Recently brasero-0.8.4-r1 and 0.9* ebuilds have been modified for only enable libburn by default: *brasero-0.9.1 (23 Jan 2009) *brasero-0.8.4-r1 (23 Jan 2009) 23 Jan 2009; Peter Alfredsen <> metadata.xml, brasero-0.8.2.ebuild, -brasero-0.8.3.ebuild, -brasero-0.8.4.ebuild, +brasero-0.8.4-r1.ebuild, +brasero-0.9.1.ebuild: Bump to 0.9.1, bug 254838. libgnome is no longer a dependency. W.r.t. bug 248275, add nautilus useflag. Add cdrtools and cdrkit use flags, since they are now selectable, do not make them default on. IUSE="+libburn", libburn is now used whenever possible, which should be 90% of cases, according to upstream. Backport these changes to brasero-0.8.4-r1 and punt old versions. I asked in upstream mailling list about what would be the best option: Philippe Rouquier told me the following: "Hi, I'd say have as many as you can installed =). They all have their limitations and advantages. The most complete is libburn, but at the same time it is quite young. Growisofs is quite good for DVDs only but it seems a bit unmaintained these days. Cdrdao is great for copying CDs (audio and data). cdrecord is better than wodim (which has quite a few bugs and which is unmaintained) and like wodim it has a limited support for DVDs; on the other hand, it received much testing over the years. Brasero handles automatically all that and chooses automatically the best backend to use according to the context. My only clear advice is don't use wodim only. Have at least growisofs as well. Wodim support for DVDs is really limited. Cheers, Philippe " Then, seems that enable cdrkit or cdrtools by default would be preferred. About which one to use, I am unsure about Gentoo policy on this. Most common distributions (Mandriva, Ubuntu, openSuSE, Debian, Fedora...) are using cdrkit by default. I am also using it instead of cdrtools, but as this topic has a lot of controversy between cdrtools vs cdrkit fans maybe media-optical herd could decide which one use :-) Thanks a lot Reproducible: Always
I think we discussed this this fall. Gentoo policy is to avoid cdrtools and friends whenever possible. Libburn is ++ and should be the default whereever possible. Note that this only affects how we set defaults and that the application is fully functional in all other regards. If noone else has anything to add, I will close this the next time I go over media-optical bugs.
Well, if you think that current stable libburn can replace cdrkit in brasero, feel free to close this as you will know much more about this than me :-)