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Bug 235940 - Installing net-ftp/proftpd on g/fbsd
Summary: Installing net-ftp/proftpd on g/fbsd
Alias: None
Product: Gentoo/Alt
Classification: Unclassified
Component: FreeBSD (show other bugs)
Hardware: All FreeBSD
: High major
Assignee: Gentoo/BSD Team
Depends on: 354295
  Show dependency tree
Reported: 2008-08-27 17:16 UTC by Dmitri Bogomolov
Modified: 2011-08-18 14:40 UTC (History)
3 users (show)

See Also:
Package list:
Runtime testing required: ---

proftpd-1.3.1.ebuild x86-fbsd only (proftpd-1.3.1.ebuild,6.74 KB, text/plain)
2008-08-28 13:22 UTC, Dmitri Bogomolov
update and kernel_ flags (proftpd-1.3.1-r2.ebuild,7.24 KB, text/plain)
2009-03-25 19:31 UTC, Dmitri Bogomolov
ebuild for newer proftpd (proftpd-1.3.3d-r1.ebuild,7.13 KB, text/plain)
2011-02-09 22:12 UTC, Dmitri Bogomolov
proftpd-1.3.3d-r2.ebuild (proftpd-1.3.3d-r2.ebuild,7.13 KB, text/plain)
2011-03-28 10:50 UTC, Dmitri Bogomolov
build.log for USE="memcache" (proftpd-memcache_build.log,34.53 KB, text/plain)
2011-08-11 18:23 UTC, Dmitri Bogomolov

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Description Dmitri Bogomolov 2008-08-27 17:16:29 UTC
I think this ebuild incompatible with FreeBSD. It relies on linux libc6.

Reproducible: Always

To build this on x86-fbsd with USE="clamav ldap mysql nls noauthunix pam radius shaper softquota ssl tcpd vroot -acl -authfile -hardened -ifsession -ipv6 -ncurses -opensslcrypt -postgres -rewrite (-selinux) -sitemisc -xinetd" ebuild must be edited

1. no lresolv
        if use ldap ; then
#               append-ldflags "-lresolv"
                if use ssl ; then
                        CFLAGS="${CFLAGS} -DUSE_LDAP_TLS"
2. no shadow
#                --enable-shadow \
#                 --enable-autoshadow \
        econf \
                --sbindir=/usr/sbin \
                --localstatedir=/var/run \
                --sysconfdir=/etc/proftpd \
                --enable-ctrls \
                --with-modules=${modules} \
                $(use_enable acl facl) \
                $(use_enable authfile auth-file) \
                $(use_enable ipv6) \
                $(use_enable ncurses) \
                ${myconf} || die "econf failed"

3. no standalone nsl (it seems there is an incorrect test in proftpd
something like `sed -e "s|-lnsl||g" -i Make.rules` may help
Comment 1 Dmitri Bogomolov 2008-08-28 13:22:38 UTC
Created attachment 163992 [details]
proftpd-1.3.1.ebuild x86-fbsd only

I use it for myself
Comment 2 Dmitri Bogomolov 2009-03-25 19:31:34 UTC
Created attachment 186245 [details]
update and kernel_ flags

. Made changes conditional through IUSE+="kernel_Linux kernel_FreeBSD".
. Absorbed net-ftp/proftpd-1.3.1-r1 changes
. Commented out -lnsl deletion because upstream told that promlem is in use of
Comment 3 TJ Saunders 2009-10-01 00:17:23 UTC
To be clear, the issue is using mod_wrap.  Using the mod_wrap2 module is recommended; it will not encounter the -lresolv issue on FreeBSD.
Comment 4 Dmitri Bogomolov 2011-02-09 22:12:59 UTC
Created attachment 261973 [details]
ebuild for newer proftpd

More precise USE-flags
Comment 5 Dmitri Bogomolov 2011-02-09 22:14:42 UTC
I see the problem with libiconv detection in =net-ftp/proftpd-1.3.3d
Comment 6 Bernd Lommerzheim 2011-02-26 14:39:47 UTC
Dmitri, thanks for your work! I integrated your modifications into my local ProFTPD ebuild and hence they will be available in the next ProFTPD 1.3.4* revision. I hope that a lot of Gentoo FreeBSD users will test these changes before ProFTPD 1.3.4 will get stable in a few months.

> I see the problem with libiconv detection in =net-ftp/proftpd-1.3.3d
Is there another problem to be fixed?

BTW: "userland_linux" is not set on my Gentoo GNU/Linux x86-64 (~amd64) machine and I think you meant "userland_GNU".
Comment 7 Dmitri Bogomolov 2011-03-14 16:55:29 UTC
(In reply to comment #6)

> > I see the problem with libiconv detection in =net-ftp/proftpd-1.3.3d
> Is there another problem to be fixed?

Yes. Currently I can't install proftpd-1.3.3 on g/fbsd-8.0.

> BTW: "userland_linux" is not set on my Gentoo GNU/Linux x86-64 (~amd64) machine
> and I think you meant "userland_GNU".

That's right.
Comment 8 Dmitri Bogomolov 2011-03-28 10:50:43 UTC
Created attachment 267513 [details]

Fixed userland_Linux => userland_GNU.
I have installed =net-ftp/proftpd-1.3.3d-r2 with USE="-nls".
Comment 9 Bernd Lommerzheim 2011-04-04 21:36:46 UTC
ProFTPD 1.3.4rc2 (proftpd-1.3.4_rc2.ebuild) should be compatible with Gentoo FreeBSD (g/fbsd). Dmitri, please try to compile and run this ProFTPD version on your machine. If you have any problems please report them here.

> Yes. Currently I can't install proftpd-1.3.3 on g/fbsd-8.0.
Sorry, the ProFTPD 1.3.3 series is stable for some month and I will not apply these modifications to it.
Comment 10 Dmitri Bogomolov 2011-07-27 07:50:27 UTC
(In reply to comment #9)
> ProFTPD 1.3.4rc2 (proftpd-1.3.4_rc2.ebuild) should be compatible with Gentoo
> FreeBSD (g/fbsd). Dmitri, please try to compile and run this ProFTPD version on
> your machine. If you have any problems please report them here.

Thank you for keyword and excuse me please long silence. There is a problem with some USE-flags:
 acl - depends on sys-apps/acl and sys-apps/attr, which is keyword-masked
 nls - bug 354295
Comment 11 Bernd Lommerzheim 2011-08-11 10:50:01 UTC
(In reply to comment #10)
>  acl - depends on sys-apps/acl and sys-apps/attr, which is keyword-masked
This issue will be fixed in the next revision bump of ProFTPD 1.3.4*. In this next revision ProFTPD with USE="nls" will depend on virtual/acl which is ~x86-fbsd keyworded.
Comment 12 Dmitri Bogomolov 2011-08-11 18:16:46 UTC
I also see this message after install:

 * Found a non POSIX test construction in a configure script
 * The configure checks of this package may not function properly
 * Please report this on Gentoo Bugzilla in Gentoo/Alt product for component FreeBSD.

Where to find this test construction, do you know?
Comment 13 Dmitri Bogomolov 2011-08-11 18:23:16 UTC
Created attachment 282941 [details]
build.log for USE="memcache"

net-ftp/proftpd-1.3.4_rc2-r1 also files to build with USE="memcache" (I've installed dev-libs/libmemcached with ACCEPT_KEYWORDS="x86")
Comment 14 Bernd Lommerzheim 2011-08-12 08:58:02 UTC
(In reply to comment #13)
> net-ftp/proftpd-1.3.4_rc2-r1 also files to build with USE="memcache" (I've
> installed dev-libs/libmemcached with ACCEPT_KEYWORDS="x86")
Thanks for your report. I found out that this is not a g/fbsd bug. ProFTPD requires dev-libs/libmemcached >= 0.41 for memcache support which is not in the portage tree at the moment. In the next revision bump of the ProFTPD 1.3.4* ebuild the memcache support will be removed until dev-libs/libmemcached was bumped. See Gentoo Bugs #378881 and #354261.
Comment 15 Bernd Lommerzheim 2011-08-12 13:04:09 UTC
(In reply to comment #12)
>  * Found a non POSIX test construction in a configure script
>  * The configure checks of this package may not function properly
Thank you for reporting this warning. I think that this issue should be fixed upstream to improve general portability of ProFTPD. Therefore I opened a bug report in the ProFTPD Bugzilla:
Comment 16 Bernd Lommerzheim 2011-08-12 18:01:31 UTC
(In reply to comment #15)
> (In reply to comment #12)
> >  * Found a non POSIX test construction in a configure script
> >  * The configure checks of this package may not function properly
> Thank you for reporting this warning. I think that this issue should be fixed
> upstream to improve general portability of ProFTPD. Therefore I opened a bug
> report in the ProFTPD Bugzilla:
This issue was fixed upstream and the next ProFTPD 1.3.4 release (candidate) will not raise the warning anymore. Thanks.
Comment 17 Bernard Cafarelli gentoo-dev 2011-08-18 14:40:39 UTC
All done in tree now, thanks everyone!