailing end of line in @html block.

* @itemize should produce bullets by default. Report from Reinhold Kainhofer.

* handle frame files like other files. Report from Reinhold Kainhofer.
Comment 1 Alexis Ballier gentoo-dev 2009-02-25 07:03:13 UTC
tests fail here:

make  check-TESTS
make[3]: Entering directory `/var/tmp/portage/app-text/texi2html-1.82/work/texi2html-1.82/test'
macros: 0
sectionning: 0
coverage: 0
D: diffs/tex_httex.diff
formatting: 1
encodings: 0
indices: 0
layout: 0
nested_formats: 0
contents: 0
htmlxref: 0
htmlxref-only_mono: 0
htmlxref-only_split: 0
invalid: 0
FAIL: base_tests
Comment 2 Marijn Schouten (RETIRED) gentoo-dev 2009-11-05 15:43:46 UTC
lilypond 2.13 dev branch warns if it finds an old version of texi2html.
Comment 3 Samuli Suominen (RETIRED) gentoo-dev 2012-03-14 06:18:40 UTC
5.0 in portage