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Bug 2052 - The gentoo security guide in version 0.1
Summary: The gentoo security guide in version 0.1
Alias: None
Product: [OLD] Docs-user
Classification: Unclassified
Component: Other (show other bugs)
Hardware: All All
: High normal (vote)
Assignee: Sherman Boyd (meekrob) (RETIRED)
Depends on:
Reported: 2002-04-24 01:07 UTC by Kim Nielsen
Modified: 2002-12-15 21:08 UTC (History)
0 users

See Also:
Package list:
Runtime testing required: ---

The xml security guide (security-guidelines.xml,64.41 KB, text/xml)
2002-04-24 01:08 UTC, Kim Nielsen

Note You need to log in before you can comment on or make changes to this bug.
Description Kim Nielsen 2002-04-24 01:07:22 UTC
<?xml version='1.0' encoding='windows-1252'?> 
<title>Gentoo Linux Security Guide</title> 
<author title="Software Developer"><mail link="">Kim 
This guide is step-by-step guide for hardening Gentoo Linux. 
<date>24 Apr 2002</date> 
-- Introduction start -- 
<title>Who should read this guide?</title> 
People who are using Gentoo Linux in a server based environment and/or feel 
the need for more or paranoid security. 
Kim Nielsen 
<title>Special thanks to ..</title> 
A special thanks goes to the following people for finding various bugs, 
spelling mistakes and sentence structure. 
Bjarke S
Comment 1 Kim Nielsen 2002-04-24 01:07:22 UTC
<?xml version='1.0' encoding='windows-1252'?> 
<title>Gentoo Linux Security Guide</title> 
<author title="Software Developer"><mail link="">Kim 
This guide is step-by-step guide for hardening Gentoo Linux. 
<date>24 Apr 2002</date> 
-- Introduction start -- 
<title>Who should read this guide?</title> 
People who are using Gentoo Linux in a server based environment and/or feel 
the need for more or paranoid security. 
Kim Nielsen 
<title>Special thanks to ..</title> 
A special thanks goes to the following people for finding various bugs, 
spelling mistakes and sentence structure. 
Bjarke Sørensen, Justin Lambert, Andreas Waschbuesch, Duncan Lissett and 
Sherman Boyd. 
<title>What to expect in the next version of this guide:</title> 
In version 0.2 
In version 0.4 (Intrusion detection) 
In version 0.6 (Backup) 
<li>Full system backup using Systemimager</li> 
<li>Partial backup using tar</li> 
<li>Backing up postgres</li> 
In version 0.8 (Penetration testing) 
<li>Remote audits</li> 
<li>Network audits</li> 
<li>Host audits</li> 
<li>Software audits</li> 
In version 1.0 (After a compromise) 
<li>How to report an incident</li> 
<li>Forensics analysis</li> 
<li>Creating an image of the system without destroying evidence (Using 
<li>Trap and trace (Using tcpdump)</li> 
<li>.. More to come ..</li> 
<li>Restoring system</li> 
Please note that each version concentrates on one subject at a time.  This is 
quality assurance purposes. 
-- Introduction end -- 
-- Considerations before installation start -- 
<title>Considerations before installing</title> 
<title>Physical Security</title> 
No matter how many safeguards you implement, it can all be easily circumvented 
the attacker can gain physical access to your box.  Make sure your hardware is 
casually accessible, for example in a locked server closet.  Locking cases are 
good idea too!  For the highest level of security set your bios to restrict 
to your hard drive only.  Disable booting from the floppy and hard drive.  For 
paranoid, enabling the bios password is a good idea.  Bios passwords are also 
a good 
idea for laptop users. 
<title>Planning what services to run.</title> 
Document what services the machine should run or is supposed to run. This will 
you compose a better partition scheme for the system.  It can also make your 
intrusion detection strategy much easier. 
Of course you should not document this if you only have one or a few computers 
you are the only one using them. 
The Computer is supposed to act as a firewall. What services should it run? 
<e>none</e>, except maybe ssh. 
Document this and the current version of ssh - it will help you keep track of 
which system to upgrade in case someone finds a security hole in sshd. This 
will also aid in determining who should have access to the system. 
Of course you should not document this if you only have one or a few computers 
and you are the only one using them. 
<title>Partition schemes.</title> 
Golden rules: 
Any directory tree a user should be able to write to (/home and /tmp /var), 
should be on a separate partition and use disk quotas. Portage uses /var/tmp 
to compile files so that partition should be large. This reduces the risk of a 
user filling up your "/" mount point. 
Any directory tree where you want to install non-distribution software should 
be on a separate partition. According to the <uri 
link="">File Hierarchy Standard</uri>, this is 
/opt or /usr/local. If these are separate partitions, they will not be erased 
if you have to reinstall the system. 
Try to move static data to its own partition, and mount that partition in 
read-only mode. If you're really paranoid you could try storing static data on 
read-only media like CDROMs. 
<title>The user 'root'.</title> 
The user 'root' is the most vital user on the system and should not be used 
for anything except if it's necessary. If an attacker gains root access you 
cannot trust your system, so reinstall. 
Golden rules about 'root' 
Always create a user for everyday use and if this user needs to have root 
access, add the user to the group wheel. This makes it possible for a normal 
user to su to root. 
Never run X or any other user application as root. 
Always use absolute paths when logged in as root. It's possible to trick root 
into running a different application than he think he is using. For example if 
someone tampered with the PATH and root su's without using su -. Then root 
will use the path of the user. 
If a user only needs a few commands instead of everything that root normally 
can do, consider using sudo. But be careful with this! 
Never leave a terminal when you are logged in as root. 
Gentoo has general protection against normal users, trying to su. The default 
PAM setting states that a users has to be a member of wheel in order to be 
able to su. 
<title>Why policies are needed.</title> 
<p>There are several reasons why policies are needed.</p>  
You cannot claim to have a secure network without a definition of what you 
think is secure. 
It's almost impossible to catch potential attackers, resolve network problems, 
or conduct audits, without spying on network traffic or looking in private 
home directories. And spying on privacy without the users agreement is illegal 
in most countries. And since about 60% of all attacks currently come from 
inside the organization, it's important that you keep an open eye. 
You cannot expect your users to think about security, if you never explained 
why it was important or how they should protect themselves and their 
Good guidelines and network documentation always pays off, no matter what. 
Police or federal law enforcement can't help you catch the attacker, if they 
don't know your network configuration or the services that you provide. 
What will you do when there has been an attack? You need to define what you 
are going to do and who you are going to tell about it. Are you just going to 
call the police/a CERT team on every occasion? They won't take you serious! 
This should clearly state why it is important to create policies on systems 
with more than one user and why it's important to educate users. 
A policy is a document (Or several documents) with answers to questions like 
who, where, why and what. 
Every user on your system/network should read, understand and sign it. It is 
important that you take the time to help the users understand the policy and 
why the policy needs to be signed or what will happens if they act directly 
against the policy (The policy should also state this). This should be 
repeated at least once a year since the policy can change but also as a 
reminder to the user. 
<note>Create policies that are easy to read and be very clear/specific on 
every subject.</note> 
Most parts of a policy can be enforced directly in the operating system or 
through firewalls and others cannot. 
<title>Security policies.</title> 
A security policy is basically a set of rules that will insure your 
network/host security. A huge document containing information on how computer, 
network, password, email and even how users should or should not behave, how 
to act then attacked, how machines (Workstation/Servers) are installed, 
infrastructure etc. 
A security policy should at least contain the following subjects: 
<li>Acceptable use.</li> 
  <li>Screen savers.</li> 
  <li>Password handling.</li> 
  <li>Download of software.</li> 
  <li>Knowledge of user monitoring.</li> 
  <li>Use of anti virus software.</li> 
<li>Handling of sensitive information (Any written form, paper or 
  <li>Clean desk and locked up classified information.</li> 
  <li>PC shutdown before leaving.</li> 
  <li>Use of encryption.</li> 
  <li>Handling of keys to trusted co-workers.</li> 
  <li>Handling of classified material when traveling.</li> 
<li>Handling of computer equipment when traveling.</li> 
    <li>Laptop handing during travels and hotel stays.</li> 
The policy for the it-staff should be a bit different then the normal users. 
The security policy can become huge and vital information can easily be 
forgotten or not applying for all users. The it-staffs policy could contain 
information that is classified for the ordinary user, so it is wise to split 
it up into small policies, like maybe: Acceptable Use Policy, Password policy, 
Email policy and Remote access policy. 
Examples of policies can be found at the <uri 
link="">The SANS 
Security Policy Project.</uri> 
-- Considerations before installation end -- 
-- Tightening the security after/during installation start -- 
<title>Tightening the security after/during installation</title> 
The make.conf file contains all the options and extra libraries that you want 
to have support for when building ebuilds. In this file you must make sure 
that if the ebuild supports any security library like PAM (Pluggable 
Authentication Modules), tcp wrappers or SSL (Secure Socket Layer) it will add 
support for it. Your USE variable should contain pam, tcpd and ssl. 
Like this: 
USE="tcpd pam ssl" 
<note>This has to be done before installing any software.</note> 
<title>GRUB/LILO password</title> 
Grub supports 2 different ways of adding password restriction to its 
configuration file (<path>/boot/grub/menu.1st</path>). One with plain text 
password and one with md5+salt encryption. 
Simply add this to <path>/boot/grub/menu.lst</path> 
timeout 5 
password changeme 
This will add the password <e>changeme</e> and if no password is entered 
simply use the default boot setting. 
When adding a md5 password, you need to convert the password into crypt format 
(man crypt) which is the same format as the shadow file. For example could the 
encrypted password <e>changeme</e> look like this 
Or this: 
timeout 5 
password --md5 $1$T7/dgdIJ$dJM.n2wZ8RG.oEiIOwJUs. 
When testing this, remember to insert the timeout. Otherwise you will not be 
able to boot the system, if your password is incorrect. 
The timeout on 5 seconds becomes very handy if the system is remote and should 
be able to reboot without any keyboard interaction. More on Grub passwords can 
be found by executing <path>info grub</path> 
LILO also supports to ways of handling passwords: global and per-image, both 
in clear text. 
The global one is set in the top of the configuration file 
Otherwise simply add it to an image. 
If the <e>restricted</e> option is not entered, it will prompt for password, 
every time. 
In order to store the new information in lilo.conf you need to run 
<title>Console restriction</title> 
<path>/etc/securetty</path> contains terminal types that enables/allows you to 
specify which TTY devices root is allowed to login in from. 
We suggest that you comment out all lines except tty1. This will ensure that 
root can only login once and only one terminal. 
<title>More logging</title> 
Extra logging should be added to catch warnings or errors that might warn of 
an attack in progress or an already deployed attack. Attackers often scan or 
probe networks before attacking. 
Its also vital that the log files are easy readable and manageable. 
Gentoo Linux lets you choose between 3 different loggers when installing. 
Syslogd is the most common logger for linux and Unix in general. It does not 
come with log rotation. This feature is handled by running 
<path>/usr/sbin/logrotate</path> in cronjobs and properly configured setting 
in <path>/etc/logrotate.conf</path>. How often log rotation should be done 
depends on the system load. 
Here is an example of how you can configure your syslogd.conf 
#/etc/syslog.conf file 
*.=debug                   /var/log/debug 
*.err                      /var/log/syslog 
#Users who should the see message if they are logged in. 
*.=alert                   root,<c>your user name here</c> 
*.=emerg                   root,<c>your user name here</c>,mail.notice      /var/log/maillog 
kern.*                     /var/log/kern.log;daemon.notice  /var/log/daemon.log 
cron.*                     /var/log/cron.log 
mail.*                     /var/log/mail.log 
user.*                     /var/log/user.log 
uucp.*                     /var/log/uucp.log 
*.*;auth,authpriv.none     /var/log/syslog 
#Place the log file in 2 places 
authpriv.*;auth.*          /admin/auth.log 
authpriv.*;auth.*          /var/log/secure 
#Write everything on the console 
*.*                        /dev/tty12 
#Or setup a remote logging server 
*.*                        @logserver 
The attacker will most likely try to erase their tracks by editing or deleting 
the log files. You can make it harder for the attacker by sending the log to 
one or more logging servers on different machines. 
More info about syslogd can be found in the man page (<path>man syslog</path>) 
<uri link="">Metalog</uri> by Frank Dennis is 
not able to log to a remote server, but it does have advantages when it comes 
to performance and logging flexibility. 
It can log by program name or by facility (Like syslogd) and comes with 
regular expression match and execution of commands. Very good for taking 
action when needed. 
maxsize  = 1000000 
maxtime  = 86400 
maxfiles = 7 
minimum  = 7 
Kernel messages : 
  facility = "kern" 
  logdir   = "/var/log/kernel" 
Auth messages : 
  facility = "auth" 
  logdir   = "/var/log/auth" 
Emergencies : 
  facility = "emerg" 
  command  = "/usr/local/sbin/"   
Crond : 
  program  = "crond" 
  logdir   = "/var/log/crond" 
Password failures : 
  regex    = "(password|login|authentication)\s+(fail|invalid)" 
  regex    = "(failed|invalid)\s+(password|login|authentication)" 
  regex    = "ILLEGAL ROOT LOGIN" 
  logdir   = "/var/log/pwdfail" 
  command  = "/usr/local/sbin/" 
SSH Server : 
  program  = "sshd" 
  logdir   = "/var/log/sshd" 
Mail : 
  facility = "mail" 
  logdir   = "/var/log/mail" 
  program   = "snort" 
  command  = "/usr/local/sbin/" 
Everything important : 
  facility = "*" 
  logdir   = "/var/log/everything" 
Everything very important : 
  facility = "*" 
  logdir   = "/var/log/critical" 
This is basically a standard configuration with a few modifications, like a 
minimum logging level at 7, which means that everything will be logged. 
<p> for postfix. 
#! /bin/sh 
echo "$3" | mail -s "Warning (program : $2)" root 
<p> for qmail. 
echo "To: root 
Subject:Failure (Warning: $2)  
" | /var/qmail/bin/qmail-inject -f root 
More information can be found in the <uri 
link="">metalog</uri> website. 
Syslog-ng provide some of the same features that syslog and metalog has with a 
small difference. It can filter messages based on level and content (Like 
metalog), provide remote logging like syslog, handle log from syslogd (Even 
streams from Solaris, write to a TTY, execute programs and it can act as a 
logging server. Basically it is the best of both loggers combined with 
advanced configuration. 
A classic configuration file from <path>/etc/syslog-ng/syslog-ng.conf</path> 
slightly modified. 
options { long_hostnames(off); sync(0); }; 
#source where to read log 
source src { unix-stream("/dev/log"); internal(); }; 
source kernsrc { file("/proc/kmsg"); }; 
#define destinations 
destination authlog { file("/var/log/auth.log"); }; 
destination syslog { file("/var/log/syslog"); }; 
destination cron { file("/var/log/cron.log"); }; 
destination daemon { file("/var/log/daemon.log"); }; 
destination kern { file("/var/log/kern.log"); }; 
destination lpr { file("/var/log/lpr.log"); }; 
destination user { file("/var/log/user.log"); }; 
destination mail { file("/var/log/mail.log"); }; 
destination mailinfo { file("/var/log/"); }; 
destination mailwarn { file("/var/log/mail.warn"); }; 
destination mailerr { file("/var/log/mail.err"); }; 
destination newscrit { file("/var/log/news/news.crit"); }; 
destination newserr { file("/var/log/news/news.err"); }; 
destination newsnotice { file("/var/log/news/news.notice"); }; 
destination debug { file("/var/log/debug"); }; 
destination messages { file("/var/log/messages"); }; 
destination console { usertty("root"); }; 
destination console_all { file("/dev/tty12"); }; 
destination mailprog { program("/usr/bin/"); }; 
destination xconsole { pipe("/dev/xconsole"); }; 
#create filters 
filter f_auth { facility(auth); }; 
filter f_authpriv { facility(auth, authpriv); }; 
filter f_syslog { not facility(authpriv, mail); }; 
filter f_cron { facility(cron); }; 
filter f_daemon { facility(daemon); }; 
filter f_kern { facility(kern); }; 
filter f_lpr { facility(lpr); }; 
filter f_mail { facility(mail); }; 
filter f_user { facility(user); }; 
filter f_debug { not facility(auth, authpriv, news, mail); }; 
filter f_messages { level(info..warn)  
	and not facility(auth, authpriv, mail, news); }; 
filter f_emergency { level(emerg); }; 
filter f_info { level(info); }; 
filter f_notice { level(notice); }; 
filter f_warn { level(warn); }; 
filter f_crit { level(crit); }; 
filter f_err { level(err); }; 
filter f_failed { match("failed"); }; 
filter f_denied { match("denied"); }; 
#connect filter and destination 
log { source(src); filter(f_authpriv); destination(authlog); }; 
log { source(src); filter(f_syslog); destination(syslog); }; 
log { source(src); filter(f_cron); destination(cron); }; 
log { source(src); filter(f_daemon); destination(daemon); }; 
log { source(kernsrc); filter(f_kern); destination(kern); }; 
log { source(src); filter(f_lpr); destination(lpr); }; 
log { source(src); filter(f_mail); destination(mail); }; 
log { source(src); filter(f_user); destination(user); }; 
log { source(src); filter(f_mail); filter(f_info); destination(mailinfo); }; 
log { source(src); filter(f_mail); filter(f_warn); destination(mailwarn); }; 
log { source(src); filter(f_mail); filter(f_err); destination(mailerr); }; 
log { source(src); filter(f_debug); destination(debug); }; 
log { source(src); filter(f_messages); destination(messages); }; 
log { source(src); filter(f_emergency); destination(console); }; 
#mail log failed to back to me 
log { source(src); filter(f_failed); filter(f_denied); destination(mailprog); 
#default log 
log { source(src); destination(console_all); }; 
Very easy to configure but also very easy to miss something in the 
configuration file since it is huge. The author still promises some extra 
features like encryption, authentication, compression and mac control. With 
these options it will be a perfect for network logging. Since the attacker 
cannot spy on the log. 
And syslog-ng does have other advantages. It does not have to run as root!. 
<title>Mounting of partitions</title> 
When mounting an ext2, ext3, xfs or a reiserfs partition, you have several 
options you can apply to the <path>/etc/fstab</path>. The options are: 
nosuid - Will ignore the SUID bit and make it just like an ordinary file. 
noexec - Will prevent from executing files from this partition. 
nodev - Ignores devices.  
Unfortunately these settings can easily be circumvented by executing a 
non-direct path. However setting /tmp to noexec will stop about 99% of all 
script kiddies since their exploits are designed to be executed directly from 
/dev/sda1               /boot           ext2            noauto,noatime                          
1 1 
/dev/sda2               none            swap            sw                                      
0 0 
/dev/sda3               /               reiserfs        notail,noatime		                
0 0 
/dev/sda4               /tmp            reiserfs        
notail,noatime,nodev,nosuid,noexec      0 0 
/dev/sda5               /var            reiserfs        notail,noatime,nodev                    
0 0 
/dev/sda6               /home           reiserfs        
notail,noatime,nodev,nosuid             0 0 
/dev/sda7               /usr            reiserfs        
notail,noatime,nodev,ro	                0 0 
/dev/cdroms/cdrom0      /mnt/cdrom      iso9660         noauto,ro                               
0 0 
proc                    /proc           proc		defaults                                
0 0 
<warn>Placing <path>/tmp</path> in noexec mode can prevent certain script from 
executing properly</warn> 
<note>Disk quotas is described in another chapter</note> 
Note that I do not set <path>/var</path> in noexec or nosuid even if files 
normally is never executed from this mount point. The reason for this is that 
qmail is installed in <path>/var/qmail</path> and must be allowed to execute 
and access 1 suid file. I setup <path>/usr</path> in read-only mode since I 
never write anything there unless I want to update Gentoo. Then I remount the 
file system in read-write mode, update and remount again. 
<note>Even if you do not use qmail, Gentoo still needs the executable bit set 
on <path>/var/tmp</path> since ebuilds are made here. But an alternative path 
can be setup if you insists on having <path>/var</path> in noexec mode. 
<title>User/group limitations</title> 
Controlling resource limitations can be very effective when trying to prevent 
a local DoS or handling the maximum allowed logins for a group or user. 
#domain        type  item  value 
#domain can be: 
#        - an user name 
#        - a group name, with @group syntax 
#        - the wild card *, for default entry 
#type can have the two values: 
#        - "soft" for enforcing the soft limits 
#        - "hard" for enforcing hard limits 
#item can be one of the following: 
#        - core - limits the core file size (KB) 
#        - data - max data size (KB) 
#        - fsize - maximum file size (KB) 
#        - memlock - max locked-in-memory address space (KB) 
#        - nofile - max number of open files 
#        - rss - max resident set size (KB) 
#        - stack - max stack size (KB) 
#        - cpu - max CPU time (MIN) 
#        - nproc - max number of processes 
#        - as - address space limit 
#        - maxlogins - max number of logins for this user 
#        - priority - the priority to run user process with 
#domain      type  item         value 
*                soft    core            0 
*                hard    core            0 
*                hard    nproc           15 
*                hard    rss             10000 
*                -       maxlogins       2 
@dev             hard    core            100000 
@dev             soft    nproc           20 
@dev             hard    nproc           35 
@dev             -       maxlogins       10 
If you find yourself trying to set nproc or maxlogins to 0, maybe you should 
be delete that user instead. The example above sets the group "dev" settings 
for processes, core file and maxlogins. The rest is set to a default value. 
<path>/etc/security/limits.conf</path> is part of the PAM package and will 
only apply packages that use PAM.  
limits are very similar to the limit file in 
<path>/etc/security/limits.conf</path>. The only differences is the format and 
it only works on users or wild cards (Not groups). Lets have a look at decent 
# Valid flags are: 
# A: max address space (KB) 
# C: max core file size (KB) 
# D: max data size (KB) 
# F: maximum file size (KB) 
# M: max locked-in-memory address space (KB) [only for root on Linux 2.0.x] 
# N: max number of open files 
# R: max resident set size (KB) [no effect on Linux 2.0.x] 
# S: max stack size (KB) 
# T: max CPU time (MIN) 
# U: max number of processes 
# L: max number of logins for this user 
* L2 C0 U15 L4 R10000 
kn L10 C100000 U35 L10 
Here we set the default settings and a specific setting for the user kn. 
Limits are part of the shadow package and only applies for the shadow login 
program. It is not necessary to set any limitations in this file, if you have 
set the PAM setting in your make.conf and configured it properly. 
Putting quotas on a file system prevents users from filling up the disk or 
writing at all. Quotas is enabled in the kernel and added to a mount point. 
The kernel option is enabled in the kernel configuration under <c>File 
systems->Quota support</c>. Apply the following setting, rebuild the kernel 
and reboot using the new kernel. 
emerge quota 
modify your <path>/etc/fstab</path> and add usrquota and grpquota to the 
partitions that you want to restrict disk usage like the example below. 
/dev/sda1               /boot           ext2            noauto,noatime                                            
1 1 
/dev/sda2               none            swap            sw                                                        
0 0 
/dev/sda3               /               reiserfs        notail,noatime		                                  
0 0 
/dev/sda4               /tmp            reiserfs        
notail,noatime,nodev,nosuid,noexec,usrquota,grpquota      0 0 
/dev/sda5               /var            reiserfs        
notail,noatime,nodev,usrquota,grpquota                    0 0 
/dev/sda6               /home           reiserfs        
notail,noatime,nodev,nosuid,usrquota,grpquota             0 0 
/dev/sda7               /usr            reiserfs        
notail,noatime,nodev,ro	                                  0 0 
/dev/cdroms/cdrom0      /mnt/cdrom      iso9660         noauto,ro                                                 
0 0 
proc                    /proc           proc		defaults                                                  
0 0 
On every partition that you have enabled quotas, create the quota files 
(quota.user and and place them in the root of the partition. 
touch /tmp/quota.user 
touch /tmp/ 
chmod 600 /tmp/quota.user 
chmod 600 /tmp/ 
This step has to be done on every partition where quotas is enabled. After 
adding and configuring the quota files, we need to add a script to the run 
level that turns quota on every time we boot. Copy and paste the following 
script to a file called <path>/etc/init.d/quotas</path>. Simply create the 
file (it does not exist) and make it executable. 
depend() { 
	need localmount 
start() { 
        if [ -x /sbin/quotacheck ]  
               ebegin "Checking quotas. This may take some time."  
               /sbin/quotacheck -avug  
               eend $? 
        if [ -x /sbin/quotaon ]  
               ebegin "Turning on quota."  
               /sbin/quotaon -avug  
               eend $? 
stop() { 
        if [ -x /sbin/quotaon ]  
	       ebegin "Turning off quota." 
	       eend $? 
Add it to the run level with <c>rc-update add quotas default</c> and add a 
quotacheck (crontab -e) to do periodic scans once a week: <c>0 3 * * 0 
/sbin/quotacheck -avug</c>. Then reboot the machine. 
After rebooting the machine, it is time to setup the quotes for users and 
groups. <c>edquota -u kn</c> will start the editor defined in $EDITOR (Default 
is nano) and let you edit the quotas of the user kn. -g will do the same thing 
just with groups. 
Quotas for user kn:  
/dev/sda4: blocks in use: 2594, limits (soft = 5000, hard = 6500)  
         inodes in use: 356, limits (soft = 1000, hard = 1500) 
For more detail read <e>man edquota</e> or <uri 
link="">The quota mini 
If the policy states that users should change their password every other week. 
Change the value PASS_MAX_DAYS to 14, PASS_WARN_AGE to 7. It is also 
recommended that you use password aging since brute force will find any 
password, its just a matter of time. We also encourage you to set 
The login.access file is also part of the shadow package, which gives a login 
access control table. The table is used to control who can and cannot login 
based on user name, group name or host name. Per default, all users on the 
system are allowed to login so the file is only filled with comments and 
examples. Whether you are securing your server or workstation, we recommend 
that you setup this file so noone other than yourself (The admin) has access 
to the console. 
<note>These settings does not apply for root.</note> 
-:ALL EXCEPT wheel sync:console 
Be careful when configuring these options, since mistakes will leave you out 
with no access to the machine. 
These settings does not apply to SSH since SSH does not execute /bin/login per 
default. This can be enabled by using the "UseLogin yes" in 
<path>/etc/ssh/sshd_config</path>. It will make SSH use login and the settings 
will apply. 
This will setup login access so members of wheel can login on the console or 
if their origin is from the domain. Maybe a too paranoid, but 
better safe then sorry. 
<title>File permissions.</title> 
<title>World readable.</title> 
Normal users should not have access to configuration files or passwords. An 
attacker can steal passwords from a database or website and deface or even 
worse, delete data. This is why its important that the permissions are 
correct. If you are sure that a file is only used by root, assign it with the 
permissions 0600 and assign the file to the correct user with chown. 
<title>World/Group writable.</title> 
/usr/bin/find / -type f \( -perm -2 -o -perm -20 \) -exec ls -lg {} \; 
2>/dev/null >writable.txt 
/usr/bin/find / -type d \( -perm -2 -o -perm -20 \) -exec ls -ldg {} \; 
2>/dev/null >>writable.txt 
This will create a huge file with permission of all files having either write 
permission set to the group or everybody. Check the permissions and eliminate 
world writable files to everyone, by executing <path>/bin/chmod o-w</path> on 
the files. 
<title>SUID/SGID files</title> 
SUID/SGID files (Files with the superuser bit set) is a way for a normal user 
to do stuff that only root normally is allowed. These files can lead to local 
root compromise (If they contain security holes) because the file is executed 
with root permissions. These files are dangerous and should be avoided at any 
cost. If you do not use the files use chmod 0 on them or unmerge the package 
they came from (Check the package with qpkg -f). Otherwise just turn the suid 
bit off with chmod -s. 
/usr/bin/find / -type f \( -perm -004000 -o -perm -002000 \) -exec ls -lg {} 
\; 2>/dev/null >suidfiles.txt 
This will create a file containing a list of all the SUID/SGID files. 
By default Gentoo Linux does not have a lot of SUID files (It depends on what 
you installed), but you might get a list like the one above. Most of the 
commands should not be used by normal users, only root. Switch off the suid 
bit on ping, mount, umount, chfn, chsh, newgrp, suidperl, pt_chown and 
traceroute by <c>chmod -s</c> on every file. Don't remove the bit on su, 
qmail-queue or unix_chkpwd. Removing will prevent you from su'ing and 
receiving mail. By removing the bit you remove the possibility of a normal 
user (or an attacker) to gain root access through any of these files. 
The only SUID files that I have on my system are su, passwd, gpasswd, 
qmail-queue, unix_chkpwd and pwdb_chkpwd. But if you are running X, you might 
have some more, since X needs the access. 
<title>PAM (Pluggable Authentication Modules)</title> 
PAM is a suite of shared libraries that provide an alternative way of making 
authentication in programs. The PAM settings of Gentoo Linux is pretty 
reasonable, but there is always room for improvement. 
<note>This chapter will have no effect if you did not include the PAM in your 
USE option in <path>/etc/make.conf</path></note> 
<p>Install cracklib</p> 
emerge cracklib 
auth	   required shadow nullok 
account	   required 
password   required difok=3 retry=3 minlen=8 dcredit=2 
ocredit=2 use_authok 
password   required md5 
session	   required 
This will add the cracklib which will ensure that the users use a minimum 
password length of 8 characters and it consist of minimum 2 digits, 2 others 
and there must be more than 3 characters different from the last password. 
This forces the user to choose a good password (Password policy). Check the 
documentation for more options. 
auth	   required	nullok  
auth       required 
auth	   required 
auth	   required 
account	   required 
password   required difok=3 retry=3 minlen=8 dcredit=2 
ocredit=2 use_authok 
password   required	shadow	md5 
session	   required 
session	   required 
Every other service that is not configured with a PAM file in 
<path>/etc/pam.d</path> will use the "other" rule. The default settings are 
set to deny as it should. But I like to have a lot of logs and that is why I 
added The last configuration is pam_limits which is controlled by 
<path>/etc/security/limits.conf</path>. See chapter on these settings. 
auth      required  
auth      required  
account   required  
account   required  
password  required  
password  required  
session   required  
session   required 
<title>TCP Wrappers</title> 
Is a way of controlling access to services normally run by inetd (Which Gentoo 
does not have) but it can also be used by xinetd and other services. 
<note>The use in make.conf should contain tcpd and the service should be 
executing tcpd in its server argument (in xinetd). See the chapter on xinetd 
for more information</note> 
ALL: LOCAL @wheel 
time: LOCAL, 
As you can see the format is very similar to the one in 
<path>/etc/login.access</path>. Tcpd supports a specific service and they do 
not work in the same area of security. These settings only apply to services 
using tcpd wrappers. 
It is also possible to execute commands when a service is accessed (Can be 
used when activating relaying for dial in users) but its not recommended since 
people tend to create more problem than they are trying to solve. An example 
could be that you configure a script to send an email every time someone hits 
the deny rule, but then an attacker could DoS attack you by keep accessing. 
This will create a lot of I/O and mails so dont do it!. Read the man 5 
hosts_access for more information. 
-- Tightening the security after/during installation end -- 
-- Kernel security start -- 
<title>Kernel security</title> 
<title>Removing functionality</title> 
Basic rule when configuring the kernel is to remove everything, you do not 
need. This will create a small kernel but also remove the vulnerabilities that 
may lie inside drivers and other features. 
Also consider turning off loadable module support. Even though it is possible 
to add modules (Root kits) without this features, it does make it harder for 
normal attackers to install root kits via kernel modules. 
<title>/proc (Kernel flags)</title> 
Many kernel parameters can be altered through the /proc file system or by 
using sysctl. 
To dynamically change kernel parameters and variables on the fly you need 
CONFIG_SYSCTL defined in your kernel. This is default in a standard 2.4 
/bin/echo "1" > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/icmp_echo_ignore_all 
This will disable icmp type 0 (also known as ping) packages. The reason for 
this is that icmp can contain payload with other information then you thing. 
Administrators use ping as a diagnostic tool and often complain if they cannot 
ping. There is no reason for an outsider to be able to ping. But some times it 
can be handy for insiders to be able to ping. Then this can be solved by 
disabling icmp type 0 in the firewall. 
/bin/echo "1" > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/icmp_echo_ignore_broadcasts 
This disables response to broadcasts. 
You don't want yourself becoming a smurf amplifier. Smurf amplifier or X-mass 
trees is a method that allows an attacker to send a moderate amount of traffic 
and cause a virtual explosion of traffic at the intended target. 
/bin/echo "0" > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/conf/all/accept_source_route 
Disables source routed packets 
Don't accept source routed packets. Attackers can use source routing to 
generate traffic pretending to be from inside your network, but is routed back 
along the path from which it came, so attackers can compromise your network. 
Source routing is rarely used for legitimate purposes so disable it. 
/bin/echo "0" > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/conf/all/accept_redirects 
Disable ICMP redirect acceptance. ICMP redirects can be used to alter your 
routing tables, possibly to a bad end. 
/bin/echo "1" > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/icmp_ignore_bogus_error_responses 
Enable bad error message protection. 
for i in /proc/sys/net/ipv4/conf/*; do 
        /bin/echo "1" > $i/rp_filter 
If you turn on IP forwarding, you will also get this result. 
Turn on reverse path filtering. This helps make sure that packets use 
legitimate source addresses, by automatically rejecting incoming packets if 
the routing table entry for their source address does not match the network 
interface they are arriving on. This has security advantages because it 
prevents IP spoofing, <c>however it can be a problems if you use asymmetric 
routing</c> (packets from you to a host take a different path than packets 
from that host to you) or if you operate a non-routing host which has several 
IP addresses on different interfaces. 
/bin/echo "1" > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/conf/all/log_martians 
Log spoofed packets, source routed packets, redirect packets. 
/bin/echo "0" > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward 
Make sure that IP forwarding is turned off. We only want this for a 
multi-homed host. 
<p>All these settings will be reset then the machine is rebooted. So I suggest 
that you add the the following script to the run level and make it executable. 
depend() { 
	before * 
start() { 
               ebegin "Setting /proc options." 
               /bin/echo "1" > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/icmp_echo_ignore_all 
               /bin/echo "1" > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/icmp_echo_ignore_broadcasts 
               /bin/echo "0" > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/conf/all/accept_source_route 
               /bin/echo "0" > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/conf/all/accept_redirects 
               /bin/echo "1" > 
               for i in /proc/sys/net/ipv4/conf/*; do 
                       /bin/echo "1" > $i/rp_filter 
               /bin/echo "1" > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/conf/all/log_martians 
               /bin/echo "0" > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward 
               eend 0 
<p>And add it to the run level <c>rc-update add procparam default</c>.</p> 
<title>Kernel patches</title> 
As of now, it is not possible to install the grsecurity patch via portage, 
because it causes conflicts when patching so you may want to get a kernel from 
<uri></uri> and patch it yourself. Get the latest patch from 
<uri link="">Grsecurity</uri> and patch it. In order to 
patch it you must create a link (Or have your kernel directory named linux) to 
your kernel named linux, then execute the following command: 
cd /usr/src 
patch -p0 &#60; ~/grsecurity-1.9.4-2.4.18.patch 
Configure your kernel as you normally do and then configure the the Grsecurity 
option: (Choose customized) and enable the following options: 
<li>Buffer Overflow Protection</li> 
  <li>Openwall non-executable stack</li> 
  <li>Gcc trampoline support</li> 
<li>Filesystem Protections</li> 
  <li>Proc restrictions</li> 
  <li>Linking restrictions</li> 
  <li>Secure file descriptors</li> 
  <li>Chroot jail restrictions (Enable all options below this option)</li> 
<li>Kernel Auditing</li> 
  <li>Log execs within chroot</li> 
  <li>(Un)Mount logging</li> 
  <li>Signal logging</li> 
  <li>Fork failure logging</li> 
  <li>Log set*ids to root</li> 
  <li>Time change logging</li> 
<li>Executable Protections</li> 
  <li>Dmesg restriction</li> 
  <li>Randomized PIDs</li> 
  <li>Altered default IPC permissions (Can prevent some program from working 
  <li>Restricted ptrace</li> 
<li>Network Protections</li> 
  <li>Randomized IP IDs</li> 
  <li>Randomized TCP source ports</li> 
  <li>Altered Ping IDs</li> 
  <li>Randomized TTL</li> 
<li>Miscellaneous Features</li> 
  <li>BSD-style coredumps (Will create coredumps like core.named)</li> 
Now compile and install your security enhanced kernel. 
<uri link="">Kerneli</uri> is a patch that adds 
encryption to the existing kernel. By patching your kernel you will get new 
options like: Cryptographic ciphers, digest algorithms and cryptographic loop 
<warn>The kerneli patch is currently not in a stable version for the latest 
kernel, so be careful when using.</warn> 
<title>Other kernel patches</title> 
  <li><uri link="">The OpenWall Project</uri> (Not for 
2.4 kernels)</li> 
  <li><uri link="">Linux Intrusion Detection 
  <li><uri link="">Rule Set Based Access 
  <li><uri link="">NSA's security enhanced 
  <li><uri link="">Wolk</uri></li> 
And there is properly a lot more ..  
-- Kernel security end -- 
-- Securing Services start -- 
<title>Securing Services</title> 
<title>Using xinetd</title> 
xinetd is a replacement for inetd (Which Gentoo does not have), the internet 
services daemon. It supports access control based on the address of the remote 
host and the time of access. It also provide extensive logging capabilities, 
including server start time, remote host address, remote user name, server run 
time, and actions requested. 
As with all other services its important to have a good default configuration. 
But since xinetd is used by root and supports protocols that you might not 
know how they work we recommend not to use it. But if you want to use it 
anyway here how you can add some security to it: 
emerge xinetd tcpd 
And edit the configuration file (<path>/etc/xinetd.conf</path>) 
	only_from      = localhost 
	instances      = 10 
	log_type       = SYSLOG authpriv info 
	log_on_success = HOST PID 
	log_on_failure = HOST 
	cps            = 25 30 
# This will setup pserver (cvs) via xinetd with the following settings: 
# max 10 instances (10 connections at a time) 
# limit the pserver to tcp only 
# use the user cvs to run this service 
# bind the interfaces to only 1 ip 
# allow access from 10.0.0.* 
# limit the time developers can use cvs from 8am to 5pm 
# use tpcd wrappers (Access control controlled in 
<path>/etc/hosts.allow</path> and <path>/etc/hosts.deny</path>) 
# max_load on the machine set to 1.0 
# The disable flag is per default set to no but I like having it in case of it 
should be disabled 
service cvspserver 
	socket_type         = stream 
	protocol            = tcp 
        instances           = 10 
        protocol            = tcp 
	wait                = no 
	user                = cvs 
        bind                = 
        only_from           = 
        access_times        = 8:00-17:00 
	server              = /usr/sbin/tcpd 
	server_args         = /usr/bin/cvs --allow-root=/mnt/cvsdisk/cvsroot 
        max_load            = 1.0 
        log_on_failure      += RECORD 
        disable             = no 
For more information read the <c>man 5 xinetd.conf</c>. 
The only securing that OpenSSH needs is turning on a stronger authentication 
based on public key encryption. To many sites (like 
<uri></uri>, <uri></uri> and 
<uri></uri>) have all suffered unauthorized intrusion to 
their systems due to password leaks or bad passwords. 
#Only enable version 2 
Protocol 2 
#No direct root access 
PermitRootLogin no 
#Turn on RSA key authentication 
RSAAuthentication yes 
PubkeyAuthentication yes 
AuthorizedKeysFile      .ssh/authorized_keys 
#Disable .rhost files and normal password auth. 
RhostsAuthentication no 
PasswordAuthentication no 
PermitEmptyPasswords no 
AllowHosts * 
#Noone else than members of wheel or admin should have access 
AllowGroup wheel admin 
#And 2 users 
AllowUsers kn bs 
#add logging level 
SyslogFacility AUTH 
LogLevel INFO 
Now all your users have to do, is create a key (On their machine they want to 
login from) with the following command 
/usr/bin/ssh-keygen -t rsa  
Type in a passphrase 
Generating public/private rsa key pair. 
Enter file in which to save the key (/home/kn/.ssh/id_rsa):<c>[Press 
Created directory '/home/kn/.ssh'. 
Enter passphrase (empty for no passphrase): <c>[Enter passphrase]</c> 
Enter same passphrase again: <c>[Enter passphrase again]</c> 
Your identification has been saved in /home/kn/.ssh/id_rsa. 
Your public key has been saved in /home/kn/.ssh/ 
The key fingerprint is: 
07:24:a9:12:7f:83:7e:af:b8:1f:89:a3:48:29:e2:a4 kn@knielsen 
This will add two files in your <path>~/.ssh/</path> directory called id_rsa 
and The file called id_rsa is your private key and should be kept 
from other people than yourself. The other file is to be 
distributed to every server that you have access to. Add the key to the home 
directory in <path>~/.ssh/authorized_keys</path> and the user should be able 
to login. 
<p>Now your users should guard this private key well. Put it on a media that 
they always carry with them or keep it on their workstation (Put this in the 
password policy). 
<p>More on <uri link="">OpenSSH</uri> can be found at 
their website</p> 
<title>Securing X</title> 
Per default XFree is configured to act as an Xserver. This can be dangerous 
since X uses unencrypted tcp connections and listens for xclients. If you do 
not need this service disable it! But if you depend on using your workstation 
as a Xserver use the <path>/usr/X11R6/bin/xhost</path> command with caution. 
This command allows clients from other hosts to connect and use your display. 
This can become handy if you need an X application from a different machine 
and the only way is through the network. The syntax is 
<path>/usr/X11R6/bin/xhost +hostname</path> 
<warn>Don't ever use the xhost + feature! This will allow any client to 
connect and take control of your X. If an attacker can get access to your 
workstation he can log your keystrokes and control your desktop.</warn> 
A more secure solution is to disable this feature completely by starting you X 
with startx -- -nolisten tcp or disable it permanently in the configuration 
file by changing the line  
<p> to </p> 
defaultserverargs="-nolisten tcp" 
in <path>/usr/X11R6/bin/startx</path>. 
If you use a graphical login you need a different approach. 
<p>gdm (Gnome Display Manager)</p> 
command=/usr/X11R6/bin/X -nolisten tcp 
<p>xdm (X Display Manager) and kdm (Kde Display Manager)</p> 
:0 local /usr/bin/X11/X  
:0 local /usr/bin/X11/X -nolisten tcp  
<title>Print services</title> 
FTP (File Transfer Protocol) is in general a bad idea. It uses unencrypted 
data, listens on 2 ports (Normally port 20 and 21), support for anonymous 
users and is what some attackers are looking for (For trading warez). If you 
can avoid it use sftpd or http instead since the ftp protocol contain serveral 
security problems. If not, secure your sevices as good as you can and prepare 
Pure-ftpd is an branch of the original trollftpd. Modified for security 
reasons and functionality by Frank Dennis. 
Use virtual users (Never system accounts) by enabling the AUTH option in 
<path>/etc/conf.d/pure-ftpd</path>. Set it to -lpuredb:/etc/pureftpd.pdb and 
create your users by using <path>/usr/bin/pure-pw</path>.  
## Number of simultaneous connections in total, and per ip ## 
MAX_CONN="-c 30" 
MAX_CONN_IP="-C 10" 
## Don't allow uploads if the partition is more full then this var ## 
DISK_FULL="-k 90%" 
## Misc. Others ## 
MISC_OTHER="-A -E -X -U 177:077 -d -4 -L100:5 -I 15" 
And configure your MISC_OTHER setting for not allowing anonymous (-E), chroot 
everyone (-A), Users can not read or write to files beginning with a . (dot) 
(-X), max idle time (-I), limit recursion (-L) and a reasonable umask. And do 
__not__ use the option -w or -W! If you want to have a warez site, stop 
reading this doc!. 
More can be read at <uri></uri> 
Proftpd has had several security problems, but they seems to have fixed most 
of them. Still apply some enhancements in 
ServerName "My ftp daemon" 
#Dont show the ident of the server 
ServerIdent on "Go away" 
#Makes it easyer to create virtual users 
RequireValidShell off 
#Use alternative password and group file (passwd uses crypt format) 
AuthUserFile "/etc/proftpd/passwd" 
AuthGroupFile "/etc/proftpd/group" 
# Permissions 
Umask 077 
# Timeouts and limitations 
MaxInstancs 30 
MaxClients 10 "Only 10 connections allowed" 
MaxClientsPerHost 1 "You have already logged on once" 
MaxClientsPerUser 1 "You have already logged on once" 
TimeoutStalled 10 
TimeoutNoTransfer 20 
TimeoutLogin 20 
#Chroot everyone 
DefaultRoot ~ 
#dont run as root 
User  nobody 
Group nogroup 
#Log every transfer 
TransferLog /var/log/transferlog 
#Problems with globbing 
DenyFilter \*.*/ 
The rest is up to you and your reading ability 
Vsftpd (Stands for very secure ftp) is a small ftp deamon running a reasonably 
default configuration (<path>/etc/vsftpd</path>). It is simple and does not 
have as many features (Like virtual users) as pureftp and proftp. 
#read only 
#enable logging of transfers 
As you see there is no way for this service to have individual permissions and 
no default chroot action. But when it comes to anonymous settings it quite 
good. Sometimes it can be nice to have a anonymous ftp server (For sharing 
open source) and this server really applies for that. 
Apache (1.3.23) comes with a pretty decent configuration file but again. We 
need to improve some things, like binding to one address and keep it from 
leaking information. These are the options that you should apply the 
configuration file: 
If you have added ssl to your <path>/etc/make.conf</path> before installing 
apache, you should have access to a ssl enabled server. Just add the following 
line to <path>/etc/conf.d/httpd</path> to enable it. 
#Make it listen on your ip 
#It is not a good idea to use nobody or no group for every service not running 
as root (Just add the user apache with group apache) 
User apache 
Group apache 
#Will keep apache from telling about the version 
ServerSignature Off 
Apache is compiled with --enable-shared=max and --enable-module=all. This will 
per default enable all modules so you should out comment all modules in the 
LoadModule section (LoadModule and AddModule) that you do not use. Restart the 
service by executing <c>/etc/init.d/httpd restart</c>. 
Documentation can be found at <uri></uri> 
Qmail is considered to be the most secure mail server. It is written with 
security (And paranoia) in mind. It does not allow relaying per default and 
have not had a security hole since 1991. Simply <c>emerge qmail</c> and go 
Gentoo supports two different dns servers, Bind and djbdns. 
Bind is known for its security history that should not be taken lightly. As 
with any other service it should __never__ run as root so please dont change 
the default configuration for this service. Per default Gentoo does not setup 
any configuration for this services so you have to add your own dns zones to 
<path>/etc/bind/named.conf</path>. But since the security lies not only within 
the domain server deamon but also in the protocol it should be properly 
People often ask why you do not use djbdns (Very secure dns by D.J. Bernstein) 
and the answer is: Bind does have features that djbdns does not, like support 
for IPv6 (Not without a patch anyway). 
#setup access control 
acl "mynet" {; }; 
options { 
  directory "/var/bind"; 
  pid-file "/var/run/named/"; 
#allow "mynet" to make queries 
  allow-query { "mynet"; }; 
#dont allow zone transfers 
  allow-transfer { none; }; 
  forward only; 
  forwarders {; }; 
#Only provide recursive service to "mynet" 
  recursion no; 
  allow-recursion { mynet; }; 
# Bind to an interface 
  listen-on {; }; 
# Dont show the version 
  version "Go away"; 
key "rndc-key" { 
  algorithm hmac-md5; 
  secret "o1BYkYC+bXeZgHDsrVBwRQ=="; 
#allow only control from localhost and with a key 
controls { 
  inet port 953 
  allow {; } keys { "rndc-key"; }; 
This is a default good configuration. However, Bind version 9 has a special 
chroot functionality that you should use. Here is how you create your chrootet 
mkdir -p /chroot 
mkdir /chroot/dns 
mkdir /chroot/dns/dev 
mkdir /chroot/dns/etc 
mkdir /chroot/dns/var 
mkdir /chroot/dns/var/run 
mkdir /chroot/dns/var/run/named 
chown -R named:named /chroot/dns/var/run/named 
cp -R /etc/bind /chroot/dns/etc/. 
cp /etc/localtime /chroot/dns/etc/localtime 
cp -R /var/bind /chroot/dns/var/. 
mknod /chroot/dns/dev/zero c 1 5 
chmod 666 /chroot/dns/dev/zero 
mknod /chroot/dns/dev/random c 1 8 
chmod 666 /chroot/dns/dev/random 
cp -a /dev/log /chroot/dns/dev/log 
cd /chroot/dns 
chattr +i etc etc/localtime var 
This will create a chrootet environment in <path>/chroot</path>. Now all we 
have to do is modify the init script for supporting the new environment. Edit 
<path>/etc/init.d/named</path> and add <c>-t /chroot/dns</c> to the start 
function. You may also want to change the stop function to point to the 
correct pid file in <path>/chroot/var/run/named/</path>. Restart your 
dns server. 
An attacker can escape a chrootet jail, if he is good enough (Se how to 
prevent this in the kernel patch section) 
There is really not much to say about djbdns except that the author is willing 
to bet <uri link="">money</uri> on how 
secure it is. So go and try it: <uri></uri> it is very 
different from the way Bind v.9 works but you will get the hang of it. 
Samba is a protocol to share files with Microsoft/Novell networks and it 
should __not__ be used over the Internet. But nevertheless it needs securing. 
  #Bind to an interface 
  interfaces = eth0 
  #Make sure to use encrypted password 
  encrypt passwords = yes 
  directory security mask = 0700 
  #allow traffic from 10.0.0.* 
  hosts allow = 10.0.0. 
  #Enables user authentication (Dont use the share mode) 
  security = user 
  #Disallow privileged accounts 
  invalid users = root @wheel 
  #Add a max size of usage in kilobytes 
  max disk size = 102400 
  #Uphold the password policy 
  min password length = 8 
  null passwords = no 
  #Use PAM (If added support) 
  obey pam restrictions = yes 
  pam password change = yes 
Make sure that permission are set correct on every share and remember to read 
the <uri link="">documentation</uri> 
Now restart the server and add the users who should have access to this 
service. This is done though the <path>/usr/bin/smbpasswd</path> with the 
parameter -a 
<title>Chroot or virtual servers.</title> 
Chrooting a service is a way of limiting a services (Or users) environment to 
only accessing what it should and not gaining access (Or information) that 
could lead to root access. By running the service as another user than root 
(Nobody, apache, named) an attacker can only access files with the permissions 
of this user. This means that an attacker cannot gain root access even if the 
services has a security flaw. 
Some services like pure-ftpd and bind has features for chrooting, and other 
services has not. If the service supports it use them, otherwise you have to 
figure out how to create your own. Lets see how to create a chroot, for a 
basic understanding of how chroots work, we will test it with bash (Easy way 
of learning). 
Create a directory in <path>/</path> called chroot (<c>mkdir -p chroot</c>). 
And find what dynamic libraries that bash is compiled with (If it is compiled 
with -static this step is not necessary): 
ldd /bin/bash 
The following command will create a list of libraries used by bash.  
<pre> => /lib/ (0x4001b000) => /lib/ (0x40060000) => /lib/ (0x40063000) 
  /lib/ => /lib/ (0x40000000) 
Now lets create the environment for bash. 
mkdir /chroot/bash 
mkdir /chroot/bash/bin 
mkdir /chroot/bash/lib 
Next copy the files used by bash (<path>/lib</path>) to the chrootet lib and 
copy the bash command to the chrooted bin directory. This will create the 
excact same environment, just with less functionality. After copying try it 
out: <c>chroot /chroot/bash</c>. If you get an prompt saying <c>/</c> it 
works!. Otherwise it will properly tell you what a file is missing. Some 
shared libraries depend on eachother. 
You will notice that inside the chroot nothing works except echo. This is 
because we have no other commands in out chroot environment that bash and 
"echo" is a build-in functionality. 
This is basically the same way you would create a chrootet service. The only 
difference is that services sometimes rely on devices and configuration files 
in <path>/etc</path>. Simply copy them (Devices can be copied with cp -a) to 
the chrootet enviroment, edit the init script to use chroot before executing. 
It can be difficult to find what devices and configuration files a services 
need. This is where the strace command becomes handy. Start the service with 
<path>/usr/bin/strace</path> bash and look for open, read, stat and maybe 
connect. This will give you a clue on what files to copy. But in most cases 
just copy the passwd file (Edit the copy and remove users that has nothing to 
do with the service), <path>/dev/zero</path>, <path>/dev/log</path> and 
Another way of creating a more secure environment is by using a virtual server 
enviroment. This will create a copy of the existing linux and boots it in a 
virtual mode. This means that if the server is compromised its only the 
virtual server that has been compromised and not the real installation. 
Examples of virtual servers: 
<uri link="">Usermode linux</uri> and an 
howto about <uri link="">user mode 
<uri link="">Virtual private 
-- Securing Services end -- 
Comment 2 Kim Nielsen 2002-04-24 01:08:48 UTC
Created attachment 658 [details]
The xml security guide

Sorry I did not see that you could attact a file.
Comment 3 Daniel Robbins (RETIRED) gentoo-dev 2002-04-24 11:04:59 UTC
Sherman -- please add this in gentoo-src/gentoo-web/xml and give it an edit. 
Thanks :)
Comment 4 Daniel Robbins (RETIRED) gentoo-dev 2002-04-24 12:38:30 UTC
taking care of it.
Comment 5 John Davis (zhen) (RETIRED) gentoo-dev 2002-12-15 21:05:33 UTC
Trying to clean out the docs-depricated so that I can close the catergory ...