I run my prefix install at /Library/Gentoo, which offers an amount of portability when copying an install between different computers. At the same time, I'm reviving my eselect-launchdagents code to support both system, as well as user level, support. I was stumped, since groups were not being created. Oddly, eutils.eclass already has new 10.5 support for enewgroup and enewuser, but egetent, which both of those methods rely on, was not updated. With the patch, now groups and users can be made on OS X, which is key for tighter, system-level integration. Reproducible: Always Steps to Reproduce: 1. sudo emerge -1 mailbase # (a small package that creates groups and users; you need to keyword it x86-macos Actual Results: Too lazy to re-break my system, and get the output. ;-) Expected Results: Users and groups should be able to be created on OS X, if running as root or under sudo. Patch coming.
Created attachment 181195 [details, diff] Patch for eutils.eclass Adds darwin9 / 10.5 support to egetent, without breaking <10.5.
Ah, I reviewed this and it looks like it is a gentoo linux bug because eutils.eclass in gentoo-x86 has the same code. (Not local to prefix) - Action taken next week.
apart from the ewarn it looks ok to me for mainline.
applied in gentoo-x86, thanks, should flow into the Prefix tree within a few days.
works great, thx a lot for the patch!