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Bug 232399 - thirdpartymirrors: update fedora
Summary: thirdpartymirrors: update fedora
Alias: None
Product: Gentoo Linux
Classification: Unclassified
Component: Eclasses (show other bugs)
Hardware: All Linux
: High normal
Assignee: Robin Johnson
: 245339 (view as bug list)
Depends on:
Reported: 2008-07-20 02:00 UTC by Jeremy Olexa (darkside) (RETIRED)
Modified: 2022-01-13 20:20 UTC (History)
1 user (show)

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Runtime testing required: ---


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Description Jeremy Olexa (darkside) (RETIRED) archtester gentoo-dev Security 2008-07-20 02:00:55 UTC
20:36 <@darksiide> zmedico: lots of mirrors tried because mirror://fedora has 
                   614 entries =/
20:38 <@robbat2> darksiide, file me a bug as a reminder to update the fedora 
                 mirror list

Just an idea, maybe we should break fedora out into fedora-core, fedora-extras, fedora-test, etc.

Comment 1 Robin Johnson archtester Gentoo Infrastructure gentoo-dev Security 2008-11-03 22:15:15 UTC
*** Bug 245339 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
Comment 2 Robin Johnson archtester Gentoo Infrastructure gentoo-dev Security 2011-01-26 08:24:59 UTC
Looks like we need some XSLT to parse that page nicely.

Specifically, we need to pick the <td> containing ONLY 'Fedora Linux', then find the next <td> after it, and pick up the links in that <td>.

Otherwise we get nearly 1k URLs.
Comment 3 Jesús P Rey (Chuso) 2017-10-25 00:52:21 UTC
This bug has been reported almost 10 years ago and I think it's not an issue anymore.
Comment 4 Robin Johnson archtester Gentoo Infrastructure gentoo-dev Security 2022-01-13 20:20:04 UTC
Fedora is gone from the thirdpartymirrors file