Could someone bump this to the "new" version? "11.18.2007: JDOM 1.1 Released!" Renaming 'jdom-1.0-r4.ebuild' to 'jdom-1.1.ebuild' will compile and install. But I do not know, if there is a update for jdom-xerces needed (optionally) too. Reproducible: Always Steps to Reproduce: 1. look at 2. see there is a new version 3. prepare to adapt the existing ebuild for the older version 4. create a bump request on and report about the ebuild changes Actual Results: At the first look(s) it will work. Expected Results: A working JDOM on my system
Of course jdom-jaxen-1.1 is needed. Renaming 'jdom-jaxen-1.0-r1.ebuild' to 'jdom-jaxen-1.1.ebuild' is also working.
Created attachment 260419 [details] apicheck of jdom-1.0 vs jdom-1.1.1 Used the script in the java svn repo to generate the comparison.
When adding jdom-1.1.1:1.0 to the tree the following packages will prevent an upgrade or force a downgrade when needed: (r)depends on ~dev-java/jdom-1.0 gentoo dev-java/jaxen-1.1.1 dev-java/jdom-jaxen-1.0-r1 dev-java/junit-addons-1.4 dev-java/saxon-6.5.5 dev-java/saxon-8.4b-r3 java-overlay dev-java/saxon-6.5.5 dev-java/saxon-8.4b-r3 dev-java/saxon-8.8 java-experimental dev-java/jdom-jaxen-1.0-r1 For completeness ebuilds not depending on a slot: (r)depends on dev-java/jdom gentoo dev-java/freehep-graphicsio-emf-2.1.1 dev-java/freehep-xml-2.1.2 java-overlay dev-java/maven-2.1 dev-java/maven-2.1-r1 dev-java/maven-embedder-2.1_pre20071021 dev-java/maven-model-2.1_pre20071021 dev-java/maven-model-v3-2.1_pre20071021-r2 dev-java/maven-plugins-2.1_pre20071021 dev-java/maven-profile-2.1_pre20071021 dev-java/maven-settings-2.1_pre20070611 dev-java/scout-0.7_rc2 dev-java/swingx-ws-20070304 dev-java/swingx-ws-20070304 java-experimental app-benchmarks/jmeter-2.2 dev-java/joram-4.3.21-r1 dev-java/joram-tests-99999999999 net-news/rssowl-1.2.3
Created attachment 399322 [details] jdom-1.1.3.ebuild
New ebuild for jdom-1.1.3, the lastest version/release of jdom v1. This obsoletes any jdom-1.0 ebuilds in tree. Those are slotted, this package is NOT slotted. Deps will need to be updated to use this package. Though it might need to be re-slotted to not break deps and/or not be brought it when someone wants jdom2, in bug 496986. There will not be any further changes to the 1.x release, at least not API breakage etc. This was in development before thus the slotting, but it should not be necessary for the v1 anymore. If anything slot 0 or 1, not sure about 1.0, that would be to not have to update deps. It does not seem to require deps to build, and not sure the relation to jdom-jaxen. I am not sure that package needs to exist anymore. Not sure offhand exactly why it did exist. I can see about updating jdom-jaxen, but I am pretty sure that is obsolete as well. I left in commented out code for the deps and jdom-jaxen in case that stuff is needed. If not by the time deps are updated and 1.1.4 is released, if it comes out. Then the commented code can be removed for good. I do not believe 1.x is under much development other than bug fixes. Thus 1.1.4 may or may not be released. They have moved on to v2. This ebuild should be good to go for the most part. But review for any errors, etc before commit to tree.
+*jdom-1.1.3 (04 Apr 2015) + + 04 Apr 2015; Patrice Clement <> +jdom-1.1.3.ebuild: + Version bump courtesy of William L. Thomson Jr. <>. + Fix bug 215958. ebuild was perfect, thanks William!