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Bug 235990 - net-libs/libotr & x11-plugins/pidgin-otr unwarranted conservative flags and make handling
Summary: net-libs/libotr & x11-plugins/pidgin-otr unwarranted conservative flags and m...
Alias: None
Product: Gentoo Linux
Classification: Unclassified
Component: New packages (show other bugs)
Hardware: All Linux
: High normal
Assignee: Gentoo Net-im project
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Reported: 2008-08-28 09:21 UTC by Diego Elio Pettenò (RETIRED)
Modified: 2009-08-22 15:55 UTC (History)
1 user (show)

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Runtime testing required: ---


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Description Diego Elio Pettenò (RETIRED) gentoo-dev 2008-08-28 09:21:21 UTC
As of libotr 0.3.2 the ebuild is stripping out flags, replacing -O? flags with -O2 and using "emake -j1" to stop parallel-make.

These handling are there since the original 0.1 ebuild, they are _not_ documented with even a single line of comment.

Also, the -j1 is not needed, package builds fine with -j8 on an 8-core system.

Comment 1 Diego Elio Pettenò (RETIRED) gentoo-dev 2008-08-29 10:10:11 UTC
Also pidgin-otr seems to have the same problem here.
Comment 2 Olivier Crete (RETIRED) gentoo-dev 2009-08-22 04:05:21 UTC
-j1 removed.. I'm a bit more afraid to remove the filter-flags.. these bugs can be hard to track and really, not using -O2 is asking for trouble
Comment 3 Diego Elio Pettenò (RETIRED) gentoo-dev 2009-08-22 10:20:16 UTC
I know that Mark does not like having filter-flags in ebuilds, and would love to track down the issues if needed. If you cannot point to a single specific bug due to flags, it'd be a very good idea _not_ to filter them.
Comment 4 Olivier Crete (RETIRED) gentoo-dev 2009-08-22 15:23:47 UTC
You can remove the filter if you want, but I'll be sure to send you any resulting bug ;)
Comment 5 Mark Loeser (RETIRED) gentoo-dev 2009-08-22 15:55:43 UTC
If its a toolchain bug, please do.  I've removed the inherits and src_compile since its the same as the default now.