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Bug 20681 - chroot /bin/bash - file or directory doesn't exist
Summary: chroot /bin/bash - file or directory doesn't exist
Alias: None
Product: Gentoo Release Media
Classification: Unclassified
Component: Everything (show other bugs)
Hardware: All Linux
: High critical
Assignee: Bob Johnson (RETIRED)
Depends on:
Reported: 2003-05-09 03:04 UTC by Ross Henderson
Modified: 2003-05-21 02:53 UTC (History)
1 user (show)

See Also:
Package list:
Runtime testing required: ---


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Description Ross Henderson 2003-05-09 03:04:50 UTC
I am trying to install Gentoo Linux. I have set up the partitions, configured 
the network using net-setup eth0, unpacked stage1 tarball installed GRP. When 
I come to enter chroot /mnt/gentoo /bin/bash, I get a message 
syaing "/bin/bash - file or directory does not exist". As a result I cannot go 
any further with the installation and if I reboot the machine, I have to start 
all over again.

I have looked in the /bin directory, and bash is there!!!!

For your info I am using a PII 333, with 128MB memory. I only have one card 
which is an accton EN1666X MPX ethernet card and I am using a 4MB graphics card

Reproducible: Always
Steps to Reproduce:
Comment 1 Caleb Tennis (RETIRED) gentoo-dev 2003-05-09 13:54:21 UTC
Make sure the /mnt/gentoo directory exists 
Make sure that you've mounted your harddrive partition to this directory (it should show up 
when running the 'mount' command) 
Make sure you've correctly untarred the tarball to this directory (in the /mnt/gentoo directory 
should be /bin, /etc, /lib, ...) 
Please report back your findings. 
Comment 2 Ross Henderson 2003-05-13 02:58:02 UTC
I have managed to get past the chroot statement, but now when I use emerge -p system, I get a message "/etc/make.profile isn't available; an emerge sync will probably fix this". When I try an emerge sync, I get a similar message, saying that "No profile directory; system mode unavailable". How do I set up the profile directory??
Comment 3 Caleb Tennis (RETIRED) gentoo-dev 2003-05-13 08:59:38 UTC
Whoa, are you skipping steps here? 
mount -t proc proc /mnt/gentoo/proc 
cp /etc/resolv.conf /mnt/gentoo/etc/resolv.conf 
chroot /mnt/gentoo/ /bin/bash 
source /etc/profile 
emerge sync 
(edit your /etc/make.conf) 
cd /usr/portage 
emerge -p system 
I think you've jumped ahead a bit while trying this installation.  Please make sure you follow 
the steps carefully. 
Comment 4 Ross Henderson 2003-05-13 15:07:41 UTC

For your information I have followed the steps in the installation guide to the letter!!! viz

cd /mnt/gentoo
tar -xvjpf /mnt/cdrom/gentoo/stage3-*.tbz2
mount -o bind /proc /mnt/gentoo/proc

cp /etc/resolv.conf /mnt/gentoo/etc/resolv.conf

mkdir /mnt/gentoo/GRP
mount -o bind /mnt/cdrom/gentoo/packages /mnt/gentoo/GRP

chroot /mnt/gentoo /bin/bash

Now when I do the last statment, I get the message "etc/make.config isn't available. A emerge synch should recify this". I have unpacked the stage1, stage2 and the stage 3 tarballs and every time I get the same message!!!
Comment 5 Ross Henderson 2003-05-13 15:42:42 UTC
Just some additional info...

I have tried continuing past this message

emerge synch
export CONFIG_PROTECT="-*"
export USE"-* bootstrap build"
emerge portage
unset USE

I haven't edited the make.conf file as the instructions say that the defaults are fine

emerge synch
emerge -up world    No packages are listed

emerge -u world
cd /GRP
sh <all packages>
ln -sf /usr/sharezoneinfo/path/to/timezonfile /etc/GMT

emerge sys-kernel/xfs-sources

Once again I receive a message about the missing profile in make.config

I thought that if I ignore the message then I might get past it, but it seems that because of the missing profile that I cannot install the kernel source

Comment 6 Caleb Tennis (RETIRED) gentoo-dev 2003-05-13 16:17:42 UTC
When you do an 'emerge sync', this step goes out and grabs a fresh portage tree.  It updates 
everything in /usr/portage.  Look there...are there a whole slew of files and directories? 
If not (it doesn't sound like it), then perhaps your networking isn't set up properly.  Can you 
verify the network card modules are loaded happily (earlier in the installation instructions). 
Comment 7 Ross Henderson 2003-05-14 06:53:47 UTC
I did try setting up the network card, but I couldn't find a module. The card I have is an Accton en166x. Which module should I use for that??
Comment 8 Caleb Tennis (RETIRED) gentoo-dev 2003-05-14 09:07:58 UTC
A quick search on google says: 
'ne' kernel module. Doesn't work in PNP mode. Boot in DOS and run 1STEP.EXE on the driver 
diskette to configure and disable PNP.  
Comment 9 Caleb Tennis (RETIRED) gentoo-dev 2003-05-14 09:08:40 UTC
I suppose can we stop spamming drobbins now, too. :) 
Comment 10 Ross Henderson 2003-05-14 16:36:05 UTC
I installed the ne module using 

modeprobe ne io="0x300" irq=3

It detects the card and installs the module

net-setup eth0

ifconfif -a

I now get a sreenfull with about 3 sections, the first section lists address 0x300 irq 3 and I think it mentioned en1660. So it seems that the NIC is detected.

I then follow the instructions exactly as I have done before. Setup and mount the partions, unpack the tarball, chroot /mnt/gentoo /bin/bash, env-update

I now get exactly the same message as before about the missing profile.

Comment 11 Ross Henderson 2003-05-15 16:03:50 UTC
Just for your info...

I looked in the /usr/portage directory and there is nothing in it even after I have installed the en module. 

I have also tried using irq 9 for the network card, but that made no difference.

Just a thought... if I didn't have the network card in when installing, would that make any difference?? At the moment the card is in the computer but I do not have it connected to any network. So say I did take the card out, would I still need to use net-setup and configure the network???
Comment 12 Caleb Tennis (RETIRED) gentoo-dev 2003-05-15 16:10:16 UTC
Absolutely.  In order for gentoo to be able to give you a list of packages, it has to have a 
fresh portage tree.  it grabs this from the internet during the "emerge sync" step.  If you do 
not have the network card in and configured properly, this step won't be able to complete 
itself, and you won't be able to continue.   
This is where you'll need to focus - getting the network card in and properly configured. 
Comment 13 Ross Henderson 2003-05-15 16:19:51 UTC
At the moment, my only access to the internet is through a dial up on another computer. I do not have a hub nor a network card installed in the other computer. Is there no way of getting a fresh portage tree from the internet on my internet computer then transferring it to my linux computer??????
Comment 14 Caleb Tennis (RETIRED) gentoo-dev 2003-05-15 16:24:33 UTC
If you have the stage 3 tarball, then you can skip directly to Step #13 (as noted in the 
instructions).  You should be able to have a working base system, going with this method. 
Anything else, and you'll need internet access to update portage.  I'm assuming you 
downloaded the tarballs and don't have a live cd. 
Comment 15 Ross Henderson 2003-05-15 16:31:56 UTC
I have a live CD
Comment 16 Caleb Tennis (RETIRED) gentoo-dev 2003-05-15 16:36:27 UTC
Not familiar with livecd install, reassigning. 
Comment 17 Ross Henderson 2003-05-16 02:20:39 UTC
If I need internet access, then would it be possible to install my modem from my other computer in my linux computer and setup a dialup or does it need to be internet access through a network??? If it is possible to access the internet through a dialup then what commands do I need to use??? For your info the modem is a Swan II Internal modem. What module does this need???

If it isn't possible to use a dialup and I have to use a stage3 tarball which one do you recomend for a PII processor?? The live CD I have has the i686 stage 3 tarball on it, but when I tried it I got a message saying that it contained out of date references!!!

On another point, I think that you should revise the instructions. There is no mention that you need an internet connection, or if you can access the internet through a dialup then there are no instructions on how to set that up. Also there is no mention that if you use a stage 3 tarball that once you have unpacked it, you can go straight to the 'Starting from stage3 section'. It also doesn't say which tarball to use for a PII processor!!!! 
Comment 18 Ross Henderson 2003-05-16 15:32:44 UTC
I have tried using the i686 stage 3 tarball which I got on the live CD. There is nothing in the /usr/portage directory and I still get a message saying that the make.profile isn't available.

So it looks like I will have to access the internet via my modem. How do I set up a dialup????? Which module do I need for a Swan II internal modem???? Or is the only way to access the internet via a LAN??? If the latter is the case don't you think that you should say this in the instructions??????
Comment 19 Caleb Tennis (RETIRED) gentoo-dev 2003-05-20 17:09:25 UTC
If you have successfully extracted the stage 3 tarball, then your system should be happy.  The 
only reason you need stuff in /usr/portage is to update the software for your system from 
what came on the CD.  In order to do that, you'll need internet access, whether it's through a 
modem or faster. 
I don't know what module you'll need for swan 2 - that's beyond the scope of my knowledge, 
though a google search may help you there.  The x86 installation instructions on the gentoo 
web site has information regarding installation using setups other than broadband. 
But, regardless of any of this, you should have a bootable system.  Thus, I'm changing the 
status of the bug. 
Comment 20 Ross Henderson 2003-05-21 02:17:40 UTC
If the 'system should be happy', then why is it when I come to install the kernel I still get a message saying that the make.profile file doesn't exist???
Comment 21 Ross Henderson 2003-05-21 02:53:40 UTC

For your information, I tried booting after I unpacked the stage3 tarball, but it didn't work. It only got as far as "Verifying DMI pool data". So I'm afraid this bug is still not resolved!!!!!