There is going to be a release of Ruby 1.9 on Christmas Day, 2007. Given that Gentoo has "ruby-config" to allow selection of the Ruby interpreter, can we get an ebuild for Ruby 1.9 in the tree or in an overlay so we can start testing it? I don't think there's a tarball yet -- you need to get it from the Subversion repository with svn co ruby At one point there was a "dev-lang/ruby-cvs" ebuild that worked this way -- it checked the code out from upstream and built it. They've moved to Subversion, but other than that it should be easy to do.
Requesting an ebuild for something that will be out in 5 weeks and that has nothing to download but live SVN is really beyond belief... (Zero-day bump requests) - perhaps we need to add a note about unreleased stuff there?!