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Bug 253096 - sci-chemistry/jmol-12.2 bump request
Summary: sci-chemistry/jmol-12.2 bump request
Alias: None
Product: Gentoo Linux
Classification: Unclassified
Component: Current packages (show other bugs)
Hardware: All Linux
: Normal enhancement
Assignee: Jeffrey Gardner (RETIRED)
Depends on:
Reported: 2008-12-30 05:56 UTC by Jeremy Murphy
Modified: 2012-05-31 21:07 UTC (History)
2 users (show)

See Also:
Package list:
Runtime testing required: ---


Note You need to log in before you can comment on or make changes to this bug.
Description Jeremy Murphy 2008-12-30 05:56:26 UTC
Version in portage is quite old, please update.

Reproducible: Always

I tried upgrading by manually creating the ebuild myself and got reasonably far but with problems:
* the patch files would not apply (no real surprise), so I commented them out
* the build failed

I know very little about the Jmol build process, so I trust you'll have better results.  :)
Comment 1 Thilo Bangert (RETIRED) (RETIRED) gentoo-dev 2009-01-02 20:54:10 UTC
from summary: 11.6 is latest stable, 11.7 latest dev
Comment 2 Jeffrey Gardner (RETIRED) gentoo-dev 2009-01-02 21:55:57 UTC
On it :)
Comment 3 Jeremy Murphy 2009-04-11 01:04:09 UTC
How's it going?  :)
Comment 4 Justin Lecher (RETIRED) gentoo-dev 2009-04-23 10:00:17 UTC
I added bumped version to sci overlay.
Comment 5 Jeremy Murphy 2010-03-04 23:18:06 UTC
Latest official stable version is 11.8, unstable is 11.9.

Portage tree has 11.0, science overlay has 11.6.  :(
Comment 6 Jeremy Murphy 2010-12-18 02:37:35 UTC
There's a 12.0.24 stable version.

Out of curiosity, why are many scientific packages in the science overlay but there are a few in the main tree?
Comment 7 Jeremy Murphy 2011-03-31 11:10:49 UTC
Well, seeing as there is a 12.0 in the science overlay, I'm going to close this bug.

But maybe someone should remove 11.0 from the main tree, since it's really old now.
Comment 8 Justin Lecher (RETIRED) gentoo-dev 2011-03-31 13:09:23 UTC
Please leave it open until someone moved it to the tree.
Comment 9 Martin Mokrejš 2011-05-10 23:33:25 UTC
  I just bumped into jmol because jalview compile broke on that. I had jmol-11.0.3-r1 installed so I tried to upgrade to jmol-12.0.34 then. It seems the ebuild calls webapp-config with wrong arguments:

  [signjar] Signing JAR: /scratch/var/tmp/portage/sci-chemistry/jmol-12.0.34/work/jmol-12.0.34/build/JmolAppletSigned0.jar to /scratch/var/tmp/portage/sci-chemistry/jmol-12.0.34/work/jmol-12.0.34/build/JmolAppletSigned0.jar as selfSignedCertificate

      [jar] Building jar: /scratch/var/tmp/portage/sci-chemistry/jmol-12.0.34/work/jmol-12.0.34/build/JmolSmilesApplet.jar


Total time: 56 seconds
>>> Source compiled.
>>> Test phase [not enabled]: sci-chemistry/jmol-12.0.34

>>> Install jmol-12.0.34 into /scratch/var/tmp/portage/sci-chemistry/jmol-12.0.34/image/ category sci-chemistry
>>> Completed installing jmol-12.0.34 into /scratch/var/tmp/portage/sci-chemistry/jmol-12.0.34/image/

>>> Installing (1 of 1) sci-chemistry/jmol-12.0.34
Usage: webapp-config [-ICU] [-dghus] <APPLICATION VERSION>

  --version             show program's version number and exit

    The name and version number of the web application to install e.g.
    phpmyadmin 2.5.4. TheAPPLICATION must have already been installed into
    the /usr/share/webapps directory tree using emerge

  <Main Options>:
    -I, --install       Install a web application
    -C, --clean         Remove a web application
    -U, --upgrade       Upgrade a web application
  <Reporting Bugs>:
    To report bugs about webapp-config, please go to Include the output of webapp-config --bug-
    report <your parameters here> to help us to help you

* Fatal error: You need to specify at least the application you would like to handle!
* Fatal error(s) - aborting
 * ERROR: sci-chemistry/jmol-11.0.3-r1 failed (prerm phase):
 *   webapp_pkg_prerm failed
 * Call stack:
 *, line  56:  Called pkg_prerm
 *   environment, line 4294:  Called die
 * The specific snippet of code:
 *           webapp_pkg_prerm || die "webapp_pkg_prerm failed";
 * If you need support, post the output of 'emerge --info =sci-chemistry/jmol-11.0.3-r1',
 * the complete build log and the output of 'emerge -pqv =sci-chemistry/jmol-11.0.3-r1'.
!!! When you file a bug report, please include the following information:
GENTOO_VM=icedtea6-bin  CLASSPATH="" JAVA_HOME="/opt/icedtea6-bin-1.9.7"
JAVACFLAGS="-source 1.4 -target 1.4" COMPILER="javac"
and of course, the output of emerge --info
 * The complete build log is located at '/scratch/var/tmp/portage/._unmerge_/sci-chemistry/jmol-11.0.3-r1/temp/build.log'.
 * The ebuild environment file is located at '/scratch/var/tmp/portage/._unmerge_/sci-chemistry/jmol-11.0.3-r1/temp/environment'.
 * S: '/scratch/var/tmp/portage/._unmerge_/sci-chemistry/jmol-11.0.3-r1/work/jmol-11.0.3'
!!! FAILED prerm: 1

 * vhosts USE flag not set - auto-installing using webapp-config
 * This is an upgrade
 * jmol-11.0.3-r1 is already installed - upgrading
 * Running /usr/sbin/webapp-config -U -h localhost -u root -d /jmol jmol 12.0.34
* Upgrading /jmol-11.0.3-r1 to /jmol-12.0.34
*   Installed by root on 2011-05-11 01:21:53
*   Config files owned by 0:0
!empty /var/www/localhost/cgi-bin
* Remove whatever is listed above by hand
*   Creating required directories
*   Linking in required files
*     This can take several minutes for larger apps
*   Files and directories installed
* Install completed - success

 * Running /usr/sbin/webapp-cleaner -p -C jmol
 * Package name must be in the form CATEGORY/PN
 * ERROR: sci-chemistry/jmol-12.0.34 failed (postinst phase):
 *   webapp_pkg_postinst failed
 * Call stack:
 *, line  56:  Called pkg_postinst
 *   environment, line 4290:  Called die
 * The specific snippet of code:
 *           webapp_pkg_postinst || die "webapp_pkg_postinst failed";
 * If you need support, post the output of 'emerge --info =sci-chemistry/jmol-12.0.34',
 * the complete build log and the output of 'emerge -pqv =sci-chemistry/jmol-12.0.34'.
 * This ebuild is from an overlay named 'science': '/var/lib/layman/science/'
!!! When you file a bug report, please include the following information:
Comment 10 Martin Mokrejš 2011-05-10 23:36:19 UTC
Doh, and I would have included build.log if emerge would not continue after the error and remove /scratch/var/tmp/portage/sci-chemistry/jmol-12.0.34 . :(
Comment 11 Jeremy Murphy 2011-06-08 02:17:00 UTC
Out of curiosity, what are the criteria for transferring these ebuilds from the science overlay to the main tree?
Comment 12 Justin Lecher (RETIRED) gentoo-dev 2011-06-08 08:26:20 UTC
(In reply to comment #11)
> Out of curiosity, what are the criteria for transferring these ebuilds from the
> science overlay to the main tree?

A dev who is willing to review and test the ebuild. We are short in manpower, but you are right, that should be moved.
Comment 13 Jeremy Murphy 2011-11-09 06:32:31 UTC
Thanks for the 12.0 bump, I only just noticed.

Now how about 12.2?  :)
Comment 14 Jeremy Murphy 2012-02-20 00:38:03 UTC
*bump* 12.2 please.
Comment 15 R Stephan 2012-05-24 09:18:17 UTC
(In reply to comment #14)
> *bump* 12.2 please.

+1. I also want to know why there is not a single stable version in portage. jmol is one of the best packages out there, far away from unstable.
Comment 16 R Stephan 2012-05-24 09:25:01 UTC
please also make the client-only use flag default, for obvious reasons
Comment 17 Jeffrey Gardner (RETIRED) gentoo-dev 2012-05-31 21:07:25 UTC
12.2.27 is now in the tree for testing