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Bug 231680 - Updated ebuild for mail-filter/ask-2.5.3
Summary: Updated ebuild for mail-filter/ask-2.5.3
Alias: None
Product: Gentoo Linux
Classification: Unclassified
Component: New packages (show other bugs)
Hardware: All Linux
: High enhancement
Assignee: Net-Mail Packages
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Reported: 2008-07-13 12:24 UTC by Greisberger Christophe
Modified: 2011-11-20 12:43 UTC (History)
0 users

See Also:
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Runtime testing required: ---

Modified ebuild for 2.5.3 (ask-2.5.3.ebuild,1.68 KB, text/plain)
2008-07-13 12:25 UTC, Greisberger Christophe

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Description Greisberger Christophe 2008-07-13 12:24:20 UTC
I modified the ebuild of ask-2.4.1 to install the latest, unstable 2.5.3 version. I thought it would be interesting to share this ebuild.

I changed the KEYWORDS from "ppc x86" to "~ppc ~x86 ~amd64" (it works on my amd64 system).
The modified ebuild downloads both the 2.4.1 and 2.5.3 version, because the 2.5.3 is missing the samples/ directory.

Something important must be noted: the ask script has been renamed from to askfilter in this version. If you have the 2.4.1 version, you must change it in your filters. Or evt modify the ebuild to change back the name.
Comment 1 Greisberger Christophe 2008-07-13 12:25:23 UTC
Created attachment 160265 [details]
Modified ebuild for 2.5.3
Comment 2 Carsten Lohrke (RETIRED) gentoo-dev 2008-07-13 22:35:59 UTC
The postinstall messages are _way_ too verbose. A spammed log isn't fun. Holding this more general information in a file and referencing it via a single elog line would be preferable, imho.
Comment 3 Eray Aslan gentoo-dev 2011-11-20 12:43:38 UTC
+*ask-2.5.3 (20 Nov 2011)
+  20 Nov 2011; Eray Aslan <> +ask-2.5.3.ebuild:
+  version bump - bug #231680. Thanks to Greisberger Christophe