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Bug 257669 - www-client/midori: sandbox violation
Summary: www-client/midori: sandbox violation
Status: RESOLVED DUPLICATE of bug 256953
Alias: None
Product: Gentoo Linux
Classification: Unclassified
Component: New packages (show other bugs)
Hardware: All Linux
: High normal
Assignee: Gentoo Linux bug wranglers
Depends on:
Reported: 2009-02-04 21:03 UTC by Elias Pipping
Modified: 2009-02-04 22:02 UTC (History)
0 users

See Also:
Package list:
Runtime testing required: ---


Note You need to log in before you can comment on or make changes to this bug.
Description Elias Pipping 2009-02-04 21:03:20 UTC
Here's what I get with paludis:

These packages will be installed:

* www-client/midori [N 9999] <target>
    nls soup -sqlite build_options: -optional_tests split strip
    "A lightweight web browser"

Total: 1 package (1 new)


* nls:             Adds Native Language Support (using gettext - GNU locale utilities)
* soup:            Use Soup (net-libs/libsoup) as HTTP backend instead of curl(net-misc/curl), if you want better gnome integration for URL processing
* sqlite:          Adds support for sqlite - embedded sql database

(1 of 1) Installing www-client/midori-9999:0::gentoo

>>> Running ebuild phase killold as root:root...
>>> Starting builtin_killold
>>> Done builtin_killold
>>> Completed ebuild phase killold
>>> Running ebuild phases init saveenv as paludisbuild:paludisbuild...
>>> Starting builtin_init
>>> Done builtin_init
>>> Starting builtin_saveenv
>>> Done builtin_saveenv
>>> Completed ebuild phases init saveenv
>>> Running ebuild phases loadenv setup saveenv as root:root...
>>> Starting builtin_loadenv
>>> Done builtin_loadenv
>>> Starting pkg_setup
 * Note: this software is not yet in a too mature status so expect some minor things to break
>>> Done pkg_setup
>>> Starting builtin_saveenv
>>> Done builtin_saveenv
>>> Completed ebuild phases loadenv setup saveenv
>>> Running ebuild phases loadenv unpack saveenv as paludisbuild:paludisbuild...
>>> Starting builtin_loadenv
>>> Done builtin_loadenv
>>> Starting src_unpack
 * git update start -->
 *    repository: git://
 *    local clone: /usr/portage/distfiles/git-src/midori
 *    committish: master
>>> Unpacked to /var/tmp/paludis/www-client-midori-9999/work/midori-9999
>>> Done src_unpack
>>> Starting builtin_saveenv
>>> Done builtin_saveenv
>>> Completed ebuild phases loadenv unpack saveenv
>>> Running ebuild phases loadenv compile saveenv as paludisbuild:paludisbuild...
>>> Starting builtin_loadenv
>>> Done builtin_loadenv
>>> Starting src_compile
ACCESS DENIED  unlink:    /usr/lib64/python2.5/tokenize.pyc
ISE Unrecoverable error: Permission denied
/var/tmp/paludis/www-client-midori-9999/temp/loadsaveenv: line 3467: 18131 Aborted                 CCFLAGS="${CFLAGS}" LINKFLAGS="${LDFLAGS}" ./waf --prefix="/usr/" --libdir="/usr/$(get_libdir)/" configure

!!! ERROR in www-client/midori-9999:
!!! In src_compile at line 3468
!!! waf configure failed.

!!! Call stack:
!!!    * src_compile (/var/tmp/paludis/www-client-midori-9999/temp/loadsaveenv:3468)
!!!    * ebuild_f_compile (/usr/libexec/paludis/0/src_compile.bash:49)
!!!    * ebuild_main (/usr/libexec/paludis/ebuild.bash:482)
!!!    * main (/usr/libexec/paludis/ebuild.bash:498)

diefunc: making ebuild PID 18011 exit with error
die trap: exiting with error.

Install error:
  * In program paludis -i midori:
  * When performing install action from command line:
  * When executing install task:
  * When installing 'www-client/midori-9999:0::gentoo':
  * When running an ebuild command on 'www-client/midori-9999:0::gentoo':
  * Install error: Install failed for 'www-client/midori-9999:0::gentoo'

Summary of failures:

* www-client/midori-9999:0::gentoo: failure

Total: 1 package, 0 successes, 0 skipped, 1 failure, 0 unreached

Resume command: paludis --log-level qa --install --add-to-world-spec 'www-client/midori' --serialised 0.25 'package;=www-client/midori-9999:0::gentoo;installed;has_all_deps;P'

 * No unread news items found

 * Searching for configuration files requiring action...
 * No configuration file updates required

pipping@treibsand ~ $
Comment 1 Elias Pipping 2009-02-04 22:02:14 UTC

*** This bug has been marked as a duplicate of bug 256953 ***