IRSIM is a "switch-level" simulator. It is maintained by the team developing magic (VLSI design CAD tool) and often they need to be used together. Since magic is in portage and IRSIM is not I tried to create an ebuild for it. What I did was to take the ebuild from magic, since the two programs use quite similar programming and dependencies and adapt it for IRSIM. I tested it on AMD64 and worked well, it should work though on x86 too. If you use it, you may want to add to your ~/.Xdefaults file this line: irsim.background: black Gentoo from default sets a light gray background on the window which makes the simulation almost impossible to see (white lines on light gray). I am not a Gentoo dev, so please do not judge my ebuild to hard. :) Reproducible: Always
Created attachment 167938 [details] ebuild for IRSIM 9.7.68
Marios, thanks for the ebuild submission. It looks like a perfectly good candidate ebuild, so if no devs wants to adopt this package right now, please consider submitting it to sunrise sci-electronics devs: feel free to send this over to maintainer-wanted if none of you want to take this on right now
irsim-9.7.72 is now in tree. +*irsim-9.7.72 (26 Apr 2011) + + 26 Apr 2011; Thomas Beierlein <> +irsim-9.7.72.ebuild, + +files/irsim-9.7.72-ldflags.patch, +metadata.xml: + New ebuild (see bug #241196). Thanks for providing + the starting point. +