Please stabilize for x86 and amd64
Stable on amd64. Other arches: Please stabilise this version. You can test a Biopython installation in an interactive Python interpreter by typing the following commands: >>> from Bio.Seq import Seq >>> from Bio.Alphabet.IUPAC import unambiguous_dna >>> new_seq = Seq('GATCAGAAG', unambiguous_dna) >>> new_seq[0:2] Seq('GA', IUPACUnambiguousDNA()) >>> from Bio import Translate >>> translator = Translate.unambiguous_dna_by_name["Standard"] >>> translator.translate(new_seq) Seq('DQK', HasStopCodon(IUPACProtein(), '*')) Martin: Thanks for the notice. You might also want to check version 1.47 that I just added to the tree.
alpha/sparc/x86 stable
ppc stable. closing since we're last