The manifest specifies the size to be 54616169. The actual file is 54694561. The Manifest like should be. DIST 54694561 RMD160 b4f7e4557a42c2bac5aa7a79dfa4ce3ae247b865 SHA1 61fbf967d4db3bcc4e0f3adf4d338ec02a382fd3 SHA256 bac17c6cab701776de81fba3e98c432680176b09cdf2b938a29a34a0057d0cb9 Reproducible: Always Steps to Reproduce: 1. unmask the ebuild. 2. emerge pvr-firmware-20070217-r1. 3. Actual Results: ebuild fails. Expected Results: ebuild should compile and install.
Created attachment 145614 [details, diff] Patch for the Manifest file for the media-tv/pvr-firmware/Manifest.
Aravind's patch works for me.