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Bug 201507 - x11-wm/compiz-fusion should not depend on x11-wm/emerald-themes; or x11-themes/emerald-themes-0.5.2 should pull >=x11-wm/emerald-0.5.2
Summary: x11-wm/compiz-fusion should not depend on x11-wm/emerald-themes; or x11-theme...
Alias: None
Product: Gentoo Linux
Classification: Unclassified
Component: New packages (show other bugs)
Hardware: All Linux
: High normal (vote)
Assignee: Gentoo Linux bug wranglers
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Reported: 2007-12-06 19:00 UTC by Denilson Sá Maia
Modified: 2007-12-07 05:41 UTC (History)
0 users

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Description Denilson Sá Maia 2007-12-06 19:00:51 UTC
Take a look at x11-wm/compiz-fusion-0.6.0 ebuild. There is this line in DEPEND:

However, x11-wm/emerald is not pulled by compiz-fusion nor by x11-themes/emerald-themes. Why would the user install emerald-themes but not emerald itself? Is there any real need to install emerald-themes but not emerald, as part of compiz-fusion meta-ebuild?

[now some slightly off-topic questions]
In past, when we had beryl, users could chose among emerald, heliodor and aquamarine. Now I see the last two are not available on portage, so I guess they are unsupported/deprecated, but I'm not sure. Does someone have an explanation?

Why I asked this here? Because, based on the answer, we can conclude if emerald is optional or not to compiz-fusion.
Comment 1 Jakub Moc (RETIRED) gentoo-dev 2007-12-06 19:54:05 UTC
(In reply to comment #0)
> However, x11-wm/emerald is not pulled by compiz-fusion nor by
> x11-themes/emerald-themes.

Kindly read the x11-themes/emerald-themes better.
Comment 2 Denilson Sá Maia 2007-12-06 21:20:12 UTC

Hum... yeah, true. Sorry. But let me explain why this happened. I had beryl previously installed here, as well as emerald{,-themes}-0.2.1. Then I've added all compiz-fusion-related packages to package.keywords. Then I ran "emerge -av compiz-fusion". Portage showed me it was going to emerge x11-themes/emerald-themes-0.5.2, but showed nothing about x11-themes/emerald. Thus, I thought it was not a dependency.

I don't know if emerald-0.2.1 is compatible with compiz-fusion. But, if compiz-fusion asks specifically for emerald-themes-0.5.2, then I think either compiz-fusion ebuild or emerald-themes ebuild should depend on >=x11-wm/emerald-0.5.2.

On the other hand, although emerald is nice, it is not a dependency for compiz-fusion, since gtk-window-decorator is already shipped with x11-wm/compiz package.

So I suggest to either remove the dependency on emerald-themes from compiz-fusion ebuild or add a versioned emerald to emerald-themes DEPEND.
Comment 3 Jakub Moc (RETIRED) gentoo-dev 2007-12-06 21:23:09 UTC
We don't care about ebuilds removed from the tree, sorry.
Comment 4 Denilson Sá Maia 2007-12-07 05:41:15 UTC
(In reply to comment #3)
> We don't care about ebuilds removed from the tree, sorry.

Sorry? emerald was not removed from the tree. And I'm talking about both emerald and compiz{,-fusion}, which are on the tree now.

Well, whenever <=emerald-0.2.1 gets removed, then it wouldn't make any difference.