I have 2 boxes (well, 1 box and a laptop actually) producing the same reproducable error, compiling kdeaddons 3.1.2. One machine is a dual p2-celeron, compiling with CFLAGS="-mcpu=pentium2 -mmmx -O3 -pipe -fomit-frame-pointer" the laptop is a XP-2400 M barton-core compiling with CFLAGS="-mcpu=athlon-xp -O3 -pipe -fomit-frame-pointer" the dual p2 upgrades from [ebuild U ] kde-base/kdeaddons-3.1.2 [3.1.1] and the athlon xp is having a fresh install, so it's probably more serious then an incompatibility with old packages. The output produced by the error is at http://zidsu.com:9080/kde/ (might take a couple of mins, reproducting right now still) My ACCEPT_KEYWORD="~x86" on both machines, and i did clean up and tried again, by emptying /var/tmp/portage/kdeaddons-3.1.2/ /usr/portage/distfiles/ /usr/portage/kde-base/ and then resynced and re-emerged. The error refers to SDL objects, and I already found a bug about kdeaddons and SDL so i unmerged and remerged libsdl as well. anyone having the same problem, or better, know how to fix this? maybe I miss some dependencies? I tried to emerge with a couple of flags, but I don't get past this error. Reproducible: Always Steps to Reproduce:
sorry, i actually posted this bug twice while refreshing page...
*** This bug has been marked as a duplicate of 25489 ***