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Bug 244945 - new ebuild: app-accessibility/simon Open-source speech recognition program for replacing mouse and keyboard
Summary: new ebuild: app-accessibility/simon Open-source speech recognition program fo...
Alias: None
Product: Gentoo Linux
Classification: Unclassified
Component: New packages (show other bugs)
Hardware: All Linux
: High enhancement
Assignee: Julian Ospald
Depends on: 245595 245475
  Show dependency tree
Reported: 2008-10-30 02:22 UTC by Daniel Pinto dos Santos
Modified: 2013-04-01 16:40 UTC (History)
5 users (show)

See Also:
Package list:
Runtime testing required: ---


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Description Daniel Pinto dos Santos 2008-10-30 02:22:04 UTC
I posted this in the forums previously, but as nobody answered, it seems not to be the right place to put ebuild requests in.

------ Quote from the forum post ------
I recently read an article about this speech2text software Simon in a german Linux Mag, and it seems a really great piece of software!!! 
 Here are the links to the projekt homepage and their page on sourceforge. As far as I know it is licensed under GPLv2. 
 It depends on Qt 4.3 and Julius, which should need MySQL as far as I know. 
 Well, I was quite fascinated, because it's a free and, as it seems, a very powerful software, which allows you not only to dictate texts but also to control your machine. 
 As I have no experience with writing ebuilds, I just wanted to present this projekt here, and kindly ask if someone could help me out with the ebuilds needed... 
 That would be really great!! 
 Thanks so much in advance! 
------                           ------

I think so far Gentoo (and most other distros) lacks a good speech2text engine, this one seems very promising.

It's still alpha, but if more people would use it, I'm sure work would progress faster.

Reproducible: Always
Comment 1 Wormo (RETIRED) gentoo-dev 2008-10-30 05:12:17 UTC
I'm going to assign this initially to the accessibility team, but they may be too overloaded to handle this right now. If so, they will reassign the bug to "maintainer-wanted", and you should try this approach:

1. hang out on #gentoo-sunrise irc channel on server and find a volunteer
2. your volunteer can attach a candidate ebuild to this bug and submit it to the sunrise overlay
3. after it has been in sunrise for a while and seems not too buggy, the accessibility team will likely be interested in adopting it
Comment 2 Daniel Pinto dos Santos 2008-11-04 04:24:30 UTC
Started learning how to write ebuilds.
As first step I started writing an ebuild for julius (Bug #245275) which is a dependency of simon, as described.
Comment 3 Wormo (RETIRED) gentoo-dev 2008-11-10 08:02:20 UTC
Actually, julius is in bug 245475, in case anybody else is following along...
Comment 4 Daniel Pinto dos Santos 2008-11-10 08:19:39 UTC
(In reply to comment #3)
> Actually, julius is in bug 245475, in case anybody else is following along...

S*$t, was a typo, sorry.
Thanks for the correction!
Comment 5 William Hubbs gentoo-dev 2009-03-15 22:49:09 UTC
I am moving this to maintainer-wanted for now.
Comment 6 Daniel Pinto dos Santos 2009-08-23 09:00:12 UTC
simon was featured on (
I will try to take up work on a ebuild again. Unfortunately I'm not having much free time currently, so it would be great if someone could help. I will try to get some help on #gentoo-sunrise as well.

Comment 7 Conrad Zygmont 2011-08-31 11:10:55 UTC
I found the simon-0.2.ebuild on aoliynik-overlay. I copied it across as a 3rd party ebuild but it fails when trying to generate a manifest with "EAPI=2 is not supported".

Could you please supply a working ebuild if one exists.
Comment 8 Lukas Elsner 2013-01-02 01:39:09 UTC
can you share this outdated ebuild. i wonder why nobody is interested in this software package having in gentoo?
Comment 9 Julian Ospald 2013-03-29 22:38:27 UTC
the deps suck hard, all the kde crap

however I'm working on this.
Comment 10 Lukas Elsner 2013-03-30 13:20:06 UTC
Very nice seeing someone working on this! :)
Comment 11 Julian Ospald 2013-03-31 18:29:21 UTC
+*simon-0.4.0 (31 Mar 2013)
+  31 Mar 2013; Julian Ospald <> +simon-0.4.0.ebuild,
+  +files/simon-0.4.0-libdir.patch, +files/simon-0.4.0-linguas.patch,
+  +files/simon-0.4.0-opencv.patch, +metadata.xml:
+  initial import wrt #244945

I might add julius some time later
Comment 12 Dennis Schridde 2013-03-31 21:10:00 UTC
(In reply to comment #11)
> +*simon-0.4.0 (31 Mar 2013)
> +
> +  31 Mar 2013; Julian Ospald <> +simon-0.4.0.ebuild,
> +  +files/simon-0.4.0-libdir.patch, +files/simon-0.4.0-linguas.patch,
> +  +files/simon-0.4.0-opencv.patch, +metadata.xml:
> +  initial import wrt #244945

Thanks a lot!

Is the dependency on old KDE PIM (libkdepim and akonadi) intentional?

It produces an issue here:
[ebuild  N     ] app-accessibility/sphinxbase-0.8  USE="-doc -lapack -python -static-libs" PYTHON_TARGETS="python2_7 -python2_6" 3,236 kB
[ebuild  N     ] x11-libs/qwt-6.0.2-r2:6  USE="svg -doc -examples -mathml -static-libs" 2,626 kB
[ebuild  N     ] app-accessibility/SphinxTrain-1.0.8  PYTHON_SINGLE_TARGET="python2_7" PYTHON_TARGETS="python2_7" 8,717 kB
[ebuild  N     ] app-accessibility/pocketsphinx-0.8  USE="-python -static-libs" PYTHON_TARGETS="python2_7 -python2_6" 23,225 kB
[ebuild  N     ] kde-base/libkdepim-  USE="(-aqua) -debug" 8,755 kB
[ebuild  N     ] kde-base/akonadi-  USE="(-aqua) -debug" 0 kB
[uninstall     ] kde-base/kdepim-common-libs-4.10.1:4::kde  USE="(-aqua) -debug" 
[blocks b      ] kde-base/akonadi:4 ("kde-base/akonadi:4" is blocking kde-base/kdepim-common-libs-4.10.1)
[blocks b      ] kde-base/libkdepim:4 ("kde-base/libkdepim:4" is blocking kde-base/kdepim-common-libs-4.10.1)
[ebuild  N     ] app-accessibility/simon-0.4.0  USE="kdepim nls opencv -libsamplerate" 21,621 kB
[blocks B      ] kde-base/akonadiconsole:4 ("kde-base/akonadiconsole:4" is blocking kde-base/akonadi-

Total: 7 packages (7 new, 1 uninstall), Size of downloads: 68,178 kB
Conflict: 3 blocks (1 unsatisfied)

 * Error: The above package list contains packages which cannot be
 * installed at the same time on the same system.

  (kde-base/akonadiconsole-4.10.1::kde, installed) pulled in by
    kde-base/akonadiconsole required by @selected

  (kde-base/akonadi-, ebuild scheduled for merge) pulled in by
    kde-base/akonadi:4 required by (app-accessibility/simon-0.4.0::gentoo, ebuild scheduled for merge)
Comment 13 Julian Ospald 2013-03-31 22:20:55 UTC
(In reply to comment #12)
> (In reply to comment #11)
> > +*simon-0.4.0 (31 Mar 2013)
> > +
> > +  31 Mar 2013; Julian Ospald <> +simon-0.4.0.ebuild,
> > +  +files/simon-0.4.0-libdir.patch, +files/simon-0.4.0-linguas.patch,
> > +  +files/simon-0.4.0-opencv.patch, +metadata.xml:
> > +  initial import wrt #244945
> Thanks a lot!
> Is the dependency on old KDE PIM (libkdepim and akonadi) intentional?
> It produces an issue here:
> [ebuild  N     ] app-accessibility/sphinxbase-0.8  USE="-doc -lapack -python
> -static-libs" PYTHON_TARGETS="python2_7 -python2_6" 3,236 kB
> [ebuild  N     ] x11-libs/qwt-6.0.2-r2:6  USE="svg -doc -examples -mathml
> -static-libs" 2,626 kB
> [ebuild  N     ] app-accessibility/SphinxTrain-1.0.8 
> PYTHON_SINGLE_TARGET="python2_7" PYTHON_TARGETS="python2_7" 8,717 kB
> [ebuild  N     ] app-accessibility/pocketsphinx-0.8  USE="-python
> -static-libs" PYTHON_TARGETS="python2_7 -python2_6" 23,225 kB
> [ebuild  N     ] kde-base/libkdepim-  USE="(-aqua) -debug"
> 8,755 kB
> [ebuild  N     ] kde-base/akonadi-  USE="(-aqua) -debug" 0 kB
> [uninstall     ] kde-base/kdepim-common-libs-4.10.1:4::kde  USE="(-aqua)
> -debug" 
> [blocks b      ] kde-base/akonadi:4 ("kde-base/akonadi:4" is blocking
> kde-base/kdepim-common-libs-4.10.1)
> [blocks b      ] kde-base/libkdepim:4 ("kde-base/libkdepim:4" is blocking
> kde-base/kdepim-common-libs-4.10.1)
> [ebuild  N     ] app-accessibility/simon-0.4.0  USE="kdepim nls opencv
> -libsamplerate" 21,621 kB
> [blocks B      ] kde-base/akonadiconsole:4 ("kde-base/akonadiconsole:4" is
> blocking kde-base/akonadi-
> Total: 7 packages (7 new, 1 uninstall), Size of downloads: 68,178 kB
> Conflict: 3 blocks (1 unsatisfied)
>  * Error: The above package list contains packages which cannot be
>  * installed at the same time on the same system.
>   (kde-base/akonadiconsole-4.10.1::kde, installed) pulled in by
>     kde-base/akonadiconsole required by @selected
>   (kde-base/akonadi-, ebuild scheduled for merge) pulled in
> by
>     kde-base/akonadi:4 required by (app-accessibility/simon-0.4.0::gentoo,
> ebuild scheduled for merge)

actually it should work without akonadi

+  31 Mar 2013; Julian Ospald <> simon-0.4.0.ebuild:
+  fix deps
Comment 14 Julian Ospald 2013-03-31 23:05:35 UTC
+  31 Mar 2013; Julian Ospald <> simon-0.4.0.ebuild,
+  metadata.xml:
+  add sphinx useflag, add julius fallback
Comment 15 Lukas Elsner 2013-04-01 16:38:15 UTC
 * Messages for package app-accessibility/simon-0.4.0:

 * Cannot find $EPATCH_SOURCE!  Value for $EPATCH_SOURCE is:
 *   /usr/portage/app-accessibility/simon/files/simon-0.4.0-sphinx.patch
 *   ( simon-0.4.0-sphinx.patch )
 * ERROR: app-accessibility/simon-0.4.0 failed (prepare phase):
 *   Cannot find $EPATCH_SOURCE!

forgot a file? :)
Comment 16 Julian Ospald 2013-04-01 16:40:43 UTC
(In reply to comment #15)
>  * Messages for package app-accessibility/simon-0.4.0:
>  * Cannot find $EPATCH_SOURCE!  Value for $EPATCH_SOURCE is:
>  * 
>  *   /usr/portage/app-accessibility/simon/files/simon-0.4.0-sphinx.patch
>  *   ( simon-0.4.0-sphinx.patch )
>  * ERROR: app-accessibility/simon-0.4.0 failed (prepare phase):
>  *   Cannot find $EPATCH_SOURCE!
> forgot a file? :)

+  01 Apr 2013; Julian Ospald <>
+  +files/simon-0.4.0-sphinx.patch:
+  add missing patch

sry about that, I really hate CVS