I have a "home brew" system, with Athlon XP 2600+/333, GeForce Ti4200-AGP8X, etc., and using an LCD monitor hooked to the DVI interface. When I boot any flavor of LiveCD! (I've tried "America's Army" GameCD, as well as Gentoo 1.4 rc 3 "Basic"), I see the initial screen prompting for me to hit return to start booting the system. Regardless of what I do at this time (just hit Enter, type '1280' and hit Enter, etc.), the screen blanks, and I never see any output after that. The CD does run for a short while, but I have no clue what might be happening... whether it hit an error, or actually booted properly. Reproducible: Always Steps to Reproduce: 1. Insert LiveCD! into CDROM drive. 2. Reboot system Expected Results: Would've been nice to see _some_ output, even if it just told me it couldn't boot for some reason or other.
hold shift, then type "nofb" you either have one of the motherboards that isnt supporting framebuffer well, or hitting the 1gig mem + fb bug.
I'm glad that there is a workaround (and yes, it did work for me), but this is NOT fixed. From the GentooGames page: "The initial efforts of Gentoo Games will be focused around the Gentoo GameCD technology, which allows anyone with a modern PC to put a CD in their computer, turn it on, and have the GameCD boot directly into the game." This is not happening. There is no mention on that page about holding shift and typing 'nofb', which means novices will be unable to see the games, and will conclude that they wasted their time getting the ISO... defeating the purported aim of the site. As for my personal situation, I would bet on it being the "1gig mem + fb bug" - I have a Gigabyte 7VAXP and an MSI GeForce Ti4200-AGP8X. I also have 1G RAM.
we can't fix it without releasing a nofb only CD, which would involve further work and time.