We have a '~' (UNSTABLE) modifier for ACCEPT_KEYWORDS -- Great! We really need to add another two more modifiers. Gentoo is now a widely known distribution. Every time we have a problem in, say, the build system, it affects THOUSANDS of people now. Ask yourself the following question: "How many times in the last year has my system been broken by someone throwing a broken portage into the 'stable' tree?" Also ask yourself: "How many times in the last year has a package from the 'stable' emerged onto my system which failed to build?" I propose the following changes: Whatever we are doing right now should go into a new level above default. We should call it something like, "pretty stable but your mileage may vary". The new default level should be entitled something like, "so stable that it pisses ice-cubes". We also need to add another level below that called, "so stable that NASA can emerge it directly into its guidance and life-support systems during launch". We also need a system of testing in place to graduate packages from one level to the next. Currently, it seems like someone says, "I don't think enough people are testing this. Let's throw it into the stable tree...". Reproducible: Always Steps to Reproduce: 1. 2. 3.
*** This bug has been marked as a duplicate of 30381 ***